The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

THE MESSENGER, OWENSBORO, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25, 1926 PAGE FIVE "Cooyrlsrht. 1926 Prcn Publishing Cnmntnr. THE ADVEMURES OF JUDY Short and Snappy Women Will All Be "High Hats By Eleanor Schorer THE PASSBNG THRONG'. (New York Evening Worfd). (S fhu I lf I Hhll II Jcharlej'- ifbS-i taving VVa 1 Bride Party.

Mrs. Robert Lyon, of Paducah, entertained Tuesday afternoon with a bridge party at the home of her mother, Mrs. S. E. Jones, in Fourth street, In honor of Mrs.

Floyd Akin. Three tables of players en-Joyed the game, the prize winners being Miss Josle Holmes and Mrs. Herman Head. The honorees received a remembrance. Mrs.

J. B. Bruner, Mr. Leonard Taylor, Misses Louise Crowe, Nancy Osborne, Beneta Sheldon, Louella Richmond, of Owensboro; Messrs. Manly D.

Crowe, James T. Crowe and Reat Pagon, of Owensboro, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd McCarty, of Whltesville, Mr. and Mrs.

O. H. Carter and little son, James Milton, of Louisville; Misses Helen Taylor, Emma Kelley, Mary Dean Harrison, Edna Smiser, Messrs. John Harrison. Barrett TayUor, Howard Burdette, Mr.

and Mrs. D. J. White, Mr. and Mrs.

O. T. Burdette, Mr. and Mrs. W.

L. Crowe, of Owensboro; Mr. and Mrs. W. W.

Haynes and Mr. Oscar Haynes. Fordsville, where she will visit before returning to her home at McQuady. 1 i Mrs. J.

A. Eddings left yesterday for Hopkinsville, where she will be a guest of her sister, Mrs. Lue Utley, and family. Mrs. Alma Atherton and baby, of Livermore, passed through Owensboro this afternoon, en route to Evansville, where they will visit relatives.

Miss Pauline Williamson and brother, of were guests Sunday of Mrs. Bessie J. Miller. Mrs. A.

J. Williams left yesterday for Evansville. where she will visit her son, Sydney Williams- Mrs. Emma Walker and daughter, Lena Walker, and graud daughter, Hallie Walker, of Carmi, who have been guests of Mrs. Walker's son, Claude Walker, and family, at Central City, passed through Owensboro yesterday en route home.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wilson and of Kansas City, who have been a guest of Mr.

Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilson, of Hopewell, left yesterday for their home.

Mrs. I. T. Haden, of Buffalo, N. who has been a guest of Mrs.

Clifford Nelson and family, left yesterday for Slaughters, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. R. H.Wilson. Miss Bernice Harold, of Indianapolis, arrived in Owensboro yesterday en route to. Rome, where she will visit her parents, Mr.

and 4 Card Party. Miss Coli3tia Jones will give a "bridge party this afternoon at her home in East Fourth street, in honor of Misses Susan Partee and 3iargaret Barbee, of Ripley, guests of Mrs. T. G. Kirkpatrick.

Golf Tourney For the second time the women's golf tournament has been postponed. Owing to the heavy rain Tuesday morning, the games were called off until Friday morning at 9 o'clock. There will be eight foursomes. Picnic at Calhoun. The following persons enjoyed a dinner in the Calhoun Grove Sunday: Glover H.

Cary and family, of Owensboro; Mrs. Sallie Porter and Mrs. Eunice Miller, of Owensboro; Mr. and Mrs. Riley McLe-more.

of Owensboro; Mr. and Mrs. Forest Thomasson and son, A. Mr. and Mrs.

R- G. Cary, Fred Towery and S. Williams, of Owensboro; Mrs. Jennie Stroud and daughter, Jennie Ree, and Dr. R.

G. Cary. ntertain4 S. S. Class Mr.

TV. J. Mitchell entertained the "Wide Awake class of Valley Grove Christian Sunday school Thursday night with a watermelon feast at his home in Browns Valley. The following were present: Misses Eula Mae Xicely, Bernice Blanton, Mary Best, Mollie Sher Mrs. Goldman Harold.

Misses Alline and Benita Hard-esty, of Lebanon, have r. II Wiener Boast at Cannelton. Misses Helen and Mary Odell entertlaned a group of their friends at "Sunnycrest" with a wiener roast. Sunday, the guests including Misses Elizabeth Patterson, Eleanor Bergenroth, of Spencer county; Her Jean Mullen. Virginia Cullen and Goldie Anderson; Masters Vernon Clements, Frank and Joe Odell.

turned after visiting: Miss Elizabeth Flaherty. Mrs. D. Lafoon, Mr. Joe Lafoon.

Miss Thelma Lafoon and Master Eugene Lafoon, motored to Owensboro yesterday from Buckskin to spend a tew days with rel iff, Emma Bell Marksberry, Eliza Lee Pate. Virginia Ling, Ethel Spencer. Treacie, Lucile and Lena Ling, Mittie and Flora Wilson, Helen Sophie Tyler, Jessie Ralph and Elma Mitchell, Messrs. W. T.

Pate. Ruby Sheriff, Leslie Best, Clifton Wilson, Archie Gad-dis, Ralph Turner, John D. Nicely, J. D. and Frank Mitchell, Mr.

and Mrs. Homer Best, Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Best and son, Dean Loyd, Mr. and Mrs.

Bevert Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ralph and Mr.

and Mrs. W. J. Mitchell. atives.

Mrs. R. E. Hawkins left for Louisville where she win spend a few days with relatives. Mrs.

T. F. Daniels, of Henderson, arrived in Ovensboro yesterday to spend a few days with rel dancing teacher, glided over the Shower For Bride-Elect. The Clyde KIgel Mission Circle of Walnut Street Baptist church, will entertain with a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. J.

N. Phillips, on Walnut street, Thursday evening from 8 to 10 o'clock in honor of Miss Jessie Pate, whose marriage to the Rev. J. T. Daugh-erty of Appalachia, will take place Wednesday, September 1- ball room at the Waldorf-Astoria atives and friends.

in a demonstration of the new Miss Nancy Burch. of Louisville. dance before delegates of the first is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W.

C. A NATION-WIDE INSTITUTION- Bryan. Miss Elizabeth Sweeney has re joint convention of the International and American Associations of Masters of Dancing. She said the dance was without the vulgar turned from a month's visit to WORLD'S LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION RELIABLE QUALITY GOODS ALWAYS AT LOWER PRICES relatives in Louisville and New ity of the Charleston, and will ap Albany. Misses Olivia Stuart, Annette pease the moderns' desire for new steps' Steele, Jennie Cosbv and Mr.

J. G. Ned Wayburn, instructor of DEPARTMENT STORES Stuart, returned vesterdav Dinner Pariy. Mr. and Mrs.

I. R. Morgan entertained with a dinner at their home on the Livermore road Sunday in honor of their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Owen, of St.

Louis. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Owen, Mr. and Mrs.

J. Carlin, Mrs. Mary Bethel, Miss Lucy Nail and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan.

stage dancing, defended the from a motor trip to Chicago. Charleston. "It has lived three Mr. Pryor Ringo has returned years," he said, "and it will con 114416 East Second St. Owensboro, Ky.

from Louisville, where he attend ed the Reserve Officers Trainine tinue to live. It is an outgrowth of post-war restlessness, but it has something basic in it that will keep it alive. It is a moral dance, since Corps camp. Mr. Frank Hlte, of Chatta We will' all be "high hats" this fall according to the latest styles.

Above, a red velvet model "patched" with lighter shade with trimming of feather tulips. Center, the square crown and rolled brim is illustrated, the model suggesting an Alpine hat of a decade ago. Below, saxe-blue velvet with fan-like back to the crown and crystal hatpin -who has been a guest of Misses Edna and Bess Sourbeer, at Woodland returned home yesterday. Mrs. Emma Purdy and children, Janice and Margaret, are guests of her.

brother, Mr. Adam Zinsz, and Mrs. ZInsz, in Evans-ville. Mr. and Mrs.

Harvey Eperd and Mr. Charles and wife, of Lewisport, spent Sunday on a motor trip to Beaver Dam, Cen-tertown, Livermore and Owens Birthday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. W. W.

Haynes entertained their father, Mr. Oscar Haynes, with a surprise birthday dinner Sunday, August 22. it being his eightieth birthday. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs.

J. J. Haynes and little daughter. Almeda, of Owensboro; Mr. and Mrs.

James Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haynes, Mrts.

Lon D. Haynes and son, John Henry, Mrs. R. A. Crider, of Louisville; Mr.

and Mrs. Tom Crowe and son, Wilson of Owensboro; Mr. and Mrs. June Harrison and little daughters, Georgia and Suella, Mr. and Mrs.

Marcus Teel, Mrs. Nancy Smiser and son. William, Mr. and Mrs. James Roby and children, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Harrison and little daughter, Lee Anna, Mrs. Lula CiOwe and children, Willard, Finely, Louella and I. Mr. A.

F. Winkler. Mr. Adam Richmond and sons, Hubert and Harold, of Owensboro, Mr. and Mrs.

L. B. McCarty and children, Sarah Jane and Haynes, of Whltesville: Mr. rand Mrs. R.

M. Miller, Miss Mattie Barnett. Mrs. Baxter Taylor and little daughter, Rachel Maxine, Mr. and Mrs.

Virgil Miller, Mrs. Nora Chambers and son. Henry. Mr. and nooga, is spending a few days vacation with his the dancers have to stand from four to six inches from each other.

Meeting Postponed The Past Matrons and Patrons club due to meet tonight has been postponed until the fourth Thursday night in September. Mr. and Mrs. J. F.

Hite. The new "Black Bottom" dance IARATH0M" Mr. and Mrs. J. D.

Neubauer. was described ty Wayburn as "one of the 400 versions of the Charles and sons, 0f Louisville, arrived in ton." the city last night, for a visit to Bridge Party. Mrs. John Massie will entertain with a bridge party at the Country club Friday afternoon- relatives and friends. Mrs.

R. M. Purdy and children, of Bowling Green, have come to Owensboro for a visit of several weeks. HEARD ABOUT TOWN Hats for Fall Ready PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Mrs. Charles H.

Hugger spent yesterday in Louisville. Judge George S. Wilson was the principal speaker at the luncheon meeting of the Optimist Mr. Ira Weber and family have MORTUARY club yesterday. He told of the value of the combined work in the Sunday schools of the city.

Much of this work, he said, con boro. Mr. and Mrs. E. Trangas and son, Master Conny Trangas, of St.

Petersburg, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Callas, have returned home. Mr. sisted of looking after the needy PAIN IN BLADDER The wise man selects a Marathon Hat because he at once eliminates all doubt or question as to the Style Character Workmanship Finish and Value.

Marathon Hats for Fall have Balance and the colors are right. YOUR Marathon Is Ready I "Let Us Be Your Hatter" Funeral of Mrs. S. H. Winstead The funeral of Mrs.

Mary Frances Winstead, 73, wife of Stephen H. Winstead, who died at her home on Werner avenue Monday night, will be conducted from St. Stephen's Catholic church at 9 o'clock -with services by the Rev. Father Richard Maloney, pastor. Interment will be in the Catholic cemetery.

returned from a motor trip to points in Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. T. S.

Halman have gone t0 Asheville, N. C. They were accompanied by Miss Josephine Weill. Mrs. John Lessenberry, who has been visiting her in Glasgow for two months has returned home.

Mrs. Huston Curry, of Henderson, was a guest of Mrs. Bessie J. Miller, Sunday, on the Liver-more road. Miss Kathryn Rich, of French Promptly Eased by SANTAL MIDY Be cure to get the Genuine Look for the word "Midy" Sold hy All Druggists Lick Springs hotel.

French Lick, and Mrs. Trangas are the parents of Mrs. Callas. Mr. and Mrs.

T. J. Crune and children, Alberta, Marianna and Tom, left Monday morning for their home, near Bardstown, after a visit to Mrs. Crune's mother, Mrs. J.

E. Troutman, in St. Ann street. Mr. and Mrs.

J. P. Troutman have returned to their home in Lexington, after a visit to Mr. Troutman's mother, Mrs. J.

E. Troutman, in St. Ann street. Mr. C.

J. Montgomery returned yesterday from Nashville, Tenn. Miss Dorothea Xeal, of Louisville, is a guest of Miss Juanita Davis. Miss Ermina Dannacher has returned to Louisville, after a visit to Miss Thelma Smith. She was accompanied home by Miss Smith, Mrs.

Lue Belle Henry Livermore, Aug. 24. The funeral of Mrs. Lue Belle Henry, 67, wh0 died at her home in Livermore, was conducted from the Livermore Methodist church at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. She is survived by her husband and five children: T.

R. Henry, Mrs. John Higgs, of Island, Mrs. Buck Williams, of Nonell; Mrs. Guy Sullivan, of Evansville, and Mrs.

Bessie Thomasson, 0f this city; als0 nineteen grandchildren and one great grandchild; one sister, Miss Betty Curl, of Louisville. Interment wa3 in Oak Hill cemetery. and sick of the community. As an agency for good it had no superior among the charitable institutions of the city, he said. Rain has interfered seriously with the drilling operations in the local oil field this week, but two good wells were shot Monday.

One by Miller Damron on the Burdette lease, shows up with as good production as the others on this lease, whereon are ten producing wells. The Rex-Pyramid Oil company, a newcomer in the field, shot a good wen in its lease adjoining the two wells of the Ohio Oil company on the Ambrose lease. It will produce about fifteen barrels a day. 1 H. W.

Nail is the owner of the two-story residence at the nortn-east corner of Ninth and Freder-ica streets and Bradley M. Logan is the owner of the adjoining residence. Lee Birk does not own the two buildings. A tentative contract of sale has been made by the owners with the Indian Refining company in the event a permit to construct a service station is granted by the city commissioners. Paul Mattingly, of Sorgho, has six acres of burley tobacco on new Abor "Student Prince" $298 At Left "The Century" Abor "Headliner" $2.98 At Right "The American" $4.98 I $3.98 AW who will be her guest.

Miss Mary Jewell Myles, 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Myles, in Twenty-first street, will leave Monday, September 6, for Winchester, wnere she will enter Kentucky Valencia Successor To Charleston Dance New York, Aug. 24 UP) The "Valencia," described as a "Spanish fox trot," was demonstrated to dancing masters today and hailed as the successor to the Charleston. Mrs.

Edna Passapse, Newark clbool Cap vresieyan college. In addition to her college work, Miss Myles will take music. She graduated from the Owensboro high school in May. Mr. Carroll Maddox, former manager of the Woolworth store in Owensboro, has arrived to join ground near the Henderson road, whicw people passing seeine- it from some distance mistake for WomanHeads Farmer's Bank corn- The tobacco is as high as the average man and not yet done growing.

Mattingly will begin Sale of Summer Dresses $5.00 Joday and Thursday, we offer Summer Dresses priced from $15 to $18.50 at the ridiculously low-price of $5.00. One and two-piece georgettes, printed crepes, solid crepes in good styles. Remember, these are dresses from regular stock and are great values at 1 $5.00 in wne ior a two weeks vacation. Mr. Maddox is now located at Hannibal, manager 0f -Wool-worth.

Miss Alice Lee Vundell, of La-Center, who has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Robertson, left yesterday for her home Mrs.

T. j. Mills, of Miami, who was called t0 Henderson on account of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Williams, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs.

I. R. JIor. gan, Sunday. Mis3 Marie McQuady, whQ has been visiting friends and relatives in Evansville, passed through Owensboro yesterday, en route to Lets Go Fellows Your Cap Is Here! The Style you want the Value you expect the Fabrics and Colors that spell NEWNESS the Low Prices we always make sure of.

There's real Personality and Definite Individuality evident in every School Cap in our display. See them buy them wear them. Low priced at 69c, 98c, 1.49, $1.98 cutting in a short time and believes he will have to cut it in two sections so that it can be hung in the ordinary four foot space between tiers. Leaves on Pryor tobacco in a nearby field are measuring forty inches, Mattingly stated in Owensboro yesterday. Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Arnold left last night for Battle Creek, to be at the bedside of Mrs. Arnold's sister, Mrs. Stephen Lesher, of Philadelphia, who underwent a serious operation Monday but is reported as doing well. The condition of M.

T. Henderson, who underwent a malor on- I This Process Removes Superfluous tiair Roots! eration at St. Joseph's hospital in Louisville, is improving. Mrs. Henderson is in Louisville with him.

GirVs Noses Will Not ShinefNow Women troubled with unsightly hairy growths will be delighted to hear they can now actuallv remove the hair entire roots and all easily, quickly, harmlessly! It is done without the use of liquid, powder, paste or electric needle. The phelactine process is not to be compared! at all with any other method. Nothing like it ever discovered. It causes the hair roots to come out before your very eyes, leaving the skin smooth and hairless as a babe's. Its action is so positive, druggists generally leport large sales for phelactine.

It is non-odorous, non-irritating, non-poisonous a child could safely eat it. Get St. nmall ntnnlr jnA tnil.v A new kind of face powder is here. Made by a new French Pro cess stays on until you take it off. Pores and lines do not show.

Not affected hv nprsnlratlon rtivo Miss Flora Buck is president of the Farmers State Bank of Geneva, 111. There are onl six bank presidents in the Association of Bank Women and Miss Buck is one of them. life and beauty to your complexion An Exclusive Shop For Better Dressers aimost unoeueveaoie. It is called MELLO-GLO. Tou will lov it.

At i A Trllrr ttiM rv.v1.. 1 I Dimple: llliSLl till i you will be wonderfully surprised. I all toilet Broods counters. Advcr. tisem*nt.

jJrejtisem*nC Mf I. i TFT.

The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)


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