Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)

THE CHATTANOOGA TIMES: CHATTANOOGA, SUNDAY, JULY 1 C) 0 I I MISS JONES WEDS BUNYAN STEPHENS Hunt land Wedding Five Generations MISS LONG MARRIED TO STERLING KNOTT 19 LEE MARRIES RUSSELL L. DALLAS Father Officiates in Athens Wedding. ZZ5 I MISS Bride's A Bliss Be Brotb Ch ATHENS. et Miss Hell took place at the home ton street. I officiated, On17 men were presen and Bradto brother cot tendants.

The bride MISS Bride's lYliss Brother ATHENS. Of Miss Helen took place at the home ton street. officiated, OnlY Were present. and Bradford brother of The bride 1,.. 47.7rii.........

i-, s. i. .4 2 1, 1, i i -Vz $. 'a a 1.0- i .4.... yr.

-es ,,,10 7 I i A6. 0, 'r .0 Ai A''' 1 it, Beard and Bridegroom's Only Attendants Leave on Trip. 11.1 4k 4... '48f. 1 ......4 11T 1.

-0 7 41,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,, it. 1, .....4 ti, trs, 5:::,,,,,, 000'- sval- 2- Ilk I 1 1 ,..4... 41 i ollr f. ,1 tt tr 1 1 -4 111: 1 If 44 40 0 44- A 1 :,0 i I. Asir i 1,,,,...,,,,, 1 11 es: ped.0),,:4 :s.y,i,.'::'; i 1 I 1 .1 Above is pictured five generations of the family of Mrs.

Patience Johnson, 88. of Dunlap. In the picture are (from left to right) Mrs. Janie Hartman, Mrs. Johnson, Curry Johnson and Mrs.

Lou Maberry. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevenson and attendants at their recent wedding in Runt land are pictured above. They are (from left to right, front row) Miss Maymee Stovall.

Miss Evelyn Pack, Powell Elam. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson. Miss Josephine Taylor, Miss Carolyn Arnold.

Miss Kathleen Stovall and Master Robert L. Taylor. (back row) James Stovall. E. D.

Rogers, R. A. Stovall, Mrs. R. A.

Stovall, William Parrott and Dr-. Charles Latham. Chattanooga Times Special. June marriage Lee and Russell Lonas Dallas Saturday afternoon at I o'clock of the bride on East Washing- Her father, Dr. C.

A. Beard, using the impressive ceremony members of the Immediate families Miss Clara Beard. of Athens. Dallas. of Knoxville, twin the were the only attendants.

is the daughter. of Dr. and Mrs. C. A.

Beard. of Athens, and -Is a popular member of the younger social set and active in club work. She is president of the B. G. Ks.

Her education was cluired at TennesseeWesleyan. college, Athens. Martha Washington college and Randolph-Macon. The groom is a son of Mrs. Minnie L.

Drillas. of Knoxville, and is a graduate of the University of Tennessee. He has spent the past several months in this city, Where he is connected with the T. E. R.

A. Immediately following the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas left for a wedding trip.

the destination not announced. On their return they will make their home at the Robert E. Lea hoteL i a Lantl.Wankan. George L. Parks announces the en: tagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Miss Charlotte Land, to Rufus L.

Wankan. both of this city. The bride is a daughter of the late Charlie F. Land. The ceremony will be said July II, at the I First Baptist church at 6:30 o'clock.

The bride Is a popular member of the unser social set. The groom-elect is a i brother of Editor Fred B. Wankan and holds the position of foreman in the com, Dosing room of the Daily Post-Athenian. a a a Welch-Powell. The marriare of Miss Alice Powell.

daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. T. H. Powell, of Big Springs.

Meigs county. and Dorman Welch. spoon of Mr. and -Mrs. N.

J. Welch. of Day- ton. was solemnized tonight at a o'clock In the study of the Rev. D-.

Carmack Morris. the officiating minister. The impressive ring service-was used. Miss Irene Powell, sister of the bride. and Em Inett Welch.

brother of the groom. were the only attendants. The bride is a graduate of Decatur High school. She is an attractive and popular member of the younger social set in De, catur and Athens. where she has spent Touch of her time for the past two years with an uncle and aunt, Mr.

and Mrs. W. E. Grubb. Mr.

Welch is a graduate of Dayton High and holds a position with the Home Stores at Soddr. a a Miss Mary Neal Childress whose marriage to John Stanley Schoaf. win be an event of early July. was honoree at a tea Wednesday afternoon given by Miss Bettye Powell. a a a Mrs.

Paul R. Stewart entertained a group of the younger set Monday evening. to honor her niece and nephew, Miss Mary Helen Stewart and Tommie Stewart. of Winchester. Out-of-town guests other than the honorees were Miss Frances Jones.

of Fresno. Cali Miss Ann Sligh, of Sewanee: Fred Richardson. Montclair, N. and Mary Nell, Lee. Maryville.

a til Miss Margaret Ann Lackey entertained at 1 picnic supper her home in Englewood. complimentary to Miss Mary Helen Stewart and Tommie Stewart. during their visit 11 here. a t' Jimmy walsman was host to a number of t. I the younger set this week.

when be enter- tamed at a dancing and bridge party to honor Miss Prances Jones. of Fresno, and Miss Ann Shah. of bewanee. guests of 4 Miss Margaret Lawson. I President firmer L.

Robb, of Tennessee 1 'Wesleyan college. left this week for Daytona -Beach. where he is attending the Fier- Ida Epororth league -institute of the St. John's conference. Dr.

Robb will give a course in -Quest on He was csiostriterpr Mrs. onjetttaheLer of by ewMvorsiuRaobncib. son. James Robb. a i Mrs.

W. B. Blair entertained a party of Children Monday in celebration of the day anniversary of her daughter. Betty Catherine. I a Mrs.

M. Goodfriend had as her guest this t' Week her sister. Mrs. A. Schonbron.

of CM- cinnati. 0.Mrs. H. D. Long is visiting her grandson.

Dr. Harold Long. and lentil, tinCed ohatttasen000tgtesbo. A Watt Mr visiting i 3 thtr hag Rot- his urn WattinnkinAhatuirieanst brother. Earl linos Lovinagood and two sons and Miss Anna Palmer.

of Murphy. N. were guests th of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilbert is week.

5 1 Mrs. Georgia Jones and children are this week in Maryville.Spencer Robb is visiting his grandparents. Dr. 1 and Mrs. R.

B. Robb. at Epworth. Gs. Mrs.

Lawrence Cavenaugh and daughter. Eleanor. of Wallace, N. and Mrs. Gilbert Trapp.

of Warsaw-N. are visiting their mother. Mrs. Lilly BibleMr. and Mrs.

Robert Fisher entertained as their guests recently Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McGinty and of California.Dr.

and Mrs. E. A. Welch. have as their guests the former's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Welch.

1 of MissourLMiss Mabel Brown and niece. Miss Evelyn Cooke, are attending the worlds lair in Chicago. dolph-Mac-on-. 1. The groom is Dallas.

of Knoxi the University of the past several I'here he is corm Immediately fc da reisulintartsionDanlloa not i' turn they will Robert E. Lee Ls George L. i. and ar daughter, M1S5 Wankan. both a daughter et I 11 The ceremony First Baptist chu The bride Is 1 Younger social 31 brother of Edito bolds the positio room of The merrier's, ter of Mr.

ango :1 Springs. Meigs ct gpsson of Mr. and I ,4 ton. was solemn In the study of I ris. the offielatit The impresalve Irene Powell.

sist nett Welch. bro the onli The bride Is a school. She is 1 rosmber of the catur and Ather much of her tim with an uncle sr E. Grubb. Mr.

Welch is a and holds a posit at Soddr. a Miss Mary Nei Vase to John Sr event of early Ju Wednesday aftern Powell. Mrs. Paul R. St ef the younger honor her niece Helen Stewart a Winchester.

the honorees wer Fresno. Cali Mis Fred Richardson. Mary Nell, Lee. i Mies Margaret A a picnic suppers 1 con-plimentary to i and Tommie Ste I here. a l' JIMMY Walsman the younger set tamed at a dant bonor Miss Franc and Miss Ann Sli Miss Margaret La, I'l President "'inlet.

Ida Epworth teal John4 conference course in -Quest companied On tht sister. Mrs. Jetta i James Robb. 4 Mrs. W.

B. Bs Children Monday i 3 day anniversary Catherine. a Mrs. M. Goodfri 1 Week her sister.

SA '1: cinnati, 0.Mri her grandson. Dr. in Chattanooga. turned to Scottsbc brother. Earl Wit lines Lovinagood Anna Palmer.

of li 11. of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Georgia "spending this we cer Robb is visiti 1 and Mrs.

R. H. li Mrs. Lawrence Eleanor. of Wallac 'Trapp.

of Warsaw mother. Mrs. Lill: Robert Fisher en1 recently Mr. and dauthter. of Calif; A.

Welch. .1 rirmmefass ouparrLents.141 niece. Miss Evely the worlds fair II Party Wedding Announced 1 1 Mrs. Howard Pierce. Mrs Pierce.

whose marriase occurred June 9 in Chatsworth. was before Per mar-neat Miss Reba Heath. elaushter of Mr. and Mrs. Eber Heath.

of Englewood. She was a member of the senior Cam rnalewood High school. 1934. Charles Redwine. of Atlanta.

were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mn. Paul McCauley. Mr. and Mrs Leslie French.

of Brockton, spent the week-pod with Mr. and Mn. A. E. Prench.Miss Clara Wilf1011 spent the week-end with Miss Meta BichOls in ChattanootaMr.

and Mpi. Scott Carter, Mrs. Mary Reed and AZT's. W. J.

Carter attended the funeral Sit Mrs. Mary Francis' at Sulphur Springs. Saturday. Mn. J.

CIIIIRWILY has returned to her home in Winiton-Sitlem. N. after a visit With her parents. Mr. and Mrs.

J. E. Manslield.Mr. and Mrs. David Zimmerman have gone to Wmnepeg.

Canada. to reside. Miss Pauline King has returned to her home In Rome after a visit with friends here.tarry Whelchel has returned from Oxford, 'where he represented the Epworth league of the local Methodist church at the Young Peoples institute.Mr. and Mrs. Chester Goodyear.

of Sparta. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. B.

MalmoMr. and Mrs. Earl Hudgins and children. Lloyd Mullins and Mrs. Martha Ellenbury.

of Cedartown. are visiting Mrs. Ellenbury's sister. Mrs. C.

D. Denton. and Mr. DentonHoward Lane. of Panadena.

was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oollier.Mrs 1.41VeY Neal has returned to her home in Aragon. after a visit with Mr. and Mrs.

W. B. Whitmore. Mrs. Charles Rothe, of Miami.

is Visiting her brother. R. J. Wheeler. Mr.

and Mrs. Ervin ifulon and rieughter. nob June. and Miss Patsy Glenn. of Red Bank.

ere the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Glenn. ONEIDA. Chattanooga times Special.

ONEIDA. June 30.Mesdames Joe P. Adams, W. el. Duncan.

Arlie Lay, Fred Smith, W. E. Duncan. Prentis Jeffers. Harry Coffey, Oscar Litton and Sterling Cross visited in Maryville last Rev.

J. Monroe Ball, who has been ill, is able to be Out again.Mrs. Arthur Elliott ftnd daughter, Miss Lora Mae, and Mrs. Rebecca Goodman and Mn. K.

Davis viaited in Somerset. the first of the week.Miss Florenee Gosney is visiting her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. C.

W. Wright, before returning to her home in Kontuckv --Mrs. Cieorge Dibrell has as her guests Ulla week her daughters. Mrs. Al Cordon Bradin and Mrs.

J. Edward Crymes, of New Orleans, end Mrs. Ott E. Fight. of Cincinneti.Mr.

and Mrs. C. W. Wright rnd daughter. Thelma Louise.

and Misses Lucille Lewa lien and Gene Winningham visited in the Smoky Mountain National park over the Lora May Elliott has gone to Knoxville, where she will enter the University of Tennessee for the summer term. Mrs. C. X. Young.

who has been in Vanderbilt hospital in Nashville for the past week. has returned home and is much improved.Mrs. Arthur L. Cox has returned to her home at Greensburg. after extended visit with her parents, Mr.

end Mrs. Fred Phillips.Mrs. O. B. Sims and little daughter.

Jane, have returned to their home here after an extended visit with relatives in Sanderson. Tex.Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frank Dibrell have returned to their home in Nashville after a visit with Mr. Dibrell's mother.

Mrs. George H. DibrelLMr. and Mrs. W.

T. Volkman. of Knoxville. spent the week-end here with Mrs. Volkman's parents.

Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Thompson.Mr.

and Mrs. Sohn Moore. of Sevierville. spent last week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs.

W. A. Terry and other relatives here.Miss Justine Frogs, of Jamestown. is the guest.of Mr. and Mrs.

Eugene McDonald.Miss Cornelis Hundleaton Is visiting at Morley. Tenn.Mr. end Mrs. Lillard Human and Postmaster W. H.

Marcum attended the postmasters convention at Knoxville the first of the week. FORT PAYNE. Chattanooga Times Special. PORT PAYNE. Ala June SO.Miss Lents Nelson entertained with a swimming party at Alpine lodge Tuesday evening.

Miss Georgia Campbell Macfarlane has returned from Summerville. Ga.William Collett has on to Gadsden. where he will undergo an operation.Mrs. B. J.

Bs of Reform. is the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.

V. Jacoway.R: E. Rodgers. of Cullman. was the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. W. Wilson a few clays this week.Mrs. W. W.

Russell and daughter. Mrs. Paul Killian, of Brunswick. spent a law daYs of this week with friends and relatives here. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry liars lion visited friends and relatives and Mrs. Henry Mara ison visited friends in Chattanooga Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, D.

H. Wallace. af Houston, are guests of Mr. and W. Long.

Mrs. Gordon Haralsnn snet Mrs. W. S. Killian were gut.

is of relatives in Boaz Tuesday.Miss Eugenia Patton. of Gordo. is the guest of her sister. Mrs. J.

A. Davis. Miss Frances Cochran spent the weekend with her parents in MrR Albert Hefner spent Thursday in Gadsden with her mother.Mrs. Lillie Maude Alex-tinder had as her guests last week Mrs. Robert Bell, Mrs.

Maude Henderson and Mrs. MRry Lee Collins. of Birmingham. and Mrs. Caldwell.

of Washington.Hoisson Wilka went. SundaY In Birmingham. 44 4 'T. i 1 1 I Nle8ek i A I) lit 1 1: 1 011 1 4 I A i Nk. 1 .4 '41- 4 '111.

tk 4 I I 4,4, 1 4.4,- '4 4 i I 12- 4 Bridegroom's Father Reads Service at Rome. Parents of Bride Entertain at Reception Following 'Church Ceremony. Chattanooga Times Special. ROME, June 30.The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Jones and BUIlYnn McClure Phens was solemnized Wednesday evening at First Baptist church. Dr.

131111Yart Stephens. pastor of the church and father Of the bridegroom, read the ring service. Mrs. Frances Randle Caldwell gave a pro. cram of wedding music.

The bride's attend. ants were Miss Mary Brooke GreelY, Min Jane Curran. Miss Arm Harrison, of Rich. mond: Mrs. Stewart Marshall.

Miss Polly Featherston and Miss Maud Wimbish. The maid of honor was MRS NS TICY Beard. of Louisville, and the little flower girl Lelia Mowry. Dr. M.

P. Beard, of Louisville, Wax Mr. Stephens' best man and groomsmen were Stewart Marshall, George Tucker. Wit. llam Nolan.

W. B. Mock and Clifford Servals, of Rome. and Walter Gilmore. of ville.

The bride was given in marriage bY her father. Richard C. Jones. Mr. and Mrs.

Jones gave an elaborate re. ception at their home. "Chiefteins." on Chit. tilion road, following the Receiving with Mr. and Mrs.

Jones were the bridegroom's parents. Dr. and Mrs. Stephens, and the bride's grandmother. Mrs.

Elizabeth York. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens and the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth York.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephene left by motor for Atlanta and will spend their honeymoon in the North Carolina mountains and at Virginia Beach. On their return to Rome about July 15 theY will occupy a house on Chatillon road. Miss Frances Crawford.

daughter of and Mrs. Thomas B. Crawford, and Frank Sims Erwin. of Philadelphia, were married Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the First Methodist church amid beautiful floral decorations. candles and music.

Miss Margaret Crawford was her sister's meld of honor. She wore a cell blue mousseline de soie afternoon gown. fashioned with a train and posed over taffeta-. Her flowera were pink rosebuds and delphinium. She wore a Picture hat of blue and blue satin Panda's.

The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a white chantillY lace gown. a princess model and carried a formal bouquet -of gardenias fashioned on frilled lace. Her tulle veil fell the length of the built-in train of her gown anti she wore white satin pumps. Mrs.

Frank Sims. of Calhoun, sang two numbers before the cere. mony. Mrs. W.

O. Tarp ley was It the organ. Patricia Gay Sims. wearing oink organdie. was the flower girl.

Thomas War. it lick. of Ca rsville. was best man and Tur- Icy Warlic 'Alt Cartersville. and Byron Er-.

win. of Cal mutt. i'ere ushers. Mr. and Mrs-Erwin left in the early evening on a wed-.

Cane trip. After JUIY IS they will be at home in the Chatham court apartments on Locust street. Philadelphia. The bridegroom is a son of Mrs. Maude Erwin, of Davidson.

N. formerly of Fairmount. Ga. Mr. and Mrs.

Donald Munson, of Choate. nooga: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gilmore. of Knoxville; Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Bedell. Mr.

and Mrs. R. M. Stephens, Julian Stephens, William Stephens and Mrs. J.

L. Stephens were among the out-of-town guests attending the Stephens-Jones wedding Wednesday evening.Mise Martha Dortch Berry. Miss Nancy Nell Berry, Miss Elizabeth Vandiver sailed from New York Thursday on the S. S. Saturnia to spend the summer traveling Bolling Graham, Mary Lee Sullivan.

Nancy and Alice Cooper, Florence Daniel, Graham Phelan Wright were Rome girls leaving Thursday for Rockbrooke vernal near N. C. They met Mrs. Robert Brooke. of Birmingham, in Chattanooga.

and she accompanied them to camp. Barry Wright. has gone to Camp Carolina near Brevard to spend two months. 1 MADISONVILLE. Chattanooga Tint MADISONVILLE.

June and Mrs. Alexander Lawrence Roberson 1111r10111101 the marriaire of their dauxhter. NPII, to Ger. don Bradley Hale June 15 at Chattanoora. The 'groom-is the son of Mrs.

Mae K. Halo, of Madisonville. Mra. Knox Williams and Mbi fln Brad. ley entertained at bridge Friday afternoon complimenting their guest.

Mrs. Mary Roes, of Corbin, KY. The sixteen orphans at Hiwasgee college attended the annual home-comint at the Holston orphanage at Greeneville June 23. Those from Sweetwater and Madisonville wile represented the Sweetwater district were Miss Dora Young, F. A.

Carter, Mrs. Z. D. Worley and Mrs. Lloyd Walker.

of Sweet. water. and Mrs. J. M.

Colston, Sam W. Ebel. ton, of Hiwassee college. The Christian rittleavor of the FresbYte rian church attended a social Tuesday eve. nine at the borne of Mr.

and Mrs. Brakebill. -Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson, of Detroit, are visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Russell Estes Ketauver. of Chattanooga. spent the week-end with home folks. He was Strom.

partied by Ralph Eaden. also of Chattanooga. -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hale.

of Johnson City. were here Sunday-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Melton and little daughter. who have been in Detroit.

have Juliet McNeil. of McMinnville. has been vie. Miss Joyce and Mrs. H.

C. Hart and Mrs. Clara Taylor, of Johnson City, were guests during the week-end of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs.

JOhn of Chstta. nooga, spent the week-end with Mrs. Anna Mcfrenste and Oussie Sheets. of Chattanooga. was home for the week-end.

-Miss Sue Houston. of Aberdeen, is here on a visit to her sister. Mrs. Frank Merle Cagle and Donis Henderson are attending a Y. W.

A. eneamP. ment at Ridge Crest, N. C. Warren Richards.

Miss Alice Richards, ei Maryyttle. and Joe Richards. of Washington. were here visiting relatives during the week. and Mrs.

C. D. Reeder and twe sons, of Palmetto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. D.

C. Annie Sliger, of Athens. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. D.

C. J. R. Sheets entertained the Contract Bridge club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.

Louie Runt won high store-Mrs. J. G. Harris and Mrs. Mark O'Quin.

of Lakeland. have been the puests of Mr. and Mrs. P. B.

Forkner. They were accompanied. by Mrs. Joe hurls little daughter. Shirley, who win remain here with her mother for a Visit.

BRIDGEPORT. Cha a noog a Votes Specter. BRIDGEP OR T. June Methodist Episcopal church Sunday school held its annual picnic at SequatChie Thursday. Mrs.

Lee Sentelle entertained the Stitch and Chatter sewing circle at an all-dal Quilting party Thursday. Mrs. Lee Sager. of Chattanooga, Iris the recent guest of her parents. Dr.

and Mrs. Carl J. Harting.Miss Anna Lee Sentelle is the guest of her grandmother. Mrs. Beat' Crownover.

in Chattanooga.Mr. tnd Mrs. Robert Mcelellen were the recent guests Of Mrs. Meetglen's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Berry Wirm. in Kings Marie McCormack spent the week-end in Ctise tanooga with Mrs. Reita BryantMrDewey Mason and son. of Winchester, enn were guests of Mrs. J.

Henry Horn for the week-endiMr. and Mrs. Ellis Couch. Jr have returned from Murfreesboro, Tenn where they visited Mr. and Mrs.

Elite Couch. Sr.J. E. Smith spent the WeeKe Pnd at TracY City with and Mrs. James Jones.

of I eke ris4 were the recent nests of Mr. and Mrs. If E. Earheart.Mrs. E.

G. Tucker Ruby Florence Tucker, of Chattanooga, Wer. Sunday guests of Mrs. Frances eclooer--- Mrs. Clyde Holland has returned to Chattanoova after a visit with Mrs.

Carrie Whitehead. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott- Minter ballP returned to Chicago, after a visit svith Scott Minter. Sr.Mr.

arid Mrs. Fletcher Wade and children have been the guests of Mrs. Wades parents. Mr. and Mrs.

J. P. Troxell.Mrs. Frances Kelly. of Per.

and Mrs. Charles R-Ichards. of Norfolk. have been the guests of Mts. 011ie Little.john.Mrs.

Christene Reeder. of West. Palm Beach, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aurora Shelton has returned to Beech rove.

after a vistt with her sister. Mrs. W. G. Rodeers.Miss Betty Jene.Stevens hal returned to her home in Evansville.

after a visit with her aunt. Mrs. F. W. Carl Jr.Mrs.

F. G. Johnson has returned Columbia. Tenn where she l'isited and Mrs. Carroll HilFkPri, Of Chattanooga, are visiting Mr.

and MTS. E. Mrs. R. K.

Barharm and son. Billy. attended the (home-coming 11 the First Baptist church at Tullahoma Fria. day and R. K.

Barhein. has returned from Tulahorna, where She Wes the guest of Mrs. Pascal FilTriS Harold of Alexandra City' anenti the week-end here with his Mr' and Mrs. Morris Barnes. Marion County Teacher Bride in Rites at Sewanee.

Dr. Du Bose and Rev. Widney Officiate in Episcopal Church Ceremony. Chattanooga Times Special. JASPER.

June 30.The merriest. of Miss Flora Long. of Sequatchie. and Sterling Knott. of Sewanee, took place Saturday evening.

June 23, at the Otey Episcopal church in Sewanee. Dr. William Du Bose and the Kev. Charles WidneY officiated. Attendants were Miss Naomi Long, sister of the bride.

maid of honor; Herman Green, of Sewanee, best man; Ross Sewell sind Gor- Hamilton. amilton. ushers. The music was in charge of Mrs. John Atkins.

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Long, of SeQuatch ie.

She received her education gib, Marion County High school and State Teachers' college at Murfreesboro. She is a populaz teacher of Marion county. Mr. Knott is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Marion Knott. of groaner. He received his education irk the schools of SeWitnee and is connected with the University Press of Sewanee. A reception was held at the new home of the bride and groom following the ceremony. The out-of-town guests were Mr.

and Mrs. Long. Mr. and Mrs. W.

M. Allies, of South Pittsburg; Mrs. I. L. Garner, Jasper; Mrs.

Gladys Cushman, Luther Martin, Davis DeSabla, Ernest Russell. Margaret Long, John Moore, Patrick and Herschel Long. Mi Rae Frankie and Ava Lee McCullough and Avg Harris. of Sequetchie; Misses Nellie Jackson, Katherine Merritt, Ruth, Pearl. Gladys Long.

of Victoria; Chester and Henry Jackson. Carl Ferguson, of Whit-well; Cheater Griffith. of Dunlap. Those who have entertained for the bride are Mrs. Everett Myers.

Mrs. I. L. Garner, Misses Avis Lee and Frank le McCullough. Herman and George Green.

Misses Pearl and Gladys tonic. Mrs. Mary Eggleston and Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Long. Mrs. Fannie Sharp entertained with a luncheon Thursday in honor of Mrs. Bennett Rankin and daughter, Lett le Jo.

of Chattanooga. a a Mrs. James Nelson and Mrs. Edwin Crockett. of Murfreesboro.

are the guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. B.

Lasater. Miss Zoo lah Langston spent Tuesday in Pikeville.Miss 'NM Lasater has returned from the normal at Murfreesboro. Mrs. Bennett Rankin and Miss Lettie Jo Rankin have returned to Chattanooga after a visit with Mrs. Rankin's brother.

S. O. Deakins.Sam Jones has recovered from an illnessMiss Ina Beene has returned to Chattanooga after a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.

Roy Beene. Mrs. James Beatty and children. of Harrisburg, came Sunday to spend 'the summer with Mrs. Beatty's mother, Mrs.

Rho Hoge.Mrs. Charles Ticiman. of South Pittsburg. was the guest Wednesday of Mrs. Fanny.

Sharp.Mrs. W. W. Turner Is improving from an illness at her home. S.

Miss Betty Beene left Sunday for Decatur, where she has accepted a position.Miss Allen, Harkins. of -Akron, is the guest of her mother. Mrs. W. H.

Simpson.Misses Vivian and JertilY Mills Wood have returned from a visit with Misses Florence and Gertrude Patton in Harriman.Miss Ruth Smith left Thursday for Monteagle. where she will spend the summer with Mrs. Willie C. Spears. Miss Frances Nell Walker ix recovering lessen an illness.Jack Havron left this week for Chicago to attend the worlds fair.

Mrs. Bass Brown and sons were the week-end guests of relatives in Scottsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Simpson and son.

of Whttwell, were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lasater.

Steve Harkins has recovered from an operation.Mrs. S. B. RittilltOn Mrs. John Raulaton and Miss Amanda Reuiston are in illweet.n's cove, where they will spend the summer M.

C. Been. underwent an operation ThursdaY at Erlanger hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Baird and daughter, Ella Frances. of Chattanooga. wet. the week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. F.

M. McCullough.Mrs. Dillon, who has been the guest of her sister. Mrs. J.

D. Anderson. and Mr. Anderson returned Monday to Nashville.Harry killen Marion county engineer. spent the week-end with his family in Chattanooga.

VALLEY HEAD. Chattanooga TOW'S Special. VALLEY HEAD. -June 30Misses Ida C. and Louise Devenoort entertained with a buffet luncheon at thetr home Jeri-day.

honoring Miss Margaret Evelyn Fuller. a bride-elect. whose marriage to Philip Kelly. of Charleston. S.

O. will occur 'Meads', evening. July 3. Mrs. J.

C. Dobbins entertained the members of the Epworth league and their friends 'with a laws party at her home Wednesdag evening. Mn. C. Richei entertained the Mission Study class of the Methodist Episcopal church at her home Tuesday afternoon.

Miss Richey. of Clinton. el, gave an interesting talk on her work in the orphange of South Carolina. Miss Mary Alice Maxwell gave a reading. Mrs.

C. H. Richey entertained the members of the WPRIPY Fellowship class with a picnic at Riverdale on Lookout mountain Thursday afternoon. Was Eva Lou Sims. of Enterprise.

Al. I. the guest of her COUSillSk Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sima.C.

P. Thomas and Theodore Holleman spent several days in Gadsden and Birmingham the past week.Mrs. George Thompson. of Atlanta. and Prank Hayes.

of Newerk, N. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. T.

Davenport the pest E. Culpepper. of Florence. is spending his vacation here with his parents. Mr.

and Mrs. M. H. Culpepper.Miss Marie Gilbreath he. gone to Gadsden for an extended visit with relatives.Mr.

and Mrs. Claude Skidmore and Miss Louise McKown left Monday for Chicago, where they will attend the world's lair. a a Geraldine Jones and Ralph Hixon haVe been removed to their homes here from the Summerville hospital. where they underwent tonsil operations.Paul Catnpbell and Jack Thompson, of Oxford. were the weekend guests of their mother.

Mrs. W. B. and Mrs. Reed D.

Hammond and son. of Memphis. are guests of the formers mother. Mrs. Bell Hammond.

James and Grady Hall. L. H. Cooper and David Alexander 0115Prit Sunday in ROMe Ga.Mrs. J.

A. Thompson. Mrs. Z. T.

Davenport. 'Misses Bernice Holleman and Elizabeth Davenport were guests of Mrs. M. M. Martin and Mr.

and Mrs. T. H. Holleman in La Psyette. Oa the past week.

limy Holt will leave Monday for Chicago where he will attend the world's fair. James Le Seuer and Floyd West have returned to their home in Birmingham after a week's visit as the guests of Edward Redus.Miss Virginia the guest of her sister. Miss Mary Thompson, in Summerville. Os. PIKE VILLE.

CPsallanoopa Times Special. PIKEVILLE. June 30.Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Swofford announce the ma rriage of their dauahter.

Carolyn. to Finlel Hollingsworth, the wedding having been solemnized at Ringgold. May 28. The only attendants were Miss Martha Sue McReynolds. of Chatt an001(11.

and Hayden Grayson. of Whit well. Mn. Hollingsworth is a member of the younger social set of Pikeville and her marriage will come as a surprise. Mr.

Hollingsworth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hollingaworth, of Powlkes, Tenn. The couple will be at home after June 30 at Fowiketi. Tenn.

Mrs. Fimby Hollinsworth was the honoree at a linen shower given by Misses Virginia awe frord and Miss Marmite Murry et the home of the latter Friday afternoon. Circle 2 of the Methodist Missionary aociety met with Mrs. C. K.

Thurman Monday evening. Mrs. Bob Staley had charge of the program. tOut-of-town guests attending the funeral of Jim Sullivan Thursday were Mr. and Mrs.

J. H. Acuff. Mrs. Cora Names, Mrs.

J. M. Oladigh. Chattanooga: Will Sullivan, Gram! Ile: Mrs. John Hall, Mrs.

Walter Alley. Ira Hall. Roscoe Hall, Sam Burdett, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hall and Mr.

and Mrs. W. Hall. Evansville. Mrs.

S. W. Swofford entertained with a luncheon Thursday at her home, honoring members of the Rook club. Mr. and Mrs.

R. C. Allison. of McMinnville. a nrounce the birth of eon on Wednesday.

June 13. He has been named R. Jr. Mn. W.

P. Slaten. of Charlotte. N. was ft recent gueet of Mrs.

James Harris ----Dr. Brown Carpenter. of Memphia. and C. P.

Hutcheson. of Sparta, were week-end guests of Prank and C. P. Swafford.Mrs. W.

S. Cowan spent Sunday with her daughter. Mrs. Ft C. Allison.

of McMinnville.Miss RPVII Teeters left last Wednesday for Roanoke. to visit her aunt. Mn. Cole Tilte. I 1 1 .3 1 iI 'I; I i 1 .1 I Out; t'-i t-- .01 i 31 I It 1 i 1 4 I 1 1 11 ot i i I1 o' i Klb Chs ItmOSTON.

Te sioncert was given I. pal church Sunda ,1 barn family, of Kt I I and Mrs. Greshal sons. with Mrs. 4 and Mrs.

Monroe 1 I I bins were with tl i 1- Mrs. M. H. Rambo I With a picnic chnn i The American I tertained by Mrs. noon, with Mrs.

I liolesdames J. M. I gene Patton, Robo I. 1 eese Allen and Catherine Mortise; ti rally of Legion au The Rev. arid I Miss Mary Helen '1 '7 Crossville.

where II young people a Ira I II berland Mount Methodist Episcop NC Hampton, diet: 0 charge. I a Mr. and Mrs. ih 1 for Mr. and Mrs.

14 ton, at dinnet 1 i a 1 Miss Elizabeth SChool Class of th 0 picnic supper on I l' Clinch river Mona I I A play entitled peie nted by the b.gsri school auditc The Rev. and NI Ur's. Roscoe Mart of the John Byrd Friencia and rela KOOXVille. Sweetw for the occasion. past g3 years, was Baxter and Ja Wyatt left Tuesd, --4 there will go to lair and during I be the guests of Mrs.

John Rose. el her father. Jud 1 ter. Mrs. W.

B. of Knoxville. is lot 4- Sawyer In T. V. 11 7 and Mrs.

G. K. to, .,1 3 Elizabethtown. K3 ti 1. 'iof Mr.

and Mrs J. i i Ky, WaS a recent Mary Kate Lowe: turning from Ric! i -1 tended the marr Sparks.J. H. 1 after a visit witt 'i I and i daughter, erwrs Mht arhswelresy, p. N.

t----Mrs. Dos Cook. of KOOXVil 1,, W. Harvey have Tyler, of Jonesvil: i oi't. of Sweetws 1 with Mr.

and Mrs i i V. i Chaffent i rrowAH. Ten' Cutcher. Mrs. H.

Kinnaman er 1 Mg Miss Blanch home of Mrs. Pa: Miss-Blanch 111 11Pore married s.t Cita ttaleoote tfltGSTON. nneert was given church Sunday ham family, of and Mrs. Gresham, sons. with Mrs.

and Mrs. Monroe were with Mrs. M. H. Rambo With a picnic dinner The Amertcan by Mrs.

moon, with Mrs. J. M. 'gene Patton, Robert Reese Allen and Catherine Morrison Sally of Legion The Rev. and Miss Mary Helen Crossville.

where young people berland Mount Methodist Episcopal M. Hampton, district charge. Mr. and Mrs. Mr.

and Mrs. at dinner Miss Elizabeth tChoot class of the picnic supper on Clinch river Monday. a A play entitled resented by the b.gti school auditorium The Rev. and Mrs. Roscoe Marney of the John Byrd Frienda and Knoxville.

Sweetwater for the occasion. Vast 113 years, was Baxter and 'Wyatt left Tuesday :4 there will go to fair and during 0 be the guests of Mrs. John Rose, el her father. Judge ter, Mrs. W.

B. of Knoxville. is Sawyer in T. V. 7.

and Mrs. G. IC. Elizabethtown. 1-of Mr.

and Mrs Barnard.J. R. was a recent Mary Kate Lower. from tended the marriage Sparks.J. H.

after a visit with and Mrs. Lawley, daughter, Mrs. S. N. CMrs.

Don a visit with her Cook. of W. Harvey have Tyler, of Jonesville, son. of Sweetwater. with Mr.

and Mrs. 1 Cit'attanooga rrowAH. Outcher. Mn. P.

R. Kinnaman Miss Blanch born. of Mn. Miss Blanch 111Pere married at Algood Bride Mn. Jack French.

Mrs. French. of Algood, was Miss Sara Stites. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Stites, before her marriage June 9. The young couple Is residing in Algood. -Mrs.

Charles Hazlett, of Euchee, lot the guest of riPr parente. Mr. and Mrs. E. E.

and Mrs. Clarence McCollum and son. Collie, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.

L. McCollum-Miss Zulah Langston. of Jasper. was the guest Of Mrs. J.

C. Kelly and Mrs. Sam McReynolds and Mr. and Mn. T.

V. McReynolds spent theroest week at Red Boiling Gerture Farmer, of WhitwelL epent the pest week with Mrs. Clara Mavine Daniel of Nashville. was the weekend gr1e14. Of Mrs.

S. S. and Mrs: O. N. Vsugn joined Mrs.

John Vaugn and daughter. Nan. in Atlanta. for a trip to New Orleans. where Mrs.

John Vaugn and Nan will reside. a Mrs. A. B. Cranwell, A.

Miss Mary Beth Cranwell, Prof. J. R. Sizer. Mrs.

Pat Lee and Miss Lucile Hamilton composed a Party going to the fair In Chicago M. E. Welch and Mrs. W. P.

Rudiscill returned Tuesday from a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Swafford at Sarah Jane Lusk. of College Station, la the guest of her son. W.

G. R. C. Stephens. of Zarlington.

came Saturday to visit her mother. Mn. S. E. Tot lett, and sister.

Mrs. Mari W. G. Lusk entertained at dinner Sunday, honoring Mies Lucile tusk on her birthday. Covers were laid for and Mrs.

Fred Roberson announce the birth of a daughter on Saturday. June 23. She has been named Lei and Mrs. Lowell Bailey and little daughter. and Mica Lois Greening.

of Akron. 0., spent the week-end with relatives and Mn. Ayres Crawford and daughter. Sue Ayres. of Dayton.

were Sunday guests of her parenis. Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. and Mrs.

C. O. Kinnon and children and M.j. -and Mre. Charles Cartwright.

of Gootvt11e Mrs. Elmo Davy and Mr. Lawrence. Wright, of Nashville, were week-end guests of Mr. and MTN.

F. L. Carrot Deskins and Marjory Watson. of Chattanooga, were Sunday guests of Mrs-. Z.

K. Deakins. CHATTANOOGA VALLEY. Chattanooga Times Special. KENSINGTON, June 30.The High Point Woman's Home Demonstration club met at the home of Mrs.

A. It Malicoat Wednesday afternoon. with Mrs. Malicoat presiding'. Miss Mary rincher, home demonstration silent.

cave a talk on the year's canning project and the "rood Plan for Georgia FIMIlleS." Miss Litt lelohn. of Chirkamausta, was a visitor in the club. The hostess won assisted by Miss Mildred Brown In serving refreshments. Miss Ella Louise Stone entertained friends with a party at her home Tuesday sifter-noon. She was assisted by her mother.

Mrs. Raymond Stone. The Ladies Aid of Garrett Chapel Methodist church sponsored a benefit supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.

T. Taller Saturday evening. Henri Parker. of Chattanooga. is spending a few days Grace Shelton.

of Red Bank. will be the week-end guest of Miss Dixie Carter is improving from an illness at his Miss Lillian Jenkins is improving from an illness at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tarvin is improving from an Beulah Mae Parrish.

of Lupton City, is spending two weeks with 'hr parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pred r. and Mrs.

Lawrence Thompson. of Chicks were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Olin Thompson Sunday. --Jerse Hughes has been called to Nashville on business, where he will spend three W.

N. Meredith has recovered from an Allison. of Flintstonc is improving from an Mary ISIIRM. of Chattanooga. is the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Albert MiSSeS Ada and Dora Mitchell. Clarence Mitchell and do ughte r. Mass Bernice Mitchell. were recent guests of Dr.

and Mrs. D. O. Elder, of Chickamauga. CALHOUN.

Chntlanooaa Times Special. CALHOUN. TfT111. June 30.Saturday evening a Negro PIA 3, was given at the school building, sponsored by the Epworth league. of Riceville.

The play was written by the Rev. M. Farmer, of Riceville. Tuesday evening a lawn party was given, with Misses Album Campbell. Agnes Burnett.

Helen Me Amish, Elizabeth Kelley and Marjorie Mc Brien as Joint hostesses. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H.

Arrant. in honor of Miss Snmeye Jean who had Just returned from Bristol, and her cousin. Miss Betty Bane Adair. who accompanied her. Rook and croquet were Played on the lighted lawn and an ice course was served.

Miss Sameye Jean Arranta has returned from a month 's visit with her aunt, Mrs. H. H. Adair. in Bristol.

She spent some time in West Virginia during her stay. Mrs. E. M. Whitaker went to Knoxville Sunday to visit her Pauline and Imogene Fridell.

of Big Springs. have returned to their home after spending some time with their aunt. Mrs. W. E.

L. McAlister. of Oneida, spent severai days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.

S. C. McAlister.Prof. and Mrs. John L.

Brewer. of Benton. were weekend guests of Mrs. Brewer's sister. Mrs.

James Calhoun.Ben Prince, of Atlanta, accompanied. by his brother. John. are spending this week at the Century of Protress.Miss Sue Prince was the week-end atiest of Miss Anna Trewitt, of Cleveland. 1 .1..

Nt 4, --( -it ..,060. I 'i 140r, -1. i .,.:.:..,..) 1 4,...... okay" 1 'it i WINCHESTER. Chattanooga Times Special.

WrNCHESTER, June 30Mrs. Dana S. Millar and Mrs. A. A.

Sy ler were hostesses at tea Saturday afternoon from 410 to 8:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Sy ler, The honorees were Mrs. O. E. Bell, of Dallas.

and Mrs. William Harrell. of Jackson, sisters of Mrs. Millar. Mrs.

Herbert Gaffin, of Hamlet. N. was the recent guest of Miss Elizabeth Drake. Dr. E.

B. Firapey and daughter. Miss Wil-, lene and son. E. spent Tuesday In Rev.

E. U. Robinson is. attending a school for ministers which is being conducted in Franklin.Miss Ruth leaves and Louise Walker. of Fairfield.

are the guests of Miss Jean Porter S. A. Henson and Robert Sims were in, Nashville Tuesday.Mrs. C. E.

Zinn Mer- man and son. Billie. of Akron, are the guests of relatives in Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs.

Rufus Grammer- and daughter, Elizabeth Ann. and Mr. and Mrs. Lee! -Grammer were guests of relatives In Lynchburg Sunday.Mr. and Mrs.

George ginbotham. of New Mexico. are the guests! of his brothers. Charles and Henry Higgin-I botham.Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Franklin' Joyce. of Knoxville. were guests of Laves here for the week-enct Mrs. Herman Burt returned to Nashville Tuesday 1 after spending the week-end at home. Mis.

Frusta Walker, of Fairfield. was the guest last week of Miss Lizzie Clark and Mrs. B. H. John Franklin and children.

George and Ruth Ellen, of Miami. are the guests this week or Mrs. Roy Franklin.Mrs. Frank L. Lynch' and son.

Pat Nelson Burton. of and Mrs. Dave bmith, of Rockwood, re-1 turned last week from West Point Military academy, where they visited Jack Lynch. I Miss Anne Cowan. who has been In Chattanooga'.

came Wednesday and Ls the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. C. Rev. I and Mrs.

J. J. Stowe went to Pulaski Thursday to attend a sone meeting of the Meth-, odist church.H. P. Nix and daughter.

Mary Elizabeth. of Lewisburg. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer James Elder and daughter.

Angeline. of Lawrenceburg. are the guests of Miss Lena Austelle.Miss Madeline Waldman and brothers, John. and Lewis. of Nashville.

are the guests of their grandparents. and Mrs. Tom Waldman.Miss Helen Barry. of Olean. N.

is the truest of her brother. the Rev. Father Donald L. Barry.I ArkMr. jni.adtRi vdoransui ngsihntewreH.reelMetnisaha guests of Mr.

and Mrs. William Hawker-smith In Tullahoma Sunday.Dr. and Mrs. W. E.

Lindsay were in Knoxville Saturday.Miss Jessie Hatfield. who Is teaching in the vacation Bible school In Sewanee is the guest of the Rev. and Mrs. Waldman and childreit. Misses Madeline and Prances.

John. Jr. and Lewis. of Nashville. were the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Tom Waldman Sunday. BENTON. Chattanooga Times Special. BENTON.

Tenn, June 30.Mrs. W. F. Russell entertained Wednesday with a vans complimenting her granddaughter. June Russell.

of Macon, who hag been her guest, for the past several Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt L. entertained last week-end at their summer camp at Benton Springs. Mr.

and Mrs. A. B. Castleberry, Miss Elizabeth Byrd. Mrs.

Stuart Hall and J. T. Blair, sir of Cleveland. and Mr. and Mrs.

Herbert Li of Benton. Junior Fellowship club met Friday. with Miss, Alene Biggs as hostess. Miss Anna Ruth Taylor, the new president, presided. Mrs.

J. D. Clemmer entertained at lunch Friday. complimenting Mrs. John L.

Brewer and her mother, Mrs. Ellen Hooper, of Charleston. Miss Panthes Prince remains the guest of her grandfather, W. W. Hawks, and other relatives at Stella Whitfield and children.

of Delano, have returned to their home after a weeks visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs: B. B. C.

Witt.Miss Polly Clemmer has returned to her home in Chattanooga after a visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Clemmer and Mrs. Mary and Mrs. John L.

Brewer spent Friday in Knoxville. where Mr. Brewer attended a state meeting of high school Mrs. G. E.

Niles and children have returned from a visit with relatives at Tellico Plains. Mrs. Charles B. Witt is a guest this week of her parents. Mr.

and Mrs. Cyrus W. Simmons. near Frank Lii lard and Mrs. Herb Li liard.

of University of Tennessee. spent last week-end at their homes here.Mrs. George Jonopolus and children. Helen and Connie, of Chattanooga, are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. D. Calhoun.Mr. and Mrs. George Li Hard and Mr.

and Mrs. Abe Li 'lard moved last week to their summer camps at Benton' Lucille Love Is in Knoxville, where she has enrolled at business J. P. Hutchins and daughter. Ss1137.

are guests this week of relatives in Knoxville.Mr. and Mrs. R. Ny. Mc Clary and children have taken a ctimp at Benton Springs for the summer.

J. D. Clemmer attended a meeting of postmasters in Knoxville this week.Miss Billy Calhoun has returned to her home here after a visit of seVeral weeks with her sister. Mrs. George Jonopolus, in Chattanooga.

CHARLESTTON. Chattanooga Times Special. CHARLESTON. June 30. Miss Royestien Epperson has returned from Athens.

where sh spent the week as the guest or Miss Ellen Walker.Mr. and Mrs. Roy Garrison anti faMilY, of Dallas. were guests this week of Mr. end Mrs H.

H. Brackett. They spent Tuesday witn relstives in Sptiflg City.Miss Edmonia Epperson has returned from Chattanooga, where she WRS the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Epperson.Mrs.

Robert Liner, Miss Dorothy Liner. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Liner were the guests of Miss Pearl Liner in Rossville, Ga. Sunday.Mr.

and Mrs. W. M. Nichol were the guests of Mrs. Mee Dillard St Silverdale Sunda Y.James Alexander.

of Quantico, and Miss Leone Alexander. of McMinnville. who were called here by the death of their grandfather. R. M.

Alexander, have returned.Misses Twila Mae Tate and Ellen Walker and James Tate. of Athens. were the week-end guests of Miss Royestien Jean Elizabeth and Terry Darwin Brock, of Riots, are the guests of their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.

W. W. Henry. Robert Hill' was the week-end guest of friends in Chattanooga.Mr. and Mrs.

Howard Davis. of Chattanooga. were the week-end guests of her perents, Mr. and Mrs. L.

C. Hill.Mrs. W. L. Hambright has returned from Johnson City.

where she hes been with her sister, Miss Mary Kate who was seriously injured by a fall. Miss Bates remains ein a serious con- dition. Fred Camp lHambright. of At- the funeral ner Smith itsh services es lo of iltYh, their hr n1 lanta. is the guest of his parents, Mr.

Finn r.f tane Mrs c. Mrs. W. L. Hambright.Mr.

and Mrs. Richard James Alexander. of Chattanooga, attended grandfather, M. Alexander, Tuesda7. is 1 Wed May 24 Mrs.

Neal MOrtZli Mrs. Morgan. of La Fayette. who before her marriage on May 24 was Ms Bars Byars. is the daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Byars. or tal Fayette.

Mr. Morgan ts the eldest son of Mr. and Mn. Otto Morgan. of La Fayette.

tong Saturday. June 23. The Rev. J. W.

Key officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.

Rapier. This groom la a son of Mr. and Mrs. Green Wilson. Mrs.

Ruth Robinson was hostess to the Needreran. Sewing club Tuesday afternoon. Contests were won by Mrs. W. D.

Thompson and Mrs. Oren Reed. The marriage of Mins todema Whit. and Chester Falls took Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Samuel I'll lyaw in Etowah.

the Rev. Mr. 11 officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Virgie White.

Mr. and Mrs. Paw entertained with a buffet'. supper. honoring the wedding The ladles of Wesley Bible class of the Methodist Episcopal church.

south. entertained Thursdag evening with a supper for the workers for the daily vacatton Bible sChool. Pied Leon. Bill Todd and Bill Ogle Watts pawed the Red Cross life saving tests given by C. B.

Stansberry at triwassee beach Lucille Swafford. of Rice-vine. is, the guest of Miss Clifford Withers. -Mr. and Mrs.

Prank Berry end daughter. Polly. were recent guests of Mr. and Mn. Lee Ware in Men.

Mary Gray. of Carrolton. is the guest of her aunts. Mrs. R.

A. Hicks and Miss Vannie Phi Mops. -Mrs. B. Mershon.

of Washington. D. is the guest of Mr. and Mn. A.

E. and Mrs. Hunter Moss. Mn. Tubal Jones.

Mn. W. W. Moss and eon. Ben.

of Hopkinsville. were guests leat week of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.

Mary Abbott and Lucy Pry accompanied Miss Elsie McMillian to her home In Nashville and are spending a few days there aa guests of relatives and Mends. Mr. and Mrs. Parnick Mc Clary were weekend guests of Dr. and Mrs.

S. B. McCiarg at and Mrs. Eugene Colhrs. of Knoxville, were Week-end guests of Mr.

and Mrs. E. C. 1111Y mond Bowers. of Harriman.

and daughter. Mary Ella. are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. M.

E. and Mrs. It V. Manning. Mr.

and Mrs. Orville Brizendine are spending this week at Santeehla lake. -Or. Martin Moore. of rentor City.

was the guest last. week of Dr. and Mrs. W. S.

and Mrs. Leon Daniels and children. of Knoxville. visited here Elizabeth was the week-end guest of Miss Mtn' kitys Chester in and Mrs. Harry Stewart, of Chattanooga, were guests of relatives here last A.

T. Parker spent last Thursday in Knoxville-Mrs. Lawrence Rose and Mrs. Rammage. of KnOltville were guests last week of Mrs.

Allis Thompoon. HUNTSVILLE. Charignoopo Times Special. MINTsvrLtr, June Anna Watts entertained In compliment to Mrs. Jack Marshall, of DYersburg.

and Mrs. Hugh Hawthorne. Of New York City, at a luncheon at the RusSel Erskine hotel. Mrs. Paul Brewster WWI hostess at the meeting of the Qui Vivre club Tuesday afternoon, The prizes were presented to Miss Nellye Frances Dye and Mrs.

Rhodes Harris and Mrs. Harry Miss Kathleen Hatchett entertained In compliment to Miss Virginia Garth and Miss Martha Wood, of Nashville. Miss Lois Walker was hostess to the members of the Tenatic club at the Twickenham hotel Tuesday afternoon. Miss Martha oore was hostess at a luncheon in compliment to Miss Jeanett Clay. a bride-elect, at the Russell Erskine hotel.

Miss Clay will be married to William Russell on June 30. Miss bars Sawyer, who has been VietIng Miss Annie Stewart, has returned to he horn. in Beaumont. and Mrs. W.

W. Miller. of Belleville. are guests of Huntsville L. Thigpen, of Dallas.

is the guest of her father, Thomas Young. -Mr. and Mrs. Luke Matthews and son have returned from Washington, D. Raphael Semmes and Mrs.

C. S. Boswell and Miss Melee Boswell have returned from New Miss Catherine Taylor. of Chattanooga. is the guest of Mary Jane McCalin, of Dickson, is the guest of Miss Arvie Pierce.

Mrs. W. E. Henderson. of St.

Louis, is the guest of Mrs. Francis Elizabeth Lary is the guest of friends in New Eunice Darwin is the guest of relatives in Dayton, and Mrs. W. R. Hutton.

of Nashville, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Wilson. Miss Janette Hollingsworth has returned to Fayetteville after a visit to relatives here. Mrs.

W. A. Clift and Miss Grace Clift and Mrs. A. R.

Steele have returned from Red Boiling Springs, Helen Fleming has awned to Columbus. after a visit to Miss Alice Thelma Yates has returned from Hollywood, Fla. -Mrs C. W. Shrader has returned to IPSyetteville after a visit to friends here.

-Miss Alice Freemen is visiting her sister. Mrs. Allen B. Parmelee, In Hartford, Carolyn Furness has returned to Gadsden visit to Miss Alice Estill i at Nancy Pierce has returned from Deoistsill t. 4 ,1 kt a1 r- 4 1 1 -t it 4.

,71. 1 4111 2.: 4 LA FAYETTE. I Chattanooga Times Siecial. LA FA YETrE, Gs June 30.The Womens Missionary society of the First Banrist church met Monday afternoon at the church with the president, Mrs. M.

L. Keith. presiding. The Mary Crawford circle. with Mrs.

O. L. Stsnsell. chairman was in charge of the program. the subiect being "Contributions of which was presented In the form of a pageant by the young people of the various departments of the church.

Mrs. W. H. Venable W35 hostess to the W. M.

8 of the Trinity M. E. church. at the personage Monday' afternoon. Mrs.

A. S. Bowen. Sr. of Chickamauga zone leader for this district.

made a talk on -Christian Social Relations." The devotional was conducted by Mrs. J. H. Barton, of Chicksmaugs. Mr3.

Pittman Thommon. of Athens. Gis. made a talk, The next meeting will be held Jut? 16 with Mrs. Fannie Agnew.

The series of meetings which have been in progress at the First Baptist church. conducteci by Jimmie Johnson and Tom Jackson. of Bob Jones college. Cleveland, closed Friday evening. A reunion of the pioneer Weaver family.

of Walker county, was held Sunday at the horne of Mrs. Bessie Weaver Williams. when a large number of the descendants of the late M. and Mrs. Dock Weaver.

of Rock Springs, were present. Those attending from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weaver, of Atlanta. Mr.

nd Mrs. B. H. Pope entertained at 'dinner Sunday in honor of Mrs. Pope's father.

J. C. Clement. of Rome. Out-of-town uests were Mr.

and Mrs. G. L. Keith. Mr.

and Mrs. W. M. Clement. Mr.

and Mrs. G. L. Clement and family. of Rome, and the Rev.

J. H. Smith. of Summerville. La Fayette Troop 67.

Boy Scouts. enjoyed seven-mile hike to the top of Plite011 mountain Friday evening. where they camped for the night. They were accompanied by scouftester. the Rev.

Taylor Morton. Mr. ana Mrs. Dolph Wyatt. of Los.

Angeles. and Mrs. Elmo Moore. of Atlanta. spent the week-end with Mr.

and Mrs. W. R. Neely and Mrs. EL J.

Msgr.Miss Artie McCauley. of Rome. is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs.

J. A. McCauley.Mr. and Mrs. Qui Franklin.

of Miami. en route to Seminole. stopped over here for a visit with the latter's mother, Mrs. R. M.

PittmanMr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell announce the birth of twin daughters June 23. Mrs. Ralph Edwards has returned to her home in New York after a visit with Mrs.

A. R. Fortune.Mr. and Mrs. Horace Herndon.

of Cleveland. 0,, spent the week- end with the formers uncle. Paul Campbell. Mr. and Mrs.

Selman Fortune have returned from their wedding trip and are at home with Mr Fortune's mother on South Main street. Mrs. Fortune was formerly Miss Beth Lee. of Shreveport. La.Mrs.

Walter Biggers and daughter. Miss Nell Bigg ers. of Chattanooga. spent the week-end with. Mr.

and Mrs. M. I. Keith.Miss Lucy Rosser. member of the faculty of the high school h3 Mariboretigh.

N. Y. returned to her home here Thursday to spend the summer.Mr. and Mrs. M.

C. Ballerd and daughter, Miss Frances Ballard. returned Wednesday from visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Hammond at Columbus, Cia.Mr.

and Mrs. H. A Davison and Mrs, C. C. Gilbert were called to Woodville, Friday be the death of their brother.

Julian DavisonMrs. Marsh. Hackney and daughter. Mary Marsh. of Washington.

D. arrived Monday for a visit with Misses Sarah and Mamie Hackney. Mrs. C. B.

Gillespie. who was called here ay the death of her sister, Mrs. J. C. Knox.

Ins returned to her hotne It Raymond, MIP3.Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bohannon.

of Atlanta, spent Sundae with Miss Caroline Napier.Mrs. J. R. Rosser. who underwent an operation at a Chattanooga hospital.

is and Mrs. William Shattuck and son. Jerry. gra visiting relatives at Monroe. Ga.Miss Mary Jo Hill returned Friday front a trip to New York.Mr.

and Mrs. John Ciarmany and son. Robert. of Pensacola, spent the week-end with Mr. 0111MS1174 parents, Mr.

and Mrs. R. S. Germany.Mr. and Mrs.

Edsar Cooper announce the birth of a son on June IL whom they have named John Edgar. Mrs. 'Cooper WW1 formerly Miss Mary R. A. Watson.

Sr has returned from a visit with relatives at MismVCrawford Bells)) is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Guy Crawford at Pensacola. Fla Miss Martha Frances Nest has returned from Rideecrest. where she attended the encampment of the state B.

Y. P. U.Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Johrson.

of Savannah. and Mr. and Mrs. J. H.

Drinon. of Chattanooga. were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. B.

F. Lloyd. Miss Mars Herndon. of Gadsden. Is the guest of Miss Margaret Inman.

CHICKAMAUGA. Chattanooga Times Special. Mentz-Holland. CHICKAMAUGA. June of Mum Prances Warren Holland.

of Byron. and Robert L. Rentz, of Chickarnauga. WII3 solemnised Tuesday afternoon. June 19, at the home of the bride at Byron, with the Rev.

C. C. Heard Officiating. The attendants were Miss Dorothy Holland, sister of the bride, matron of honor. and Dr.

E. B. Osborne. of Chickamauga, best man. The flower girl was little Mica Elizabeth Richardson.

uiece of the bride. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H.

Holland. of Byron. For the past few years she has been a member of the faculty of the Chickamauga public school. Mr. Rentz is the son of Mrs.

H. H. Rents and is engaged in business at Chickamauga. Mr. and Mrs.

Rentz have taken an apartment in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Deck on Lee avenue at Chickamauga. Those attending the nuptials from Chickamauga were Dr. and E.

B. Osborne and Miss Margaret Piper. a a a The Woman's auxiliary of the Presbyterian church met Monday afternoon with Mrs. M. A.

Williams, with Miss Lucille Dunagan presiding. A motion was made and carried lo send Miss Dunagan, who is President of the auxiliary. to the auxiliary trainins school. which will be held at Mon-treat. July 4-12.

Mrs. E. H. Wyatt conducted the devotional; The program was in charge of Mrs. B.

M. Powell. a a Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henderson and daughter.

Dorothy. of Nashville. are the guests of Mr. Henderson's parents. Mr.

and Mrs. C. V. Do 011ie Goode. who has been visiting relatives in Houston, has returned to spend the summer with her niece.

Mrs. Don Harris. -Mrs. R. W.

Baker has returned from a two weeks' visit with her parents. Mr. and Mts. Frank Davis, at Newberne, Oa. She was accompanied home by her sister and niece.

Misses Dorothy Davis and Elizabeth Anne Shields spent the week-end with friends in J. E. Mansfield and son, Joe. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.

R. W. Taylor at Cooperhill. and Mrs. 0.

D. Miller and children and Mrs. Batty Stone. of Nashville. are the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. G. and Mrs. Leonard Raper, of Doyle, event the week-end with Mr. and.

Mrs. Gordon Jack Harris, of Oakland. arrived Monday for a visit with Mrs. Annie Edwards and Mrs. Don Homer Sharp, of Harlem, is visiting his sister, Mrs.

Edward Whelchel. and Mr. Charles Perry. of Montezuma, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harris wards, and Mr.

and Mrs. 1 KINGSTON. Times Special. June 30.A sacred at the Methodist Episcopal morning by the Gres. Knoxville.

consisting of Mr. a daughter and two Gresham directing. Mr. and family and Mr. Robbins the party.

The Rev. and entertained the visitors on the church lawn. Legion auxiliary- was entertained Isham Cox Tuesday Malcolm Kinser presiding. Kinser, Will Billings. Eu- Ladd.

J. P. Brittain. Misses Irma Allison and attended the divisional auxiliary in Maryville. Mrs.

M. H. Rambo and Crowder left Monday for they will assist in the training school of the Cum, school, promoted by the church. The Rev. superintendent, is in William Parker entertaircedfor J.

P. Connell, of Lexington, Monday. Davis. with her Sunday Baptist church, held a the bluff hverlooking the a "A Fighttnta Chance' was Epworth league in the Friday evening. Mrs.

L. B. A. Johnson and attended the reunion family at the Byrd home. relatives from Chattanooga.

and Kingston came Mrs. John Byrd, now honor guest. Jack Patton and Edward for Detroit and froth Chicago and the world's their stay in Ctucago will Mrs. R. D.

Clements. of Knoxville, is the guest T. F. Ingram, and also Ladd.Miss Irene Bailey. located here.

assisting W. H. A. abstract workMr. Bernard and family.

of were Week-end guests E. E. Bernard and Walter Sparks. of Russellville. guest of his sister.

Mrs. Mr. Spfirita was IPturning Richmond. where he at. of his son, Harvey Lawley, of Columbus, MAL.

his son. H. H. Lawley. is now theguest of his H.

Cochran, in West End. Rose has returne tl from parents. Mr. and Mrs. ohn xi Knoxville.Mr.

and Mrs, hn as a guest Miss Lucille, Va.Miss Hazel Gal-'' spert the weak-end George Hicks. ETOWAH. Times Special. June 30.Mrs. It B.

R. Payne and Mrs. C. entertained recently. honoring Price.

a bride-elect, at the Payne. Rapier and Earnest Wilson the horn of Mrs. J. A. Ito Is In 14.

Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.