The Franklin Favorite from Franklin, Kentucky (2024)

77ie franklin Fatoritr. Thundas. Shltmbcr if, I a i 5 Twinty can A30 CFBSMOXKCH KrpntiUd 5 mi at mi us i. 11 pufu ti.t -Se ci.uj tU m. SI.

ISIS. I ifit: rut-d fi-n K( (' Tus EJui Atvis G. HUNT SAM isAicr 11 tt- ttI I 8.1 V. 1 last ti 1 ia IAVVA .1 he 1 1, i- A Tl.r J.C it tl.t I'l If In hfhir fi- a irn i'ul ar.j tr.t jrrir' of Bion-n as an Wuti'n tsptf ('faion he to to Mt'irxiuh Holland, the greatt-t msth- TERMS OP EVESCKirilON la KrntuAy ltd Tt'-ntsste Om II-09 1 land 1 1h? II I 1 i 1 11 I j'rt'n win I 1 ii Sjtur- a Urg civ.4, ti'-d te t''UI .25 lb SUfi f.T' I tma U'sl prod'gy the otlJ t-ver ho circumnavigated the elpbe wiih The aV ie petti aVti.d. every Eix Kontr.s lire Mntki (PayftUe in Advance) la Other Sits On Year 1 -avonte is requttt vr an aage of f.HK ff tVuf.y acre.

iewnt The Fafi i .11.50 1 ful' oigan.Jtt lur a your inni anu Weds BJext All. P. T. Barnum'i circus. Some of the numtr required thousands of ftg-uivs, lut all wt-ie solved instantly whr'n stated to A eaten or trick problem inching to the freak, and if offcU'd to him- he merely shook his head and without If ting eiiot attain acres DiiIeM patron-! ited, aidtd and 1 tuppoited iy Entered at post-office at Franklin, ly, as secend-clast niail matter.

"SuksdayTseptember 3, im uu jornua. jill eompauy to be known a the, Lnig Creek Oil Company, has leertuly liitd ai icks tf incorpora-lioa, the incorporators, being Dr. E. ail the farmers. A his eyes from the floor remained II ,..,.,1 I.

Alpcr, Dr. A. II. Jacubstvin, Hur'h Our neighbors, both KcntueVians and Tennesfeans, are invittd to at tend 1.. Fir which, opens Wednesday night, R-ttrUil-lr 81 closes.

Saturday night. King and Quetn lept. 9,10, 11,12 (irotims and capital stock is Messrs.) Grooms and Autsn at Fountain i Run, while Dr. and Dr. until a prowem was uut-iru, that could be proven, and then quick as a tlash the answer was given.

It Stated by one of the number who witnessed the work of the prodigy that in his judgment two of the world's greatest when Meredith Holland had -pro- jacoosttm are residents 0,1 Louis Buy one item nd get another of the Blair Primary School. pounded to mm proDiems ne coma. DEMOCRATIC TICKET or Frtident FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT For Vice-President JOHN N. GARNER For United Statei Senator -M.

M. LOGAN Warren County-' For Congress GLOVES CARY Daviess County For tlerk Court of Appeals CHARLES K. Louisville When the loors open at the Floral Hull Wednesday evening at o'clock, a ticket to be voted in the King and Queen contest, will be (jiven all visitors. At 10 o'clock the result will be made- known and the King and Queen crowned. Read, the list of contestants, re-pubJisbed in today's Favor same kind orsame price FREE.

The Blair Primary School will begin its tenth annual 'session at 10 o'clock Monday, September 1 Goes to Madisonyllle. Miss Anna Lewis, who graduated with howlrs from the University of Kentucky with the class of "16, has ite, and be present to prove your solve, (yet was unable to be taught anything) by a normal mathematician who was his equal, and who in addition knew as much about everything as the average. man, could, in a be taught about I always understood that the family of Holland believed his body was buried in the Fotftr's field in Cincinnati, where lie was struck and killed by a street car, and inasmuch loyalty to the candidate of your AH Next Week Date Don't Forget the iiioice. Juvcnife Amateur Hour 1 accepted a position as Latin teacher In the high school at Madisonville, nnd will leave Saturday for that point. SHORT TALKS Mrs.

Denver Travelstead, under as the remains of revolutionary sol-1 whose direction the Juvenile Ama Visit the' Simpson- County Fair From I Large Tobacco Acreage. teur Hour is to be conducted, has unit. lj every year to the burial grounds, at Opinions and Expressions Thinking People, Col. Mose Wall, who owns and op worked diligently to the end that 'her charges may provide the visitors with news- "Of all nublications, the erates a splendid farm on the border between Logan and Simpson counties, "is perhap.ih-JMst tobacco -jtils. ana make our forexyour -paper- is the least thought of, par- an.

hour- pleasing-entertaiumentr This feature if scheduled for 8:30 at the Floral a special invita-1 tionrfsftended everybody. Old Mulkey Meeting IJouse for re-interntcntj it would very appropriate if the dustbf Holland could find a resting place in the county of his birth, where the thousands' tWHlr visit sacred shrine might read an inscription of the Kentuckyprodigy who was the ty ea -ictprd jS urfTW' ma ion, he has "173 acres in tobacco and the hmd in Fair 'Catalogue ticularly. the small town paper, yet it contains the history of mankind as certainly as the monuments the ancient or the ponderous books of man's read and tossed aside, lost, torn, trampled on, burned without the least aaa wiiiy person in all' Kentucky -ever to Simpson County' Bank, Union Ice Cream Company, R. H. Moore Drug receive a personal gift from Jenny Lind, the world's greatest singer." and Mrs.

Holman Hosts. Mr. and Mrs. C. R.

Holman enter Company, Henry Akin Met calfe Florist, Brigance Motor National Stores Simpson Coun tained at "50" Tuesday evening in honor of their guests, Misses Malissa HUGART HUNT ty Loose Leaf Tobacco Warehouse Holman arid Lucile Walker, of Adair- regret or consideration," said a minister in eulogy at the grave of a deceased Minnesota editor recently, "yet' in to -it is jpo'ured a mass of.mat-ter, good and" bad, joy and sorrow, laughs and tears, the history of today's -side are The guest list included the SueU's Cafe, Ross M. Hughes Cafe, Holman's 7th St. House, honorees, and Misses Fannie Blanch Mason of. Adairville, Martha The Mod Drug Store Saunders Jackson, Draper Dar-J ern of Elkton, Tholma McClanahan, Mary- Present Drivers! Livenses to Sup- "plant Old Law County Clerk Is to Edith Veriable, Messrs. Will Payne, Company, 'Gillespie Dry Goods Wilkerson Feed Company, Booker's Ice Company, American Dry Cleaners, Reeder's Market," Whitney Transfer Shugart Hunt, Hotel John Clark, Rcdmon Donald Dinning, Miles Taylor and Clint Smith.

1 life's meanest and mightiest things; fighting co*cks and.fighting kings; the birth of babes, the death' of the slaughter of men, and the profits of war; and too often the fighting co*cks are more important thari the fighting kings. Yet we must rely 08 the small town, paper to maintain our tights. We expect it to be unmoved Death. Franklin, Logan, Standard Oil Lerman Baird Lucas, J. E.

Kerley Sons, Shugart Kentucky statute, providing for chauffeurs' licenses has been repealed, according to letter received by County Clerk W. B. Caudill. The following areexplanatory excerpts from the communication ad HOME AGENT'S NOTES NEIGHBORHOOD PICNIC NORTH SIMPSON HOMEMAKERS' Mr, A. Covington died at his homelh the Hickory Flat.

country at ANNUAL PICNIC I and. Mrs. H. Maholland entertained with a picnic last Tuesday Clark Coal Ellen lnnBen Franklin Store, Bradley Son, -Rodney Whitlow, L. Norwood Company, W.

C. Grainger, Clendenning dressed to all County Clerks by H. an early hour Monday morning, after a lingering illness from Bright's disease. 1 evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs.

Lu Clyde Reeves, director of the division of motor vehicles, Department of Revenue, Frankfort: r- Birthday Celebrated, Calendar September 3 4-H Room Improvement Tour 8:15 A. Barnes 4-H. -Club, 2:30 Prospect Hill 4-H Club, 7:00 P. M. i Friday, September 4 Bethel Grove 4-H Club, 2:00 P.

school house; Oak Grove Homemakers, 2:30 P. Mrs; Burr Reed. 7 Sautrday, September 5 4-H Ad Thompson; F. P. Bogle, J.

M. Smith, The Oaks Dairy, Bernard Lapid-us, Western Kentucky Gas Don-riell's Grocery, H. G. Snider, Park ther' Duffer and sojv Henry, of Columbus, who were leaving for their home on Wednesday. The guests were seated at tables on the "This will advise you that we are by influence and unbridled by We expect it to be pledged to religion, liberty and law.

When tfnese things are lost from our local communities, through betrayal or greed, the nation is on the brink of ruin. If we can keep our community life, through bur local Ihe. world of sordid defilements of exploitation and greed, there is hope" and a future for the' nation." in receipt of opinion from the At Mrs. J. R.

Huflines were hosts of a four-course dinner," Sunday, at their home in the Round Pond Diamond Service Station, torney General's office under date of August 18 to the effect that Section 22 of the Uniform Operators' License Act repeals the statutes providing which was beautifully lighted lights. Refreshments were served to the-following guests: Mr. Mrs. Luther Duffer and son, Harris Cro'w'dus, Franklin Steam Laundry, Brown Ice Cream Company. Hughes James, R.

B. Eubank, No more. beautiful spot "can le 3 found in all Kentucky, than the "Lewis as it is called, three miles north of Franklin, on Highway 31-W. And surely no more gracious, and charming hosts can be foimf anywhere than the owner of -this beautiful W. B.

Lewis, and Mrs. Lewis. At this beautiful 'spot, with these delightful host's, the JSJorth Simpson Homemakers gathered for their annual picnic on. the afternoon of August 25," On tables, placed on the spacious lawn, supper was served, and jus.t as the setting sun touched fertile fields and broad acres with a golden glow of 'splendor, members visory Council, 1:30 P. M.

I forlhe licensing of Pur- suant tohis opinion, you are advised section, complimentary to Mrs, Sara Huffines, whose seventy-fifth birthday fell on this date. Twenty-nine guests were present. For Magistrate. In the 'announcement column of today's Favorite our readers will find the authorized card of Mr. Sam E.

"The friends of Jack. Bradshaw not to sell any more chauffeurs' li George R6ddy, Hubert Creasy Lum-J ber Harris Yokley, Chas. C. Parks Jordan Sons, Coca Cola, Duncan's Food Store, Palace Lunch Car, Franklin Motor Quick Ser Henry, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Browning, Mr.

-and M. G. Law, Mr. and Mrs. J.

R. Stewart', Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stafks, Mr. and Mrs.

T. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Mr. and Mrs.

W. Hall, Mrs. and that means people in all of the censes. Persons making applications September 9-12 County Fair. Program Conductors' Training School The Program Conductors of the Homemakers' Clubs of this county met in Hopkinsville with representatives from five other counties for a training school on Monday, August 31.

Miss Zelma Monroe was in and Western Kentucky for chauffeurs' licenses should be in-counties, a portion of Missouri, and'structed hat they are required to vice Machine R. H. Flood E. Harris, Insurance have the operators' license which is the entire Lake region Florida, he secured from the Circuit Court Cleric, Ellis, who seeks the Democratic nomination for Justice of the Peace in East having lived for a time in the 'Show State, and also in the land of John Duffer, Mrs. Julia Fleeman, Mr.

Virgil Hale, Mr. Thomas Law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Maholland, Misses Velma Hall, Mabel Kinman Norma Agency, W.

D. Harris, Hill Service Company, Nehi Dr. Pepper Bott that drivers of motor vehicles and guests of the club gathered, to partake of 'a bounteous supper, such charge' of the meeting which proved food as that for which the ladies of the cabbage palm and alligators," engaged as common or contract car-said a citizen yesterday, "will riers must be registered with the jiear with genuine pleasure that he Division of Motor Transportation of isgivenV that club are justly famous. Browning, Edith and Elizabeth Maholland, Conrad Billy Maholland, Mary Lee Temple, Betsy Booker, Mary Jane Hughes. Later, as the evening shadows gathered, the guests assembled on ling Hatter Hdw.

H. G.1 Guthrie Service Station, Franklin Favorite, Tiny Tea Room, Hughes Hdwe. 0. L. Tiffany, -Harry S.

Jackson, W. N. A. Gillespie, Kentucky Utilities Gulf Refining Massey Motor Glover H. Gary, Harris Feed Arnold both interesting and beneficial.

The programs which, have been planned for the clubs this fall were demonstrated' and discussed, in order to give the Program Conductors a clear understanding of how the programs the veranda, and under the super the Department of Business Regula- tion and issued a drivers' license. "Money collected for chauffeurs' licenses and badges sold after July 31, 1936 was, under this opinion, collect has been majle deputy collector under Internal Revenue Collector Selden Glenn, with a number of counties in this tier as territory. It will be required that Mr. Bradshaw have headquarters at Bowling Green, but- he vision of Mrs. Geo.

Widener, Club (Continued from page 4) NEW ADVERTISER IS WELCOMED should be presented in their clubs. Program Conductor, games and various contests were enjoyed until ad Barkley said "no two- Senators urug lo, -r; journment at a late hour. have worked together more harmoniously than Logan and myself." We welcome to the ranks of our advertisers, the -firm of Max Pot- Miss Lacy to Observe Rooms Miss Edith Lacy, from the Uni Contributors I Such an evening, the beauty of the spot and the hospitality of Mr. and ed- without statutory authority and must be returned to allow credit for money collected for chauffers' licenses sold afer July 31, 1936." The County Clerks are notified to refund money to persons who pur He added that there was no Senator Harpy Lippman, W. E.

'Mansfield, versity, will be in Simpson county, Mrs. Lewis wijl long be remembered more "conscientious" or "harder- Armour Creameries, R. C. Owens, W. Thursday, September 3rd, and will working" than Logan, and quoted ajs.

Butt Warner Harris Son, ter, Office Equipment dealers of Bowling Green, who have contracted for a year's advertisem*nt in This firm, while carrying. all types make a tour of rooms of girls who by those who wsre present. A Club Member, be permitted to retain his residence here. And speaking of retaining a home base, Mr. Bradshaw is entitled to first, second and third.

Before attaining his majority he was trusted with a responsible position in the State service, which he' vohin-larily resigned ten years later' to-engage in the mercantile trade in Mis- souri. When the real estate boom chased chauffeurs' licenses after July compliment paid Logan by President 31, 1936. At the time of making the have finished the Room Improvement project. The girls who took this project, along with Miss Penn. will accompany Miss Lacy on the tour.

A. P. Tea Dr. L. F.

Beasley, Dr. Claypooi, Dr. N. C. Witt, Dr.

J. J. Kelly, Dr. Bud Neely, Dr. Bassett Neely, Joe P.

Clark, E. P. Hatter, Kuhn's 5 10 Cent. Store, refund the Clerk will take up the original iertificate and badge' of the of office equipment and supplies, specializts in the repairing of office WANTED- same number. This is necessary for Roosevelt to the effect that there was no Senator "more dependable" than Logan.

The two Senators were the principal speakers Both were introduced by Circuit Judge N. Porter Sims. W. C. Sumpter, Warren County cam they will leave, the Hoihe Demon verification purposes.

XO BUY Brownlee, Crowdus Turner, Erie stration Agent's office at 8:15 AM. machinery, typewriters, adding machines, fountain pens, etc. The business is owned and operated by Mr. Max B. Potter who has 1 -M Several gttd aheep, Hamp Duff, Mrs.

F. Neely, Caudill, Virgil Mrs. W. C. Lovell, The Clerk of the- Simpson County SECREAM SUPPEJP- paign manager for Logan, presided.

long been associated with the busi-r Court has requested The Favorite to say that all money collected for shires of Southdo wnsTjref erred. House Bryan, County of Simpson, Franklin Wholesale Grocery, Liberty broke in Florida 'he landed at Eustis, drove tent stakes and remained in the sands until after a million misguided Americans had returned to their homes throughout the Union and the islands of the sea. In of these years he never felt that the word 'home' held for him 'either meaning or sweetness except in the Ice Cream SuWfat Pilot Vnnh Those in attendance, from Franklin chauffeurs' license after July 31, will Phone 2411 Theatre, Ben Humphrey, Law's Hdw, church Sat Wruay niBht7er)temhPT be refunded. 5th. were: Mr.

and. Mrs. L. b. Kobey, Mr.

Groc," Bryant Studio, Porter Butt, and Mrs. A. Crowe, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Station, Dr.

Vickers, W. R. PIPELINE OFFICE BEING Otho. Haydon, and Mrs. George ness and is well known throughout this trade He solicits your business in his store and promises' prompt service on all mail orders, which are solicited.

Attention is also directed to the advertisem*nt of W. D. Gilliam, Secretary of the North Scottsville National Farm Loan Association. 1 MOVED TO OWENSBORO Peebles, Chas. Phillips, C.

H. Jaggers, Walter Buttoft, Frank Phillips, Fair Hop Committee. ES IS NOTICE Duncan, Messrs. R. Hammond, W.

B. Caudill, W. T. Mclnteer, Tom Shugart, S. Bradshaw, W.

R. Peebles, E. P. Hatter, H. S.

Bogan, J. H. Bradshaw, Jack Keen Robey, Joe P. Clark, Will Ilorne, Clifford Haydon, Gene Daly, Haydon and Joe Thurmond. Kindly take notice that thj :0 POULTRY RAISERS precinct in which the house of his I birth is located, and to (fast his suffrage among the sons and daughters of the friends of his father, the lamented W.

Bradshaw, he has often traveled hundreds of miles. Jack Bradshaw never lifted his hand to harm a fellow mortal, but would gladly go miles cut of his way to- do a kindness to a less fortunate fellow-man. True to self and convictions. tucky Home.SMttTty, Lyn (Bowling Green News). The local office of the Producers Pipeline Company at the old Bowling Green Refinery site near Memphis Junction will be closed toniorrow and V.

I. Patterson, who has been in charge of the local branch will move with his family to Owensboro. Local operation of the Owensboro INDEPENDENCE 4-H CLUB don, Kentuckyytkougjints Superin tendent, K. Li. MesngejLwiii place Mallie DavenporUfhirteen Hvcars of age, for adoption; Any aruKll Don't forgetthat Friday night, September 4th, is the club meeting IJue to that we are dpdbling our hatchinffcapaHhr of last yeat we will do your culling andood-testixig absolutely free, and give you the highest cash nrice AGED WOMAN DIES Mrs.

Thenio Gorham, 67, died, at objections jto said adoption as pro Collector Glenn could not have given Company will be directed by Mr. Pat vided bjSection 2072 should be made withjir four weeks from September a place to a more deserving man and her home here Saturday afternoon after a brief illness. She was the widow of Henry Gorham. date, want all members present, as we will make plans for the Fair. We also invite all those who wish to become members to be present.

Club Reporter. for your eggs. All work will be done by a NEW POSTMASTER terson from the home office. Checks to producers -in Warren, Allen and Simpson Counties will be mailed each month from Ownsboro, but will be drawn on local banks. Only a few hours before she 'was oiaic nccnseu lnspeptor.

WW stricken, an application had been filed Democrat, and from such selections fidelity to duty and praiseworthy service always come." "One of the most remarkable men .1 have ever known was "reared in a Kentucky county not far removed Ye also offer y5u free doorMo door uick FOTSJ1ENT The McElwain by her asking for an old-age pen. sion. guiar' Bank dM AT RUSSELLVILLE Mr. George Morton Beasley has been appointed postmaster at Rus-sellville, and will take charge of the Mr." a son of Mrs. up each weelySee us any Satury, in the rear of Harrif Yokley's grocerySor write She Was a member of the Baptist church and a devout- christian wo Square, now occupiolM'hompson Clendenning as arffue.

roassion T. Carman of us at oncer man. She is survived by a son and office within the next few day3 Tiuary 1st anrrangement from Simpson," said a Kentuckian, "and while outstanding evidences of daughter. made forlfossession October 1st. Ie The FOR.

X1 -jrtTGRAYTMrrJ, Funeral services were conducted ftt thf Mission clturch Monday Tnorning Have just installed jrtfw agricul-turaTISiTdant aAuburn. Can furnish yourTJMCall" rr" cTNJtEART, Phone Haner prfywi on college. oimpson County Hatchery T- V- J-- his work, although he died more than forty yejrsjBgo, are to be awn in all sections of the county of his hirth, I doubt if a State newspaper ever The feeding and breeding of regis at 10 o'clock by Rev. W. W.

Payne, CjnTricompiete, PO. Box 21 fi fower and tu and tub tered swine herds have aroused at and burial made in Round Fond newly wire Franklin, Ky. lyflnower oWJmu -a line concerning him. He J. S.

VAUGHN tention in Fayette county. emctcry. -sir 3.

The Franklin Favorite from Franklin, Kentucky (2024)


How did Franklin KY get its name? ›

Franklin, Kentucky, (population 8,017) the county seat of Simpson County, was established in 1819 and named for Benjamin Franklin. Just north of Nashville, Tennessee, Franklin has been honored as one of the 50 Best Small Southern Towns.

What county is Franklin, Kentucky located in? ›

Franklin is a home rule-class city in and the county seat of Simpson County, Kentucky, United States.

What county is Frankfort, KY in? ›

Frankfort is the capital city of the U.S. state of Kentucky and the seat of Franklin County.

What was Kentucky named before it was Kentucky? ›

In the late 18th century, prior to 1769, Botetourt and successor counties of the Colony of Virginia, whose geographical extent was south of the Ohio/Allegheny rivers beyond the Appalachian Mountains, became known to European Americans as Kentucky (or Kentucke) country.

What is the ethnicity of Franklin Kentucky? ›

The largest Franklin racial/ethnic groups are White (80.2%) followed by Black (12.8%) and Two or More (3.6%).

What is Franklin County named after? ›

It was named for Benjamin Franklin, the governor of Pennsylvania, where many settlers originated. The County lies in the western piedmont, a diverse terrain ranging from flatlands on the east to rugged peaks of the Blue Ridge Mountains on the west.

Who is Franklin County Kentucky named after? ›

The county was formed in 1795 from parts of Woodford, Mercer and Shelby counties, and was named after the American inventor and statesman Benjamin Franklin.

How many counties in the US are named Franklin? ›

Franklin County (25 counties)

Twenty three of the twenty five Franklin Counties in the United States are named for Benjamin Franklin, the famous Founding Father, printer, scientist, philosopher, and diplomat.

What is the nickname of Kentucky? ›

Kentucky's state nickname is the "Bluegrass State" because of the abundance of the grass in its pastures.

What is the race population in Frankfort Kentucky? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Frankfort, KY are White (Non-Hispanic) (73%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (12.2%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (5.61%), Other (Hispanic) (2.82%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) (2.54%).

What is Kentucky state known for? ›

Kentucky is known around the world for its horse racing prestige, with the Kentucky Derby being a premier event attracting visitors from across the globe. The state's natural beauty is nothing to scoff at either, including the Mammoth Cave National Park, the longest cave system in the world, acting as a major draw.

Why did they name their state Franklin? ›

A State that many have never heard of -the State of Franklin was named for Benjamin Franklin. In 1784, Franklin was a part of North Carolina's western territory, a part of the grant of Charles II.

Who is Franklin County, KY named after? ›

The county was formed in 1795 from parts of Woodford, Mercer and Shelby counties, and was named after the American inventor and statesman Benjamin Franklin.

How did Franklin County get its name? ›

Named after Benjamin Franklin, Franklin County was created on February 25, 1784. The original inhabitants of this Piedmont region were the Creek and Cherokee Indians. Typically, the Creek Indians were warlike while the Cherokee were more peaceful.

Why was Franklin Tennessee named after Benjamin Franklin? ›

The City of Franklin, Tennessee (population 42,000), was founded October 26, 1799. A local member of the Continental Congress, Dr. Hugh Williamson, named the city after his close friend, Benjamin Franklin, while the surrounding Williamson County was named after the doctor.


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.