Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)

33 THE CHATTANOOGA TIMES: CHATTANOOGA, SUNDAY, MAY 2, 192G. Popular Girl Contest Winner YALLEY HEAD A. ELECTS MRS. HOLT Association Studies Alabamas School Needs. IIIIOH COUPLE TO HARRY MAY 8 rnoagement of Miss Helen Hollifl9sworth Announcecl- fed H.E.

Turner Many Courtesies Shown CHURCH SOCIETY HONORS MRS. HIPP Bridgeport Women Prepare Unique Program. Senator C. W. Brown Wins Prize Offered by Pathfinder for Democrat Definition.

and children visited relatives In Chattanooga last week. Miss Forrestine Brown, of Bridgeport, waa the guest of Miss Jeanette Michael Wednesday. Among (hose attending the dedication exercises of the Dixie Portland Memorial school Wednesday were Mrs. E. T.

Boyd, Mrs. Robert Parden, Mrs. Marian whltcher, Mrs. Alice French, ferie Haring? MrEle.andr MrBob I Miss Sarah Blackburn Marries Clellan, Miss Jewel Carmack, Mr. and I it Mrs.

Walter Minter, Mrs. Fannie Cooper, I HerDeri rTICe Mrs. Martin, Misses Ethel Clendenhem, Margante Stickle, Miss Ray D. 4S Marriage Takes Place at Kv.V,'1 freesboro. Where Bride Is Jasper, Dr.

and Mrs. George Wampler, Mrs. Seay, of Whit well; Mr. and Mrs. Straus, Herman Conn, Dr.

and Mrs. i. F. Hackney, R. VV.

Williamson, J. TD Gunther. Mrs. Phil Patton and children, after Chattanooga Timet Special. PIKEVILLE, May 1.

A wed SURPRISE WEDDING OF PIKEVILLE GIRL Tisit here with Mrs. Frank Patton, left ding which came as a complete surprise this week for their home in Nashville. Prof, and Mrs. J. B.

Brown and I er rlend was wis Sarah Prof, and Mrs. T. L. Tallant, of Chatta-1 Blackburn, who was married Sunday, n.05F.were her V11 ft I Apr 23. Murfreesboro to Herbert dedication exercise of the Richard I City school.

Prof. Brown and Prof. I Price, of South Pittsburg, the result of. Tallant are former principals of the! a romance of two years duration. Mrs.

Richard City school. Mr. and Mrs. I a tll- dinrhtrr of Mr S. D.

Tanner announce the birth of a I tV daughter whom they have christened I Mrs, ZI Blackburn, of Pikeville Velma Lee. Mrs. U. C. Salmond hasl After completing the Bledsoe' County Uhb Slum.

1- Friendly society. Mr. and Mrs. J. I lege for two year and was a pupil la Lewis Smith announce the birth of a the Middle Tennessee State Normal school daughter Satnrday, April 24 I when the wedding occurred.

She is an CHICKAMAUGA TEMPLARS I The Womans Missionary society met TO HOLD INSTALLATION I in social session In the Methodist church parlor Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. R. G. Putnam hostess. White narcissi warn the chosen flower used in decoration.

The afternoon was spent in sewing. A dainty lee course was served with white angel food cake by the hostess. The members present were ends mos J. F. Jackson, VV, M.

Toilet J. VV. Pope, J. A. Stephens, J.

M. Adams, I. E. Swafford, Vesta Ault. T.

A. Pope, I N. Brown, J. II. Greening, J.

I. Ricketts, P. T. II a swell. J.

11. Morris, A. C. Tarver, Tennle llaskew, Thomas Swafford, R. B.

Schooificld and R. U. Putnam. 0 A unique entertainment was that given Chattanooga Timet Special. CHICKAMAUGA, Ga.

May l. The Charles Martel commandery, Knights Templar, No. 39, will bold Its installation services at the new Masonic hall next Wednesday evening. This will be a public installation, and a large number of Sir Knights and their families and friends are expected to be In attendance. This will be the first meeting to be held the handsome new Masonic ball, which has recently been completed.

Circle No. 1 of the Presbyterian church held Its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. M. A. Camp afternoon.

An Interesting Bible stndy I tha Sunshine club of the Christian was given, with Mrs. Camp as church Saturday afternoon at the home Mrs. J. Martin, who has recently I Mrs. J.

M. Reynolds, with Miss Luelle come here to reside, waa received as a Lusk and Miss Marguerite Murry as new member. I joint hostesses. A motif of pink and I white was featured throughout the en A special service will be held at the I tertainment, which was In the form of an Methodist church Sunday evening, when I aviation meet. Pink and white wild the Epworth league of the church will I flowers were used In decoration, honey-have charge of the evening service.

At I suckles and dogwood. The guests were this time the new officers which have I each presented with a pink and white recently been elected will be installed. I paper helmet. A contest was given In Special music will be rendered during I tests and flights. Miss Jeanclle Coulter the service.

I made an Imaginary flight to the north I pole. Each guest told her experience ou A mnslcale program was given at the I airplane flight. Miss Martha Shehan community house Saturday evening. The winnlgg tho rlnk omj whlt. luntor orcties tra made its Initial block cream and cake and mint were ar? a d.e SirL ii16 I 8ervcd.

Twenty-three members were with 86V6r8i 86l6CtlOD8 Th6 ilcUoilftld I a thpiut TiflifnfR Tka vtsitnrft quartet rendered several numbers, which I 1 were enthusiastically applauded. The MMmamssml MUs Josephine 1 In skew orchestra, under the management of I illiams and miss JORCpninc iinskew Misses Burghard and Taylor, of the local faculty, showed marked Improve-1 nooga, grana ment. After the program games were I Eastern Ntr organization, came trlday enjoyed. Icecream was sola during the I to install the officers In the Eastern evening by the Girls Reserve club. I Star lodge at I ikevllle.

Mr. aad Mrs. Saturday evening a box supper will be I H. A. Williams and Mr.

and Mrs. Harry held at the community house under the I Kelly, of Bridgeport, motored to auspices of the Girls Reserve club, and Tlkevllle Sunday and were guesta of Mr. the beautiful quilt which hag been made I and Mrs. Crlt Kelly and Mrs. C.

O. by the club will be given to the one re-1 Chisam. Mrs. James vBInekburn la eelving the most votes in the. popularity I visiting -her pnrents In Union City, contest.

I Tenn. Mrs. K. A. Bee and son have reft I turned from Nashville, where she waa Mrs.

C. Calloway waa the hostess to I the guest of her uncle, Lewis S. Pope. the Junior Missionary society of the! Mr. and Mrs.

R. F. Martin and ciiil- Methodist church at her home hero Tues- dren, of Sweetwater, are spending the day afternoon. Miss Margaret Bagwell, I xveek-end with tlieir father and mother, president, was In charge of the meeting Mr Bn Mrg- c. Worthington.

Mis. and gave a missionary program. At the faille Tollett was the weekend guest of business meetihg it wss decided to send her sl8ter, Mrs. Thomas Swafford. a box to the King Mill mission at Au- pnrju9 pope and sister, Mrs.

Margaret j- 'XJE ykks. ws MISS KMAL1NK HEMBREK BRIDGEPORT, May 1. Miss Hembree, a popular member of the younger set of Bridgeport, won in the popular girl contest held here Saturday night and was presented with a chest of silver In token of her victory. She is a graduate of the Tennessee River Institute. ton Rhapsody MIgnonne, Frances Herndon Conamore, Lillie Fridley reading, Soap the Oppressor," Louise Herndon; vocal solo.

Addle AUen Valse Caprice, Jane Peck; vocal solo, Rockin in de Wind, Vea Bacon; Invitation to the Dance, Mrs. Reedy and Zola Johnston Etude; Ella Grace Lowery vocal quartet, Owl, Parrot and Crow, by Ella Grace Lowery, Marguerite Hogue, John Hillman and Lawrence Greenwood. Of Interest throughout this section was the wedding In Louisville, Ky Thursday evening In the Methodist temple of Miss Mary Nelle Pen land, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. S.

E. Penland, of this place, to Roy Walter Wilder, of Danville, Ky. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Humphreys, friend of the bridegroom. Only a few friends witnessed the ceremony.

The bride was beautiful In an ensemble suit of ashes of roses, with accessories to match. Her flowers were a shower bouquet of Bride roses and valley lilies. Mrs. Wilder is a graduate of Monroe County Central High school here and has attended the East Tennessee State Normal and the Asheville State Normal at Asheville, N. C.

The bridegroom holds a responsible position with the Central Wholesale company, of Danville. Mr. and Mrs. Wilder left Friday for a honeymoon trip In Indiana. Mrs.

Mae K. Hale entertained Saturday evening at her home in special compliment to Miss Della Sue Anderson, of Knoxville, whose marriage to Charles Edward Dawson, of Knoxville, will be an event of early May. Quantities of bright spring flowers decorated the rooms. Five tables were arranged for rook. White flowers were used on the tables.

The high score prize, a vase, was won by Miss Marie Sheets. The low score prize, a deck of rook cards, was won by Mrs. John Sheets. The honoree was presented handsome hand embroidered tea napkins, and Mrs. Crouch, of Knoxville, nu honor guest, was presented a beautiful hand-made linen handkerchief.

The color note of white and green was emphasized in the serving of the delicious ice course. Out-of-town guests present were the honoree. Miss Anderson, of Knoxville; Mrs. Guy Sneed, of Harriman Mrs. Frank Hunt, of Knoxville Miss Elizabeth Johnston and her house guest, Mrs.

Crouch, of Knoxville, and Miss Mary Lu-cile Anderson. Tuesday evening the Eromatheslan Literary society of Iliwassee college presented the play, Go Slow, Marv, in the college auditorium. Those taking part were Raymond Grantham, flalleen Sntder, Marguerite Hogue, James Patterson, Eva Lee Johnston, Alberta Jenkins, Zula Johnston, Roy Moore, Cash W. Owens. F.

B. Jackson and John Gray. The play was well presented. Mrs. Bess Hines spent Tuesday In Knoxville.

Mr. and iMrs. Joe Jim Richards, of Bradentown, have been the guests of relatives here. Mr. Richards has returned to Florida, but Mrs.

Richards continues her visit with relatives. -W. S. Small and Jake Cal loway, of Knoxville, were business visitors here Wednesday. Mrs.

N. W. Ellis, of Knoxville, is the guest of friends here. Miss Lcota Rogers, of Etowah, was here Sunday. Mrs.

James Axley lias been indisposed this week. Mrs. Alae Ilalc was a visitor In Sweetwater Monday. Miss Glenn McClellan, of Kockwood, was the week-end guest of parents. Miss Georgia Mae Sanders.

of iliwassee college, was a visitor for the week end with Miss Ruby McSpad-den. Miss Velma Heighten, of Mary ville, is the guest of Kathleen Richards. Misses Addle Kennedy and Minnie Tallent have entered summer school at Knoxville. Mrs. J.

M. Reedy, Mrs. M. A. nines and Miss Cora Lee Deltossett.

Clyde Reedy and Lester Gillenwater, all ot Iliwassee college, spent Monday In Miss Della Sue Anderson, of Knoxville, and Miss Mary Luelle An-derson, of Morgantown, were week-end guests of Mrs. Mae Hale. Mrs. Claude E. Sprague nnd daughters, of Knoxville, were visitors here for the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Walker, of Athens, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crje.

Miss Anna Margaret Magill nnd Miss Stewart and Messrs. Ward and Nicholson, of CopperhUl. were here Sunday. Misses Mary Jane Humphrey and Ruth Johnston, of Etowah, were weekend guests of Miss Jeanette Kennedy. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Hunt nnd little daughter were guests for the weekend with relatives in Athens. Mr. aud Mrs. Guy Sneed, ot Harriman, were the week end guests of Mrs.

Sneed's parents here. They were accompanied home bv Miss Marie Sheets, who remains for a visit Mr and Mrs. Merrill Hng-ler, Miss Gusle Gormley, Miss Margaret Prince and Miss Nannie Lee Hicks, of Knoxville, and Mrs. J. NR Hawkins nnd J.

11. Ghormlt of Tellteo Plains, were the guests bunday of U. T. Glmrm-tev and family. Bill Murphv, of Etowah, was a visitor here Sunday.

Louie Hunt, of Chattanooga, is a visitor here this week. Mrs. John R. Sheets spent Monday in Svvei tvvater Mrs. Fred '1 al lent is spending home time in Knoxville.

Miss Elizabeth Johnston, ot Knoxville, spent the week-end at home. She was accompanied lv Mrs. Crouch, of Knoxville. who was her guest for the week end' Mr. and Mrs.

Howard Ilirks and little son, Kenneth, of Kockwood, were guests the first of the weik of Mr. and Mrs. W. (. Mason lr.

and Mrs. G. M. Frith, of Knoxville, were Sunday gne-ts of Dr. and Nlrs.

D. T. Carson Mrs. Frank Hunt, of Knoxville, was the guest for the week end of Mr. and Mrs.

A. Hunt. The elr les of the Ladies' auxiliary of the Presbyterian church met at Unchurch Monday afternoon. Mrs AV. J.

I.antidln iiad charge of the program, which was nu Hie missionary work now being done in Africa. Mrs. Eddie Sloan, Mrs, Nettie Klnser. Mrs. M.

F. Valentine nnd Mrs. Robert Magill had assignments on the program. Mrs. Loy W.

Allison, sponsor of the sophom*ore class of Iliwassee col'ege, will entertain that class In the college parlors Friday evening Prof, and Mrs. T. A. Frick, Prof nnd Mrs. Allison.

Prof and Mrs. M. A. Hines nnd Prof, nnd Mrs. Reedy were guests at luncheon given bv Mr.

and Mrs. A. M. Johnston the first of Hie week nt their home near Iliwassee college. Mrs.

Will Fowler and Miss Myrtle Fowler, of Philadelphia, were guests ot relatives here Tuesday. JOHNSON CITY GUEST HONORED AT ROCKWOOD nome nere ivcoucoua eYruiugf ih. casion being In honor of her forty-second birthday. The table held a large white birthday cake, ornamented with tapers, oirtnuay case, ornamented wun topers, Mrs. J.

W. Ellis Leads in Discussion Prof. Hall Tells of School Requirements. Chattanooga Timet 'Special. YALLEY HEAD, May 1.

The Parent-Teacher association met Monday afternoon In the high school auditorium. All patrons of the school were invited and a delightful program was given under the direction of Mrs. J. W. Ellis.

The subject for the meeting was Some of Alabamas Educational Needs." Song, Onward, Christian Soldiers. Scripture reading, followed by prayer' by the Rev. J. White. Educational needs by Miss Louise Smith; answer to Educational Needs, by Prof.

A. B. HalL Reading by Kina Louise Davenport. Plano solo by Miss Gladys Ellis. Song, America, the BeautifuL At the conclusion of the program the election of the officers for the ensuing year was held, the following officers being elected: Mrs.

James B. Holt, presi dent; Prof. A. B. Hall, vice-president; Miss Dicie Chitwood, secretary Mrs.

Paul N. Davenport, treasurer. A salad course with hot coffee was served to fifty present. Mrs. George Dean entertained the Mission Study class of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, at her home Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs. N. B. Hasten was the leader for the study. At the close of the meeting delicious refreshments were served.

Mrs. George A. Lowry and son, Francis, left Saturday for Muskogee, after a ten days visit as the guest of her mother, Mrs. Ellen Davenport. Mr.

and Mrs. B. VV. Hollerman and little daughter, Betty George, were the guests of Mr. Hollemans parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Tom Holleman. In Fort Pavne, Sunday. E. M.

Tutwiler, of Bir- minghafn, spent several days the past week at his summer home here. Miss Mary Frances Holleman, and Ted Davenport spent Tuesday in Chatta-nqoga. Miss Ruth Holleman, of Collinsville, spent the week-end as the fuest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.

I. Holleman. Mr. and Mrs. William II.

Brock, of Trenton, were the recent guests of friends here. Mrs. Elmer F. Dalby was the guest of her mother, Mrs. John Reagon, In Kaolin, Ala.

Messrs. Fred Huron and O. P. Cooper have returned from Tuscaloosa, where they attended the state Civttan convention, which was in session there the past week. Mr.

and Mrs. Claude Ilowe have returned to their home In Cleveland, after a recent visit with Mr. Howes brother, U. II. Howe, and wife.

Mrs. Mertice King, of Chattanooga, was the recent guest of her sister, Mrs. Jim Reynolds. Clinton Dobbins spent the week end in Dawson, as the guest of his parents. Miss Louise Smith has returned from Marion, where she Bpent several (lavs as the guest of her sister.

Miss Willie May Smith, at Judson college. Miss Alile Jean Edwards, of Attalla, made an Interesting talk In behalf of the Womans college in Montgomery, Sunday at the Methodist church. The Rev. I. K.

Waller, of Birmingham, former pastor of the Meth odist church here, spent several days the past week here as the guest of friends. Carey Porter spent the week end in Collinsville. as the guest of his parents, Mft and Mrs. P. B.

Porter. The Rev. S. L. Dobbs, presiding elder of the Bessemer (Ala.) district, was the guest of the Rev J.

VV. McBraver the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. C.

M. Parrish, of Attalla, are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. J. W. McBrayer.

Those who attended the Gadsden district conference, which was in session in Fort Payne, the past week, were Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Hnston.

Mrs. Ben White, Luther Wright, Dr. J. U- Parham, Mrs. C.

Brown, Mrs. Carl Stone, Mrs. Clifton Phillips and Mrs. Leonard Hulgin. Mrs.

William Campbell nnd children, who have been in Okachobee, for thp winter are her parents, Mr, and Mrs Phillip Hulgin. MJsb Louise Davenport entertained the Jan or Missionary society at her home Wednesday afternoon. After a social hour refreshments were served to twelve members. Mrs. J- W.

Ellis entertained the Missionary society of the Methodist church with a picnic at Buck Pocket last Saturday. Twenty-five young people enjoyed this hos- pltality. SOUTH PITTSBURG. Chattanooga Timet Special. SOUTH PITTSBURG, May -Mrs.

J. E. Deathridge entertained number ot little tots Tuesday afternoon at her home on Elin avenue, the occasion being the fourth birthday of her little son, James Lawrence. The children spent the afternoon playing games, after which they were invited to the (lining room, where an lee course was served A color note of yellow and white was carried out In the decorations, streamers of yellow crepe paper being drawn from the chandelier to the four corners of the table. The centerpiece was a large white birthday cake, containing four burning tapers of yellow, Those present were Clarice Haider, Sambo Minnis, Preston Rogers, Vir ginin Barger.

Mary Kelly Barger, Mar ha Hackworth. Donald Brown McCloud Mathis Bush, Tommy Raulston. Harolc Holder, William Walter Lee. Charlotte Johnson, Lowery, Phillip Baum gartner, Paul Cordell Baumgart ner, Reba Farr, Virginia Anderson. Dor othv Anderson, Carolan Holder, Dorothy Nell Cutten, Billy Houston, Lapsly Hope.

Lois Troutman, John Reed Lowry, liar old Cordell and Billy Nieh Baumgart ner. Master Xeatherdlge received many pretty and useful gifts. Mrs. R. A.

Dibblns entertained with a birthday dinner last Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crum bliss in Richard City. Spring flowers were used to decorate the rooms and the cenUrplece was a basket of tulips, narcissi and sweet peas. The place cards were tiny calendars attached to rosebud baskets filled with mints.

Cover were laid for Miss Lillian Russell, Vlnlng Deaklns, Miss Jean Cannon. Henry Clark, of Atlanta; Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Crumbliss and Mr. and Mrs.

R. A. Dobbins. Miss Margarite Coffelt returned to Nashville this week after a three week visit here with her mother. Mrs.

M. Cofftlt. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rauls ton had as their guests for the week end their daughter, Mrs.

Frank Costello and little daughter, Willie Kathlyn, of Chattanooga, and their son. Dave, of the Sixth Cavalry band, atationed at Fort Oglethorpe. He was accompanied by Dennis T. Swiehart, director of the band. Misses Rosie Padgett, Ola Me Oraw and Rye Stanshury hiked to Bridgeport Thursday and spent the day with friends.

Mrs. John Campbell Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Nell -Craig, in Chattanooga. Mr. and Mra.

Horace Brooks, of Chattanooga, spent the week end here with Mrs. Brook a parents, Mr. and Mra. J. A.

Shirley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Stewart have returned to their home in Atlanta after a few days visit here with Elwood Shaw, who has been in Asheville for the past eighteen months returned home iast Saturday.

Her many friends will be glad to hear that ahe is greatly improved in health. Miss Rosie Padgett had as her guest last week. Miss Sye Stansburg, of Chattanooga. Virginia Womack left Sunday for Kentucky, where ahe will spend the summer with her aister, Mrs. Earl Jernigan.

Mr. and Mra. D. L. Land street and family left this week for Nash ville, where they will reside.

Miss Jewel Grave, of Chattanooga, visited friends here Thursday. Miss- Rhoda and Julia Hoge, of Jasper, visited their ister. Mrs. A. A.

Cook, this B. Severn, of Chattanooga. 1 the guest of her parents, Mr. and Sir. E.

Adco*ck. Misses Mary Alma Jackson and Myrtle Birdweli left last week for Murfreesboro, where they were attending state normal. J. MeGra.w and son. John, of Chattanooga, were the guests of his parents.

Mr. and Mr. R. A. McGraw, last week.

James Payne left this week for Clearwater, where he has accepted a position- Mrs. Owen Gifford Chattanooga Timet Special. Ga May 1. Mr. an anil Mr.

I dALT0''' noilingsworth an-tirW JenJJlement of their Mr. Herman Epps Turner, r. occur May 8 at 5 o'clock -iwec lr Presbyterian eh arch. Miss is one of Daltons most KTtoub ladies and is being entertained during the week, rrr Hamilton complimented her 5 6 E. Horton, with two beau- -rut.

Thursday. In' the morning df uon home was decorated with S'1 tulips, and four tables were bridge. Mrs. John Steed 1 Pj vase ot tulips. The score prizo, ttfVn UoTiings worth, and the was presented a act of table floor Cl, the game a delicious luncheon was served, several I VnTiwai gn-sts being invited for tunch I d5 the afternoon rook was played at tables, and top score honor was hr Mrs Barrett Denton.

A salad sis ny fln oranpe ice, was he card tables. Sirs. Henry Art'L assisted Mrs. Hamilton in cn-Cfhergnehts. in Virion McCamy entertained Tuos-Vrnonn at tie subur-home Mrs.

M. E. Judd. compU-lb5 Helen Hollingsworth, a I. Seven tables were grouped bridge" Mrs Blair Cannon won top powdi bo, and the eon-JFic? cm '-y Mrs.

I- I Hollingsworth was presented a fruit dish After the game a salad and tea were served. U. Mifaniy neeived her guests rluntv costume of yellow georgette. Hiiliingsworth wore a spring model BOWilif blue georgette, with a leghorn trtumeil In pastel shaded flowers. I was assisted In entertaln-I M'S Cam or Westcott, Mrs.

G. W. Mertha Elu Manly and j. Margaret Shelton. I "1,.

Riv Jovial) Crudtip will deliver I comnu'tiei nient sermon at the Eton i (-)iool Sunday morning. The (, enable Is In Oulverton cOn-t nfng a ten-dav meeting In the Method- thun Mrs. Venable accompanied I 'm Itev. f. K.

Sims Is In Cbes- Cir 8 C'lslllng relatives and will nt-i the annual meeting of the board of I rnsfeea of the 'J heologieal seminary in I '(ilambia, hi fore returning home. I Misses Betty Mu Prater and Lois irailliuins spent the week-end in Chnt-l uioogi, Hie guests of Miss Arabelle ,1,1, is M.irv Ira.lir was the giteHt I Mrs Joe Roberts In Atlanta during 1 inm! opera Mr .1. E. McGee, of At- "nta, was Hie gnet last week of his later, Mrs. John Duncan Mrs.

L. F. oilier, of Creenv llle, S. Is the gueHt of Mm ('. Bowen Mrs, Harry iltiam Is the gmvt of her mother, VV liter Smith, In Marion, Ala llss Praters Jack Is visiting friends In Miami Mrs II Ranehenburg and Mbs Frinees Kmner spent ttie past two vrtk) In New orh and Washington.

Howard Manly was dollghtf nlly en-erlnliiul during grand opera by Mrs lohr Burrotiglis In Atlanta. Vfltis Rose of Atlanta, was the ff.k end guest of frit nils here. Mr ml Mrs Itlivms were guests of Jrs I nnn'e Roster last week. Miss Hp hut, of Cli ittunooga, spent the spit mhI with Miss Pearl Co) le. -4r.

.1 Cnpiland spent Tuesday At I st lit sttendiag a meeting of the linn nl of Mirier unhirxity. Airs. .1. rU Riimm and little daughter, Laurlee, are a guests of relillves In Fort illev Mr and .1. A.

Carter, jrs lit II Snmn nnd little daughter, writh I ran era, mid Mr. Wood Carter Itent Tuesdiv In Cillioun. the guests Mr mid Mrs. Ralph Haney. Mr.

nhn AM a rtf, of Atlanta, was the guest wpfk of and Mrs. V. S. Me- rty Mrs. VV.

H. and Mrs. f. "mltli nifonded the I). A.

con- rrs In Wislimgton. Judge uml Mrs. IMiilihen nre In Hot Springs. Mr Joint Cutup lias returned from lertita Mr. anil Mrs.

Klnenid bonus of Miami, are guests of Mr ad Mrs John Thomas Mr. and 11 1, P.rooker and Mrs. Rov Wil- spent the week- ml In Atlanta It Ernest Ree spenf Sunday In Marv- 41', Turn Mrs. Earl Keen and Mrs. S'nu MiCluid nre visiting relatives In jhiinloiH Miss Tallulah Johnson jnot Hie week end in Atlanta.

iiondhv Johnson is visiting In I lit .1 ill nnd Atlanta, Mr rf Stiueidl, of Atlanta, Is of Mr. and Mrs. Walter John-11! Mr R.n Boss had ns her guests r-t of the week Mrs. Charles srlo, Me l'r) or. Miss Minna Rum, and Miss Margaret I i-lnille --Mrs Hubert mol ihlldien, of Atlanta, are if and Mrs.

.1 l'lemister. s-I'ho Itev and Mrs II C. VV hltener hi IlHi" son. 11 (' Jr, of P.nfnrd. nre lists lure Mrs.

It, die loslev jr and Mrs Hobart Me.Vitlev Is, and Altee MeAulev, I At, i i gliosis of friends In ll'r, this Mr. nnd Mrs, 'I II, radon, ot All. inf, were with Urn Irlimls this wet -Messrs. 'Srgi III, loirdson I.orenr.o Head. Mor Huff.

Iliiant Blok nnd Crank (i toorgii lull, speur Hie week-U ai In Mr I I to Mann, of nl'i)h, in, and Mann, of "Ih'irpe iiiiim r-'iv, spent the week- With Col. nod Mrs. VV. II Mann ft anil Mrs n. Ianlktier.

of At-hta, wo, end of Mr. and Irtter. Mr. John A. twronl spent the week end In Atlanta.

--Mrsrs Xooiey an 1 Toinmv the wiek-end in Atlanta a Mr Ry heeler. 3WASSEE STUDENTS present college play Tima StanL May lit Tf num" tt romance ot American "as presented by the voice srimnit of Iliwassee college at the col- 4'Sc Dins 1 (lav I 1 HMHIXM-P ITIlirtH' til UIV luiiiturium Monday filing. jp v-W of charm ter. was Will i John Hillman, John Ila Vllllnm Harris, 'Uil'on. David Carson.

Lester Gil "hr. Dmetliv Smith, Zula Johnson, iry KIDnbeth Kidd. Miry I'orreM, David Warner, Jim Jsnies lauersiui. Prof. Horace Gree-.

11 Rawreme Grctmvond. Martha if Kill Tulle. Mrs. T. A.

Fri. k. Fred tries Sweet, ley a was given under the di-, -Urs. Allison, teacher the CoHego. 0 -n.

i Saturday pupils of JL, ''bailment of Iliwassee eol-Hurtr reeltal nt the college nu- tJvi J111 Dl.tnkellbhtp, Chiu Doll Jewett, t'l follows: Polish ,7 leva Milder Melodic. by DU "Fooi lull March. by Mary ti" Dance of the Koso-fe- "nise Herndon: vrnul duet, I i Ib'se. by Addle Lee Allen brut-rite ljQHlea aud ft Mrraws Mildred Davis: vocal solo, A- Kidd Sunshowers Cap- Evans reading. Thftt Old Mine." W.

F. Hudson; on Irene Allen; rink 5,7 5,, Imogone Sanderson and Vrry i vocal quartet. Mighty Is- Addle Allen. Marguerite Mesdatnos Spurlin and Frick I Uladvs Raker and Ilat- lil" The Ride oft Jenny f. Altman, aud Whims, by -inline Sanders, lay even Shepherd" Evening t.irt".lIe,'hins ami Ola Xxw- Inmgene San Manuel Tobias: ii Kwuii "Ilh the Tide.

1 r. ks nm' Marguerite Hogue; la 'rt-e Cav-' 1-oulse Herndon nnd Elolse 'Ho, lively Rose. Mrs. rSuerlte Hogue and Zula John- Chattanooga Timet Special. BRIDGEPORT, May 1 Mrs.

A. L. Hipp was the honor guest at a party given by the Womans Missionary society of the Methodist church, of which she Is a member, at the home of Mrs. J. H.

Horne Friday afternoon. The home was decorated with spring blossoms and potted plants. A program Included several vocal selections by Mrs. John Stegall, and instrumental numbers by Mrs. Frances Boyd.

An Interesting feature was a Going Away contest, answered with the names of business houses of Chattanooga. Mrs. John Stegall won the prize, which she presented to the honoree. A modeling contest created a great deal of, fun. Mrs.

Hip was presented with a beautiful bridge lamp. Sandwiches and tea were served by the hostess. Those present were Mesdames Josle Allen, A. Cluck, John P. Troxell, Frances Boyd, John Stegall, L.

C. Boles, R. Barham, Katie Stickle, W. P. Lea, Frances Cooper, Ben Bridgeman, J.

McCormack, J. n. Horne, Brown, A. L. Hipp; Misses Ida McFarlan and Alice Miss Ambrester and Miss Lizzie Ridley, teachers at the grammar school, took their pupils on a picnic Wednesday and Thursday.

The seniors and Juniors of the Tennessee River institute went to Bluff Views on the mountain, where they enjoyed a picnic Saturday. The Invited guests were Vera Minter, Juanita Dean, Katherine Ambrester and Gladyce Walker; Clifford Gordon, Jamea Bouldln, Russell Benfield, Lindsey Llveland and Burton Thach. The improvement league of the Tennessee River Institute entertained with a silver tea Thursday in the parlors of the girls home. The reception room was brightened with spring flowers. The following program was given: Welcome address.

Mayor E. P. Jacobs; duet, Misses Angele and Smith: piano duet, Mrs. Frances Boyd and Vesta Proctor. Talk, On the Little Things of Life, Mrs.

C. W. Brown. Piano solo, Miss Ethel Clendennon. Solo, Mrs.

O. L. Wilson. Reading, Miss Bertha Caudell. Refreshments were served, prepared by the domestic class of the school.

The Gospel music department of the Tennessee River Institute attended the Baptist Young Peoples Union association in Jasper, last Sunday afternoon. The department game an Interes-ing and inspiring program. Senator C. W. Brown, of this place, has just won a prize over 30,000 Pathfinders of Washington, offered for the best definition of What Is a Democrat.

Miss Emaline Hembree won the chest of silver given by Toms comedian show for the one holding the most votes in the popular girl contest last week. Those attending the dedication at the Dixie Portland Memorial school Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. VV. S.

Minter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Horne, Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Parton, Mrs. Alice French, Mrs. Marion Witcher and Miss Eleanor Witcher, Mrs. Ben Bridgeman, Mrs. Gordqn Hambree and Miss Emaline Hambree, Mrs.

Frances Cooper, Mrs. C. i Choekley, Mrs. Hugh Earhart, Mrs. O.

F. Hurtling, Mrs. VV. Lea and Woodrow Lea, Mrs. Robert 'McClellan, Miss Mai Dee Jones, Miss Jewell Carmack, Miss Ida McFarlane, Mrs.

A. L. Hipp. Mrs. Ed Loyd.

Mrs. Tom Parton, the Rev. and Mrs. O. L.

Millican, Mrs. C. B. Brown, Mrs. D.

Haggar. Clyde Jernigan, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. VV.

Jernlgun, of this place, recently has been signally honored with free membersship to the Alnbama Phar-maeentical association, having made the highest grade in the state board out of the seventy who took the examination. He made an average of 01, Mr. and Mrs. Iioma Carr and children visited her slfeter this week-end in Nashville. Tenn.

Nlr. and Mrs. Will Bragg, of South Pittsburg, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Iarton, who Is sick. Mr and Mrs.

E. P. Jacobs motored to Chattanooga Friday. Mrs. Grigg Windrow, of Murfreesboro, visited Miss Emaline Hembree and J.

J. Williams this week. Misses Brooks and Iuralee Moody, of Scottsboro, visited Miss Ethel Clendennon Sunday. Miss Beatrice Jarnlgan hns returned to her home in Scottsboro, Ala. Gus Gunter, of San Angelo, Is visiting his mother and sister, Mrs.

Frances Boyd. Miss Ruth Martin and Miss Turner spent Sunday in Chattanooga, visiting Lookout mountain and Signal mountain. Walter and Dal Starkey, of Point Rock, Ala were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A C.

Loyd this week. Mrs. R. VV. Pickett, of Demopolis, is the guest of her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Loyd, on Battery hill. Mr. Alice Tally Jeft Wednesday for N'lmhvillo, Tenn to visit Mrs. Jlin Crow.

Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Baseinore, of Chattanooga.

xiere the week-end guests of Mrs. Lizzie Gross nnd family. Mr. and Mrs. J.

B. Beck left Month) for Spencer, Tenn to visit his parents. Mr. anil Mrs. Tom Parton.

Mrs. Ed Loyd and Mrs. Beck spent Sunday in Stevenson, Ala. Mrs. Green Cates hns been visiting her niece.

Mrs. Chnrles Randell, in Chattanooga. Miss Ethel Thatch, of Atlanta, nnd Mrs. Baumgartner, of South PittRhurg, visited Mrs. M.

Thatch last week. Miss Luelle Wiggins, of Jasper, Is the house guest of Mrs. C. A. Martin.

Mrs. John Cargile, of Chattanooga, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Nora Stewart. Jim Willis, Of Winchester, visited Mrs. Paul Loyd last week.

Mr and Mrs C. P. Choekley spent the weekend at Shelbyvllle, Tenn. J. S.

Ben son, of Scottsboro, was here Friday and delivered an address at the grammar school Henry Simpson, of Jasper, was here last week. G. F. Ku.vendnll left Friday night to accept a position nt Dunlap. Tenn.

The Rev. nnd Mrs O. L. Millican spent several days In Chattanooga, the guest of her brother. Mr.

Morris Dr. C. F. J. Ilsrtung has returned from Birmingham.

Ala Mrs. Sam McCrary, accompanied by Imr granddaughter, returned to l-ackles. Ala Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.

Mickey and Mrs. Garner, of Orme, Tenn attended Miss Ethel Clendennon's recital Thursday night. Miss Effic Simpson was called to Birmingham. on account of the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. G.

O. Stanley. Mrs. Amanda Randolph was in South Pittsburg, Friday. Judge Thomas W.

Wert, of Decatur. candidate for attorney-general of this state, was here last week pres- ntlng nls claims to the voters. II. I. Erwin, of Scottsboro, candidate for tax assessor, was here last week.

Miss Gladys Gil lian. of Battle, Is the guest of her cousins. Misses Bonnie and Bertha Gil Han. George Weisener, of South Pitts burgh, visited here last week. Prof.

P. A. Lyons, president of the normal school at Murfreesboro, was here last week. Mr. and Mrs.

Horne attended the funeral of Clarence Prince at Cowan, Horace Tolliver, of Chattanooga, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephenson are spend ing the week at their farm near Gunters- ville, Ala. Mrs. Mary Sella returned to Scottsboro, Tuesday Frances Cooper and Miss Ida Mc-Fariane spent Tuesday in Scottsboro, the guests of Mrs.

Thomas Uverall. F. VV'. Carr and Mr Page spent the weekend in Nashville. Tenn.

Clarence Bynum, of -Scottsboro, was here Saturday en route to Long Island. Ala. The out-of-town people at tending Mrs. Marv Andersons funeral were Mrs. Janie Walker.

Mr. and Mrs. Hall. Mrs George Ridley, Stevenson Mr. Wallen and Mr.

and Mrs. Green, Chattanooga: Mrs. Clem Walker, Jasper. Robert Anderson and son, Columbus. Ed Anderson and two sons, and Mrs.

Mollle Anderson. Sheffield, and Anderson, Chat tanooga. i 8nd family 1 -A1 e.Y. i.i A number of friends and relatives were I Barber, of Rossville. 8PnJ, invited, nnd music was furnished during I here tlie guests of Mrs.

3. 11. the evening by a local orchestra. The I Miss Mamie C. Greening is visiting honoree received many gifts, Chattanooga and Rossville, Ga.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Rogers entertained Mrs.

Margaret Hixon, of Mount Airy, haa at dinner Sunday In honor of the latters I moved to rtkeville and will mnke her brother, Jamea 8. -Owenby, of New York. I home with her brother, C. L. 1 pe- Covers were laid for eight.

After the I Mrs. R. B. behoolflelil and Miss Evan dinner the party enjoyed a motor trip I 'npent last week-end In Day-to Signal mountain. I ton with Mr.

and Mra. W. C. Haggard. The Garretts Chapel and Oak Grove I Mrs.

Solon Ij. Robinson and Mra. schools, with Mtb. C. E.

Camp-suiT Mrs. I James Green spent Friday In Chatta-Warren Watkins as teachers, motored I nooga. The new ncenery for the high to Wrights Mineral Springs Monday, I school came this week and 1 being in-where they entertained with a Joint I gtnlled. picnic. At the noor hour dinner was served and a delightful social time cn MISS HENTVF.Y HOSTESS wl 0.p w.

o. TO SUMMEBVILLE CLASS Interesting meeting at the lodge rooms I Saturday evening, with Consul Comman-j Chattanooga Timet Special. dr Harrison prcsidiD George aic ot I fin Mav i MIpii Flintflone. was initiated into the order. I jary Henley, niembor of'the aenior tIobm After the degree work a social hour was I oj High school, entertained en20 xrr I her classmates anil a few friends at a Supt.

W. M. Patterson, 1th ft I HoMcrhtfnl nurtv at her home on Wash her of pupils and members of the school eSue1 Thursday night faculty, attended the high school meet InjUan avenue ihuniuay nigne. of the Seventh MarletU the I TllP Womans Mission society of the past week-end. DeForest asty, of I Baptist church will meet Wednesday local school, n011 third place In the ftf(Prnoon at 3 oclock.

Circle 1 meeting declamation contest. with Mra. O. P. Mahan, Mrs.

J. A. I League, chairman; Circle 2 with Miss fined psbywrllin UU) Bryant. Mra. G.

D. Espy, chair-church at the morning and evening scrv- I ices Sunday. Dr. Anderson ha recently I T0hn Tavlor Jr of the stale returned from the Cherokee presbytery, I Athens! speLt the week" i mi A iia Immo In Okln I a9 1T.t-rllJ,1 tpl. sn 1 For worth I homa- Mr and -Mr8 1 ort.

Wales, Mondny after spend- under the care of the Cherokee presby- attend the Cbattanooga-Memphls ball -Mrs. J. VV. Hughes, who has charge of the chemistry laboratories at Georgia Tech, after spending the weekend with her sister, Mrs. J.

T. Eakes, has returned to her home in Atlanta. Mrs. Earl Bicksler, after an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. V. Adams, returned Wednesday to her home in Herdon, Va. Mrs. H.

Dor sey, after a week-end visit In Atlanta with Mrs. Arnold Owen, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John VV.

Cawthon re turned Monday to their home In Deland, after a visit with the latters father, It. J. Shelor, and family. They were en route home after a wedding trip in the Carollnas. Mrs.

Cawthon Is pleasantly re- membered here as Miss Floy Shelor. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simmons stopped for a x'islt with the latter's aunt, Mrs. Jesse L.

Johnson, and family Monday afternoon en route to their home In Decatur after a week-end visit In Chattanooga. They were accompanied to Atlanta by Jack Johnson, a student of Emory university, who came up for a week-end visit with home folks. Rob Hardy, of Georgia Tech, spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs, T. H. Dorsey, and family.

-Miss Mary Johnson, after a visit In Atlanta during opera week, left the first of the week for Toccoa to be the guest of Mrs. Eben Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. A.

Dover left Monday for their home In Montezuma after a week-end visit here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lit- tlefield. Mrs.

'E. J. Taylor and son, Ike Taylor, nnd Mr. and Mrs. W.

J. Barr returned Sunday to their home In Chattanooga after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Long. Miss Minnie Freglacli has returned to her home In Dalton after a visit with Mrs.

C. VV. Lay. L. R.

Iitts left Wednesday for a month's visit in Hot Springs, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. F. L.

Hicks returned Sunday from a week-end visit in Atlanta with their son, Ernest Hicks. Carl Smith left Wednesday for Beaumont, where he has accepted a position. Misses Mary and Ruth Hunt, of Gore, spent the week-end with their father, C. VV. Hunt.

Elzle Lewis, of the University of Georgia, and Alton McDaniel, of Georgia Tech, Atlanta, were the week-end guests here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown Holcomb, of Atlanta, arrived Sunday for a visit with the latter's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. N. VV. Miller. Mr.

and Mrs. Boyce Ray announce the oirih of a son Saturday. April Fred Roach returned Tuesday to his home In Beaumont. after a weeks visit here viith relatives. Mrs.

O. N. Starr returned Monday from a week-end visit in Rome and Atlanta. While in Rome she was tlie guest of her daughter, Mrs. II.

M. Starr, who accompanied her to Atlanta, where They attended the opera, II Trovatore. During their stay in the elty Mrs. Starr was entertained as the guest of Mrs. Onle Starr and Miss Mary Sterr.

while Mrs. n. M. Stsrr and little son. Ilnrlan, were guests of Col.

and Mrs. DeCliields on Peachtree road. Judge Harbin and daughter. Mrs. J.

II. Pns-chall, spent Wednesday In Atlanta, where they were met by the former's son. Dr. Maxwell Harbin, of Cleveland, who will be his guest fo, several days. Mr.

Hnrbin. who hns been visiting relatives in Rome through the past week, arrived today to join her husband here for a visit before returning to their home in Cleveland. Miss Grace Brewer, a mem ber of the Lindnle High school faculty, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.

G. Brewer. Little Miss Charlotte Haney returned Saturday from Adalrsvtlle. where she acted as flower girl at the Payne-Stricklaml wedding, which was solemnized there Thursday evening. Miss Fannie Brownlee returned Wednesday night from Atlanta after a few days' visit with Misses Nelle and Gertrude gmilie.

Miss Thelma Swain, of Adnirsvile, is spending several days here the guest of Mrs. Leonard Mllis Miss Mary Bauman will present her expression class in recital Wednesday afternoon. May 5. at the school auditorium. The public is Invited to attend.

No admission fee charged. WARTBURG. Chattanooga Timet Special. WARTBURG, May 1. Miss Blanche Tlndell spent the week-end with homefolks In Kingston.

Prof. Rogers was in Lenoir City for the week-end -Mrs. Harrington and son. Robert Browing. of Jefferson City, will srrive Sunday to be the guests of Prof.

Harrington until school closes. Mrs. Mary E. Taylor i8 In Rockwood visiting relatives. -M.

M. and Ray Goad were in Knoxville Monday on business Gilbert Taylor spent the week-end with relatives at Oakdale. -Mrs. J. B.

Williams spent the week-end in Knoxville visiting relatives. Ilarry Summer ami brother. Lahon. and' L. W.

Human were In Burrville Monday attending the closing program of the high school. S. II. Justice spent the first of the week In Knoxville on business. Mr.

and Mrs. Otto 8chubert entertained at dinner Sunday at their home Covers were laid for Ina Rogers. Ruth Clotefelter, Dudley Human and Carl Schubert. Mrs. Joe Ruffner and chil dren have returned to Somerset.

Ky after a visit here with relatives. Charles Davis, of Oneida, spent the weekend here. -Jasper Hnghett, of Robbins, was, for several days this week. Gayson Foster, of Huntsville, was here on business this week. The following Masons from here sttended the Arms Grotto st Harriman Thnrsday T.

A. Morris. J. D. Kreis, John Scott, n.

L. Scott, Tiffin Ott. John A. Jones, C. W.

Human, A. v. Byrd. L. Eastham.

C. F. Schubert, W. D. Human, Misses Rogers, Clote-felter and Schubert attended commence-ment exercises at Sunbrlght Wednesday night.

J. M. Davis and son, Reuben, were In Sunbrlght Tuesday. Mrs. Sam Summer, of Rockwood.

is the guest of her Mrs. Honeycutt. CALHOUN REVIVAL SERVICES CONTINUE South's Holy Day at Resaca Next Sunday Mrs. Luther Johnson Entertains. Chattanooga Times Special.

CALnOUN, May 1. The community meeting, which had Its beginning at the Baptist church last Sunday night, is getting well on the way. Two prayer meetings. In which the women participate, are held each afternoon, and one prayer meeting for the men every morning. The attendance on these prayer meetings average about seventy-five each day.

Some 300 have been in attendance upon the night services as held at one or another of the three churches, Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist. The Souths Holy day, and the first day of its kind in the history of the world, will be observed at the Confederate cemetery at Resaca Sunday, May 9, to commemorate the glorious deeds of the Confederate soldiers. -f The Vaughn quartet, of Lawrence-burg, will put on a concert in the high school auditorium Thursday, Mav 13, to benefit the Boy Scouts and high school athletics. This is the same quartet that visited Calhoun two years ago. Mrs.

Frank Ilulsey entertained at a children's party Tuesday afternoon at her home on River street, complimenting the ninth birthday of her daughter. Hazel. The home was decorated with quantities of dogwood blossoms and other wood flowers, featuring a color motif of pink and white. Many games were enjoyed and a donkey contest afforded merriment, the prizes being won by Will Brown, and Settle Hill. During the afternoon ice cream and cakes were served by Mrs.

Hugh Knight and Mrs. Paul Hughey. The invited guests were Carol and Helen Reeve, Sybil and Sara Tate, Bettie Hill, Bettie Blackmon. Mary Frances Wilson, Annie Lou Miller, Aliee Hill Bolding, Mary Frances Haney, Bettie- Lewis, Caroline and Marguerite Jackson, Kathryn Dalton. Charlotte Haney, Sara Katherine Orr, Johnnie Brownlee, Jewel Hunt, Pansy Owen.

Helen Barrett. Sara Frances Daves, Fred Bolding. Billy Tinsley, Slagle Moss. Lucius Henson, Jute C. Neal.

Jr, William Brown, Buster Ilufstetler. Madison Byrd, Charlie Burns and Hugh Johnson. Mrs. J. Luther Johnson was honoree at a surprise birthday party given Thursday afternoon nt her home on South Wall street by Mrs.

Frank Dobbs. The occasion celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the honoree. Spring blossoms, featuring shades of pink and white, were the effective decorations in the living room nnd dining room. The dining table was graced In tlie center by a large white birthday cake, holding tiny pink, lighted tapers signifying each birthday of the honoree. Pink burning tapers in silver candlesticks were placed nt Intervals over the table, from which sandwiches and iced tea were served.

During the afternoon, in which a novelty contest added to the nmusem*nt of the guests, the honoree received a lovely collection of gifts nnd many good wishes for her new year. The guest list Included thirty friends of the honoree. N. J. Mabry, of Clinttonooga, was a guest of Mr.

and Mrs. VV. B. Harbour for the week-end. Mr.

and Mrs. M. H. Malone, of Sugar Valley, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs.

VV. B. Harbour. Mrs. John King, of Atlanta.

Is spending the week with Mrs. E. C. McEntyre and other relatives in the county. Miss Blanche Gardner has returned from a week-end visit in Chattanooga, where she was the guest of her brother.

-Dr. J. C. Gardner. Mr.

and Mrs. C. E. Littlefield spent the week-end in Atlanta as a guest of Mr. and Mr.

S. O. Gillespie. Misses Marjorie Crutchfield, Mary Champion. Clare and MIgnon Harlan attended the Seventh District High school meet in Marietta Friday evening, going from there to Atlanta, where they remained over Sunday.

Miss Champion attended the closing opera. II Trova-tore. which was given Saturday evening at City auditorium. Misses Crutch field snd Harlan were guests of Misses Will Nelle Logan and Sara Crutehfipld, of Davis-Fisber sanitarium, Saturday night. Mrs.

D. A. Sparks, and little daughter, Annelle, of Jacksonville, are expected to arrive soon for a visit with the former's mother, Mrs. Anna Lewis. Mrs.

Ola Littlefield, ft Atlanta. arrived Sunday for a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.

Fox. Among those from Calhoun attending the Seventh District High school meet, which was held in Marietta Friday and Saturday of last week, were Mr. and Mrs. M. C.

Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jolly, Mrs. J. O.

B. Erwin, Mr. and Mrs. F. L.

Hicks. A. S. Strain, Misses Bonnie Kate and Nina Joe Strain, Fannie Lon Littlefield, Thplma Kirby, Edna Belle Clark, Ruth Nelson, Mary Kate Lang. Evelyn Fine, Agnes Legg, Bertha Mc-Brayer.

Elizabeth McEntyre: Woffie Langford, Buster Norton. Jack Boston and George Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobbs have returned to their home in Atlanta after a week-end visit with Mr.

and Mr. F. A. Cantrell and famllv Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Martin and little daughter, Virginia, of Athens, accompanied by Miss Louise Tribble, of the State Normal college, after a weekend visit with the latters parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W.

Tribble, returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C.

Erwin spent Sunday in Dalton visiting the formers mother, Mrs. Henry Erwin. Mr. and Mrs. C.

B. Hassen and their guest. Miss Edna Lewis, of Atlanta, and Mr. and Mrs. J.

C. Owen motored to Chattanooga Sunday to tery. While here Dr. Anderson was the jn BPverni days with homefolks here. guest of Supt.

W. Patterson. Mlgg Evelyn nenry, of Atlanta, in I the guest of relatives here. Mrs, Circle 2 of lb First Baptist Abbott is visiting relatives at Toy church will meet Saturday afternoon lorsville Ga. with Mrs.

Byron Glenn. J. S. Owenby, I from Tampa, stopped over here for yir flDd Mrs. B.

Farrar and chll a visit with his sister, Mrs. G. Rogers. I dren spent the week-end with relative. He will attend tho Kentucky derby be-1 )n Atlanta.

Mls Jessie Hunt is visit- fore going home. Mra. A. S. Lloyd I ing In Cartersvllle this week.

Mr. ami has returned to her home at Winter I Mrs. Hinton Bellah and children, of La-Haven, after a visit with Mr. and I Fayette, spent the week-end with reia- Mrs. Ben Powell.

Rebecca Deal, of I Uvea here, Greenville, S. who attended the I meeting of the Southeastern Library Miss Loi McWhorter ha returned association In Chattanooga, spent the I from a few days visit in week-eml here, the guest of Mr. andW. II. Smith and ion, Louis, of Lverly, Mrs.

R. S. Wheeler. Mrs. V.

L. I spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. It.

Andre, of San Francisco, has ar- ith. Pullen and Julian Cum fived for a visit with her grandfather, ings spent lat Thursday at Aragon. Irplfind Mr Andre will be I Mr. an Mrs. John Kioc and littl remembered a Mis Annie Lee Starr.

1 nrnrUArrfuhurtr tT mm Jmi a This is her first visit to her childhood I home In twenty years. Emmett I f.rom i) Bridgeman, who recently underwent I KBDyh nd MfsV Ada overalls! ted hi operation for appendicitis at a Chatta- Pf Tuesday and nooga hospital, lias been removed to the flenle i Det Tuesday home of his aunt, Mrs. J. C. Ashley, and emey spent luesday lu Is improving.

Mrs. F. W. Sorell has I returned to her home in Chattanooga, Mr an Mrg EUriid Hill, of Fori after a few days visit with her sisters. pay0e, spent the week-end with Mrs.

Lucy B. Jones and Beatrice Kerr. Mrs. Louise Massle. Mr.

and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs Xaul Simmon are oc Frank Thomaaou announce the birth of cupying their new home in west Chicka- gon April 22. He will known ns mauga. The little daughter of Mr.

I Joe Frank. Jr. Mr. end Mrg, T. and Mr.

Pat Carter, who sustained a I Powell, Misses Florenee Nnd Louis, broken leg when she fell from a wagon, I Powell and their guest. Miss Evelyn ha been removed from a Chattanooga I Henry, of Atlanta, apent Sunday with hospital to her home. Mra. P. O.

I Mr. and Mrs. rB. M. Powell at Chlcka- Iatterson has gone to Atlanta for a visit I mauga.

Paul Pnllen -Is spending a with her daughter, Mr. J. H. Wilson. I few day with his brother, Seott Pullen, Mrs.

Homer Davis, who ha been 111 I at Barnesville. Mr. ami Mrs. W. at the local hospital, is much improved, I Smith, of Lyerly, spent Sunday with and has returned to her home In Catoosa I Mr.

and Mrs. W. MeLeod. Mr. county.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dnrnln I nd Mrs. R. W.

Favor and children spent and little daughter, Mary, spent the I unday with relative at Lyerly. Mix, week-end in Trion, the guest of Mr. and I Mary Garrett, of Rome, wa the week Mr. E. Worsham.

of relatives here The Rev. Mr, and Mr. Ralph Ledford, who tunt spent Saturday in Chatta have been the guests of Mr. and Mr. I yoof the bedside of his brother, tha Arnold Cantrell and other relatives for I Hunt, who remains critically several weeks, have returned to their 1 ul home in Akron, O.

Earl Taylor, who has been a student at the Berry school Chnttanooga Time Special. ROCKWOOD, May 1. Mrs. Polk Tarwater entertained at bridge Tuesday afternoon, complimenting' Mrs. G.

C. Dixon, of Johnson City, the guest of Mrs. E. P. Bushnell.

The receiving rooms were brightened with bowls of varicolored spring flowers. High score prize was won by Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Mrs.

lred Haggard receiving consolation. Attractive gucs-t prizes were presented to Mrs. Di.xon nnd mother. Mrs. (1.

W. bitton. of Johnson City. Those playing Included Mrs. Dixon.

Mrs. tiitton. Mrs. Moriran CUw k. Mrs Fred Il.urirnrfU Mr.

Fred Brasel, Mrs. E. P. Bnslmell. Mrs Howard Ilowle.

Mrs. William Brown, Mrs James A. Huff. J. Wilson, Walter Clark, George E.

Wilson. Mrs. Polk Tarwater. Those calling after the game included Mrs. H.

K. Evans, Miss Minnie Hamby, Mrs. J. C. Aeuff.

Mrs. Charles Cole, Miss Frances Spears. Mr. and Mrs. William Shstnhart nnd sons and Miss Roberta Aeutf will leave soon for a months visit with relatives at West Paint Bench.

Fla. Earl Wright, of Castleford, Is the guest of relatives here. Prof. and Mrs. James T.

Warren, of Martin, were here the past week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith.

Mrs. Janies E. Smith amt children have gone to Louisville to Join Mr. Smith and make their future home. James T.

Wright attended the Girls cotillion dance at Knoxville Tuesday evening. He was the guest of his mother, Mrs. T. Asbury Wright. Mr.

nnd Mrs. J. C. Owing and daughter. Miss Ester, and Miss Nell Regcster will leave next month for a visit to Mrs.

William Rohrcr at Hagerstown. Optimism No Cure. (E. W. Howes Monthly.) I tltink vve are nll too apt to look on tlie bright side.

Whatever the truth is. accept it. If the truth is unfavorable. make it ns favorable as possible. Not with hope, but with intelligent action.

Optimism is no cure for a bad situation. at Rome the Past year, stopped over I the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. F. here for a visit with his parents Mr, I Wyatt, and Mr.

Wvatf Mr an.i and Mr. Taylor Mr Taylor Mrs. C. K. Owhfg attended services made a splendid record at school thl at the Methodist church at Cedar Grove emTPted from 1 Sunday, and were the dinner guests of examination.

J. J. Moore i the I Mr. and Mra. Martin Clements.

Mr, fh-Te hnml MOOIT 8t 8Dd Mrs. Oscar Pirkle, of Chattanooga, heir home at Wildwood, Ga. Misa spent Sunday here, the guests of Mr. Rosalie Radford baa returned from a and Mrs. H.

S. -Mr, and nadfoJdthathMonroeeni I r8 Dunaway are having a new resi-Radford, at Monroe, Ga. Mrs. R. R.

1 denee built. Mra, D. A. Allison, of Owingala Improving from her recent I Chattanooga Talley, spent Tuesday here. illness.

-Mr. Mack Myers, of Trion, the guest of Mr. and Mr. B. C.

Allison! was the guest Tuesday of Mr. And Mrs, I J. t. Woods spent the wwi-ami B. M.

Powell. Frank Hearn is rapidly with hla family at PTrion. Sehoel at recovering from an operation for ap-the Pond Spring academy near this r-h rf? nd CV I place, with Mis Eillie Morgan as teach and daughter, Misa Minnie Lee, spent er, closed Friday. Mr. and Mrs.

I. J. the week-end with relative and friend. Gardner, of Chattanooga, were the at Sparta, Tenn, They were accom-1 guests Sunday of Mr. and Mr.

Jack panted home by their nephew. Porter Bryant. R. C. Jones has returned to Stacy, who will be their guest for aev- his home in Atlanta, after a visit with era1, day.

and Mr. J. G. Boyd- Dr. and Mrs.

H. F. Shield The ston and children, of Grayvllle, Tenn. I baptismal service which were held at bt Mr. Boyd-1 the Chickamauga lake Sunday after- ston a mother, Mr.

W. M. Yearont. noon, conducted by the Rev urned to hi Duckett, of Rossviile, were largely at- home at Lincoln, after a visit with I tended. Mr.

Della Bryant will spend mClp Miss this week-end with relative at he May -Lone, of Rutledge, remains former home at Lyerly, Ga. A ti. -ft.

Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)


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