Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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Tuesday -LEXINGTON LEADER August 27 1918 7 The Red Cross unit of the Lexington Chapter A will hold a call meeting -at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon on the parlor floor of the Phoenix Hotel All members who have work out are asked to return It The War Relief Service Committee during the past year has Issued and distributed to the Chapters 141600 Daughters of the American Revolution Bulletins on War-Time subjects has also distributed 30550 pamphlets published by other patriotic organizations pn special features of war work The president general Mrs Guernsey and the chairman Mrs Scott Ufcve ai so sent inspiring letters on war-time subjects The report of the Publicity-Director to Continental Congress was complied from our Bulletin No 24a leturned to the Publlcity-Dlseotor of the Commlt-tee' by the State Regents of forty-four States and' Includes also reports from the Orient Honolulu and Cuba -FOR OUR ARMY NAVY AND AVIATORS Ambulances 2891538 Mothers always feel relieved when ait opportunity presents itself to make an economical purchase for the little fellows who outgrow and wear out their clothes faster than they can be made We had intended to carry a full line of wash suits for little boys but in spite of our increased floor space we find we have no room for these goods Therefore we are offering you our complete line of SESSION OPENS SEPT 10 HAMILTON I A Junior College for Young Women Lexington Ky High school courses and two years of standard college work may be taken under ideal conditions Offers strong courses in -Piano Voice Violin Expression Public Speaking Art Household Economics and Commercial Work -Training in the tha Social Duties of the cultured home is given all students Write for catalogue Thos A Ilcndricks -President 100150 141200 41127800 482500 416835 2487160 755550 910G25 Barrack Bags Blankets Comfort Kits Field Kitchens Home Relief Hospitality House and Rooms Housewives vI Knitted Garments' 43742 visiting Mrs Bettle McCreight 'and Mrs Holly Hendricks at Sbelby-ville Miss Ollle Eldrldge is leavlg for Oak Park-III where she will spend two months at her brother's Mr and Mrs- Eldrldge Miss Jessie Arnett Patton of the Maysville pike has returned from a ten days visit In Cincinnati and will return Sept 1 to take op special work at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music Miss Goldie Ben Arnett of Ironton Is the guest of her aunt Mrs Samuel Patton on the Maysville pike Mr James after spending a few weeks with his uncle Gorm-ley and family returned to Chicago Saturday He passed thru this city last night on his way to Camp Wade-worth Miss Francis Willard Davis daughter of Mr and Mrs Davis Is having' a delightful visit with relatives in Chicago A number of social affairs have been given In her honor Last Wednesday a picnic party wav given In Lincoln Park In the afternoon the party motored over the city sight teeing A trip to Evanston was much enjoyed Returning to the city Mr and Mrs Eugene Arnsplgr entertained with supper Other motor trip? and a -theater party are planned this week Miss Mary Price haw returned home after a delightful vhcatlun at White Sulphur Springs Va and Old Point Va Mr and Mrs McClure had as their guests for the week-end Miss Shemwell and Miss May Johnson of Marshall county Mr and Mrs Byron Shemwell of Graves county-and Mr John Shemwell of Camp Buell Mrs Luxon and daughters Anna Louise and Mary Wllgus of Cincinnati who hve been the guests of Mrs L- McClure on North Upper street' are now with Mrs Updike of South Spring street Miss Margaret McClure who has been spending a month with her brother Mr Iwing McClure at Spring Hill Smyrna Ga la expected home' the latter part of the week Mr and rs Karl Stoll arrived Sunday from Louisville for a visit to Mr and Mrs Updike Misses Elizabeth Gregory Margaret Shea Mary Elizabeth Dean and Mrs John McCarthy have returned to their homes in Paris after a visit to the Misses Brannon on Forest avenue' LIEUUANlIER This financial statement does not Include the sums of 326672 raised by one Daughter for War Chest 35000 raised by one Chapter for British War Loan i 31400 raised by oae Daughter for Emergency Fund to Auxiliary of Navy Relief Society It does not Include also miscellaneous gifts not financially listed In State Regent's reports Among hundreds of other supplies are: Twenty more ambulances 10400 garments for France 198297 hospital garments 1-807268 surgical supplies for National Surgical Dressings Committee and Red Cross 116 regimental flags 31-132 books for 4(T1 binoculars etc It does not include tha adoption of a Cavalry Cbmpany a regiment and 2-511 individual soldiers and sailors nor the entertainment In homes of 11877 other men from cantonments and ships Including 500 men from British ships It does not Include the sacrifice and heroism of seventy-three Daughters of the American Revolution whir on foreign soil are bravely serving humanity as Red Cross nurses In France Egypt and Palestine as physicians as canteen cafeteria civilian relief CA A workers teacher of stenography to the blind superintendent of dairy anaesthetlzer on the firing -line secretary to Major Murphy treasurer-accountant to General Pershing etc Dr Taylor Miss Bartlett' Announcements as follows have been received by relatives and friends: Doctor Thomas Madison Taylor and Mrs Wallace Moore Bartlett announce their- marriage on Wednesday the fourteenth of August One thousand nine hundred and eighteen at Sandusky Ohio Enclosed were cards: Doctor and Mrs Thomas Madison Taylor Will be at home After the first of November Three hundred and eighty Riverside Drive City of New York Miss Jessie Arnett Patton entertained with a six dinner at her country home -on the Maysville pike In honor of her cousin Miss Goldie Ben Arnett of Ironton Tbe color scheme- was yellow and white the table being artistically decorated with white lilies culled from the garden of the hostess Covers were laid for Miss Arnett Miss Billie Saunders of Paris Miss Patton Mrs Edward A Tilton of Waverly Mrs Arnett of Frankfort Mr Bruce Kenny of Louisville Mr Howard Barrow of this city and Mrs Patton' Mrs McCreight and sons Masters Jesse Farris and Jack Taylor are Washable Suits for Little Boys which we desire to close out at once While they last they may be had in sail or suits blouses and combination suits The fabrics are light weight khaki blue and gray chambray drill linen and a few union overall suits Sizes 2y2 to 8 years 1 Prices 75c To $200 Wc Urge You to Purchase at Once as the Number of these Suits Is Limited sets 312 62490400 Mending Bureaus 29658 Mess Fund Miscellaneous 2497637 Oversea Christmas Gift? i 202524 Other Organizations 441715 Red Cross and National Surgical Dressings 31387680 A 1899900 L'W A 2663200 TRANSYLVANIA COLLEGE Total cash gift for above 2 14 12 JS 5007 FOR FRANCE French Orphans 33959525 Tllloloy 1479302 1 Children Southern -France 54GOO Cafeteria for Women and Girls working in Am- munition Plants 426200 Other Relief In France 132517 LOOK FOR OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS TO WOMEN SHOPPERS FOR MEN IjCxiaictoii Ky In the Heart of the standard college fully ac- credited offering courses lead-' Ing to the A and A degrees unsurpassed in prepa- ration experience and teaching ability Personal attention given to every student Adequate equipment In bnlld-Mngs grounds libraries' labr- stories gymnasium and ufh-letic field training given under -the direction of the govern-' ment Emphasis given to pre-vocation-al courses In Agriculture En-gineerlng Law Medicine Busl- ness Administration Prepares teachers for high school and college positions Expenses reasonable Large opportunities for self-help while 1 in college SESSION OPENS SEPT 16 catalOKue Hi other informs tlon iddrrM THIS I'RKSIUKXT Lirxlnsrton Ky 3605n44 FOR OUR OTHER ALLIES Armenia Belgium England 1 Flanders Italy Poland Scotland Ser- bla Syria 32644335 1 1 wrHrM(4) Total cash gifts for all our allies 38696479 First and Second Lib- erty Loans 3786876900 Third Liberty Loan (Apr 16 1918) 1199320 Thrift Stamps 3576644 UNITED CORNER LEXINGTON KY Total War Expenditures 3941574350 am rious lllnesa In her parent's family one sister being very ill of fever the funeral cortege will go direct to the cemetery where services will be held at the grave services to be conducted by the Rev Mark Colli MI88 BE88IE JEWELL MEREDITH Miss Bessie Jewell Meredith aged 17 years died at' SL hospital last night of typhoid fever She Is survived by her mother Mrs Mattie Lee Meredith two sisters Miss Ruble Lee and Mildred Frances Meredith The body was taken to the home on Richmond avenue CAMP SHERMAN SOLDIER SHOOT WIFE ENDS LIFl By Associated Frees CAMP SHERMAN CHILUCOTHH Aug 27 John Boynton of Den er a private In the Corps at Camp Sherman shot hi: wife following a quarrel and later com mltted suicide In a tin shop at camp His body was found by military pa Ucemen who were sent to arrest him Mrs Boynter will live The contented liar uses a soft mat tress reflect difficulty by the companies accountants In figuring the proper tax under the complicated excess profits law The examination of coal companies has been under way for three months by a corps of thirty-five accountants especially trained In coal mining accounting problems THRU HIS FACES tha matter old chap? You look sort of foolish" -I feal foolish Borne of my distant relatives are coming to call and Til have to be trotted out so they can all see what kind of a critter sho Louie villa Courler-JournaL THEM APPAREL PERFECTS PARACHUTE WHICH IS ACCEPTED BY WAR -HE IS DETAILED IN UNITED STATES DURING TESTS Lieutenant Van Meter Jr who gained his commission at Camp Benjamin Harrison has perfected an invention of a parachute to be carried by an aviator when flying that Is released by the use of a cord reaching from between the shoulder blades to the hand This appliance Is intended to cave the flyer In case of an accident or when engine trouble threatens a fall It is very light being made of sllk covered with a thin varnish and can be folded Into a small space and worn under the collar of the aviator The spread la wide enough to resist the air pressure and will hold the weight of two men giving a slow drop from any height The War department has accepted the plan of the device and already experiments have been made with dummies released' from a balloon Lieutenant Van Meter Hill remain on this aide until his Invention has been given a crucial test he having been detailed for special duty at Washington during the tests of his machine If and there has been seen nothing to make It otherwise the parachute will be the means of saving many lives as a flyer If not caught In his plane or severely wounded can by releasing the bag unroll the parachute and after clearing himself from his plane drop to the ground as 'has been done many times from balloons Lieutenant Van Meter Is well known in Lexington having been born In the county and attended school here Before reaching his majority he went agroad and entered Oxford where he took a special course After returning to Lexington he engaged In farming and afterward in the automobile business being 9 partner In the Service Tire Company) He Is now In the aviation branch of the service and should his device prove practicable will have done bit in more ways than one a soldier In the army of the United States and an Inventor of a life saving devlpe caculated to lessen the risk that has made this branch the most romantic and spectacular of any in the present war deattpitrals Q-4 264 West Main Street Goods Outftt MiUi- nery BROWN FALL BEARERS The pall bearers for the funeral of Thomas Brown will he: Active and Goodwin Hamilton Robert Couchman Ogden Crutcher and Bronston McChord Dr Coons Graves Ed Graves Joe Hildreth Joseph Downing and Lawrence Hildreth Rev Guynn will officiate and the interment will be In the family lot in tha Lexington cemetery MRS BETTI 8MITH Mri Bettle Smith 72 years old widow of Robert Smith died at South Elkhorn last night at 9 o'clock very suddenly She Is survived by two daughters 'Mrs Jones Taylor of Fayette county and Mrs Harry Davis of Hillsboro Ind one brother George Muir of Lexington two sisters Mrs Msrgsret Millar of Lexington and Mrs Mattie Millar of Byhalla Miss Funeral arrangements will he annunc-ed later ftad Especially Introducing Charming New Hats i FM A'-'reafter FrESl I We are now ready to show a splendid selection of new Fall Suits Dresses and Coats and cordially invite our patrons to come and see a display that possesses more grace distinctiveness and beauty than any brought out in years and it is still further to their advantage that they lend' those very qualities to their wearers- It will be GREATLY to your advantage to your 'selection Present stocks were contracted for at prices that are from 10 to 25 less than' present wholesale cost and in addition there is an absolute shortage of nearly every sort of desirable material -A- 'Vi Mewllsr Appdjiftsdl i unad Jnmnar Pgpurfhneiad is showing the most complete assortment the most attarctive lines of Dresses Coats and Headwear ever displayed in this establish- ment and 7 V' Just Received $495 $750 $1000 i The hats for these prices are exceptional will enjoy seeing them Every one of new distinctive and stylish The colors are black navy taupe and brown The trimmings are beautiful new ostrich fancies smart wing effects chenile and jet If you want a new our advice is to come early they will not last at these prices $495 $750 $1000 AMERICAN WOUNDED GET-MILLION SURGICAL DRESSINGS IN MONTH Red Cross Operates Twelve Hospitals and Four Are Being Built In France By Aeaeclatcd Frees PARIS Aug 27 The American Red Cross has supplied 1100000 surgical dressings to the American wounded during the last month twelve hospitals are being operated four new hospitals are being built and con- valescent homes' have been established i at Blarrlts and other places The monthly report made public today hows also that the canteen service has supplied 100000 meals and a million hot drinks to the wounded to whom 4000000 cigarettes also have been dlstrlmuted 'The' American Red Cross now Is operating farms for the convalescent aggregating 249 acres: Tbe report dealing with supplies shows that each division of the army receives 2300 dally papers and 500 weekly magazines Loans to 362 newly commissioned army officers-have been made tq assist them In buying equipment COAL COMPANIES FAIL TO REPORT PROFITS Hr AHftoelated PrcM WASHINGTON Aug Examination of the business records of about 265 coal producing companies by experts of the internal revenue bureau has disclosed unreported profits yielding more than additional tax revenue to the government More than 2500 companies remain to be examined and officials expect 1 to gather a total of 350000000 taxes from these sources Some cases represent evident at-tempti to evade tax payments' hut a large proportion officials 1 explained MRS NANNIE ROBERTS Mrs Nannie Roberts aged 76 years died at her home 140 East Max well street yesterday afternoon at 5:30 after a protracted illness Shq Is survived by her husband William Roberts and daughter Miss Nancy Roberts also a sister Mrs Amanda Moore all of Lexington A brief funeral service will take place at the residence tomorrow morning at 9 Richard Gillispie officiating Burial will take plade In family lot In Battle Grove cemetery Cyn-thlana Ky at noon Wednesday MRS BOONE The body of Mrs Boone formerly Miss Clara Anderson daughter of Anderson of 636 North Limestone street will reach here this afternoon on the 5:35 Chesapeake ft Ohio train from Wllllamston where she died of typhoid fever She la survived by he husband and one child Forrest Jr On account of se- GRAPE JUICE CONCORD and CATAWBA-HARP BROS Short New Shipment of Hats at ST EVERY DAY Over II Thompsons I.

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Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.