San Andreas Highway Patrol (2024)

San Andreas Highway Patrol (1)

Established on August 14th, 1929

"Loyalty, Trust, and Service"

Colonel Roger Stanfield (Head of Operations) ((@Boland*))

Major Vincent Price (Chief of Patrol Operations) ((@Saccs*))

Captain Steve Nora (Asst. Chief of Patrol Operations ((@jarmin_russ))

LieutenantLance Peircen (Sector Two Commander) ((@GageB))

Master Sergeant David Collins (Assistant to the Colonel) ((@Pillsbury*))

((* Represents Faction Leadership))

San Andreas Highway Patrol (2)

(( The San Andreas Highway Patrol is a Law Enforcement based faction, that basis itself off the California Highway Patrol, however, adds a unique twist in terms of replicating an North Americanized Law Enforcement Agency. The San Andreas Highway Patrol while taking inspiration from the California Highway Patrol, looks to add diversity into the faction, and add a unique approach to how we operate, rather than attempting the impossible task of mimicking the CHP.

The San Andreas Highway Patrol looks to operate in a manner that meets and or exceeds the standards of which the server is set to. For our faction, we look to make the San Andreas Highway Patrol’s history based on the timeline of the server, and current events within the server, rather than replicating the California Highway’s Patrol’s history. Our primary focus in Law Enforcement roleplay will be a state-wide agency that assists other agencies when requested, and provides police presence as well as consequence to Highways, State Roads, and unincorporated areas of San Andreas which due to lack of interest and or ability from other agencies remain unrealistic hotspots for overt criminal acts and disregard for any negative repercussions. The Highway Patrol looks to serve as a multi-purpose agency with clearly defined responsibilities, patrolling State Parks and their trails, enforcement of laws and regulations on highways, state roads and in remote areas, MVA investigations with or without injuries sustained, responding to specific calls for service and emphasizing the education of the public on state traffic laws to reduce violations overall.

At first glance, it seems we are just another law enforcement agency, and looking to put more people in jail, this is furthest from what we in the command team are striving for if approved as an LEO faction. The Highway Patrol will be rarely seen at all in the city or county areas such as Sandy Shores, with policies in place to enforce and uphold our intentions to be precisely what our agency’s name is, a Highway Patrol, not state police, not state patrol, a Highway Patrol which by definition patrols the highways, remote areas and in our case the state parks as well. The intention is not to be just another LEO agency that focuses on combating gangs in South LS or responding to 911 calls that do not present an immediate threat to the public or fall under the overall mission of the SAHP. Our intention is exactly as stated above, many of us that have been invested in LEO RP for thousands of hours of our free time have been seeking an agency of this type for a while now which offers a break from the consistent violence, murder and overall chaotic nature of the other agencies currently open. Highway Patrol in the USA also has a unique and defining culture, with agencies from every state sharing similar core values and guiding principles which we strive to imitate to the best of our ability that differentiates itself from county and municipal agencies.

Overall, we are looking to bring the finest of Law Enforcement roleplay to the community and to players who are hesitant but wishing or who are already invested in the expansive and opportunity rich areas which go under utilized and underappreciated throughout the server, hopefully encouraging more to venture out from the confines of the city to try something new. The Highway Patrol will be a minimal force of quality LEO roleplayers striving to accomplish a shared goal, not an overwhelming force set out to dominate. The Highway Patrol will stand by its original guiding principles, introducing in-depth character development to our members and those we interact with as well as quality of life improvements we believe are needed to encourage continued growth and motivation to stay in the more remote areas of the server. ))

San Andreas Highway Patrol (3)

On August 14th, 1929, the San Andreas Highway Patrol was created by the State Legislature. The new law gave authority for a Statewide Police Agency, with the main purpose of enforcing traffic laws on Highways, State Roads and County Roads throughout the State of San Andreas, a purpose which remains the same to this very day.

The San Andreas Highway Patrol, as previously stated, was created for the enforcement of traffic laws and regulations throughout the State of San Andreas. However, the Highway Patrol was also to uphold the State of San Andreas’s Penal Code, and laws that pass throughout the years. With this being said, the San Andreas Highway Patrol served as the State’s top Law Enforcement Agency, with primary overwatch of the State in regards of motor vehicle violation, and to prevent motor vehicle violations and accidents, while educating the State on the current laws. The Highway Patrol within the first ten years of its creation, was extremely successful in the reduction of motor vehicle violations and traffic accidents within the State of San Andreas.

In 1930, the first San Andreas Highway Patrol Academy was created, in which served as both an in-house training facility, and as-well, a training facility for Departments around the State of San Andreas to send upcoming Law Enforcement Officers, to become certified Peace Officers for the State of San Andreas. The Highway Patrol was responsible, and still is for the training of smaller Department Officers, in which are looking to become the most excellent and professional of Peace Officers to serve the State of San Andreas.

Within the early 1950’s, The San Andreas Highway Patrol was assigned under the Governor's Office, to be used as the Governors Personal Police Force, in regards to combating crime and traffic related offenses/incidents within the State of San Andreas. The Highway Patrol, now being under the Governor’s Office, serves directly for the State of San Andreas, and receives direct emergency orders from the Governor as needed. The Governor’s office may also request the San Andreas Highway Patrol to specifically be assigned to an area of enforcement needed, and as-well, to assist in the high scale enforcement of motor vehicle violations.

The 1970’s were a hard few years for the San Andreas Highway Patrol, as the Paleto Bay Shooting occurred between four San Andreas Highway Patrol Troopers, and two gunmen armed with automatic rifles. Two Troopers working our Paleto Bay Watch, observed a reckless vehicle minivan, that had a previous report on it for Robbery. The Troopers made contact with the two gunmen, who were innocent at first. When the Troopers asked the gunmen to remove themselves from the vehicle, a shootout occurred, in which one Trooper within the Highway Patrol, Dennis Martinez, was shot and killed in the line of duty. Moments later, the second Trooper, John OBrien was in a shootout with the two gunmen. OBrien was in a shootout for less then two minutes, however, was able to get a call for help out. The traffic stop was commenced right outside the Paleto Ski Range, in which multiple bystanders called nine-one-one. Within the two minutes and after the help call was announced by Trooper OBrien, he was shot and killed by the two gunmen. Within the next five minutes, two additional Troopers arrive, who were able to keep a standoff for around seven minutes with the two gunmen. While Trooper Evans and Trooper Johnson were in an active shootout, additional backup arrived from the Los Santos Sheriffs Department, in which they were able to flank and with overpowering force between the Sheriffs and Troopers, were able to kill the two gunmen shooting at the Troopers that night. Trooper Evans and Trooper Johnson were shot within the shootout with the two gunmen. They were later transported to a hospital by arriving units, and were declared deceased at the Plaeto Bay Hospital, later that night.

Within this incident, the San Andreas Highway Patrol has drastically changed the way it teaches and trains safety to Officers and Troopers throughout the State of San Andreas. This specific incident, changed the San Andreas Highway Patrol in a whole, and the way it operated on a daily basis.

In the late 1990’s, the San Andreas Highway Patrol was recognized for its excellence throughout the United States, due to the Highway Patrol being such a combative agency to motor vehicle violations, and the prevention of accidents, while as-well, educating the public on the surrounding road laws of the State of San Andreas. The San Andreas Highway Patrol since, has been a model Department when it comes to the reduction of traffic related offenses. The Highway Patrol while being strict in the roads, would rather educate an individual and have them learn from their mistakes, which has made their way of process so efficient.

In the year of 2015, the Highway Patrol received heavy backlash from the State due to an audit that was issued by the State of San Andreas’s, Department of Finance. The audit revealed that multiple Sergeants and Command Members within the Department, filed Troopers for fake overtime pay, and in total, $500,000 of fraudulent overtime pay was filed for Troopers between 2010 and 2013. The Highway Patrol has been since, in a budget squeeze and is monitored by the State Department of Finance with every transaction the Highway Patrol and it’s Troopers make.

Throughout the current year of 2020, the San Andreas Highway Patrol continues to be a combative agency for motor vehicle violations and traffic related incidents throughout the State of San Andreas. However, it is now commonly used as a liaison tool between Departments within the State of San Andreas, in the aid and prevention of traffic related offences and incidents. While the Highway Patrol is not the front serving lines within the City of Los Santos, and surrounding Counties, the Highway Patrol is an everyday presence on the Highways, State Roads, County Roads, and as-well, Unincorporated areas throughout the State of San Andreas, where a law enforcement presence is a need.

As promised in the creation of the San Andreas Highway Patrol, the Highway Patrol looks to serve with the highest of professionalism, respect, compassion, dedicated service, trust and integrity the State of San Andreas can offer in a Law Enforcement Agency.

The San Andreas Highway Patrol will always remain to its core values, in which while enforcing traffic laws, regulations, and the enforcement of the penal code, is here to serve the State of San Andreas, protect civil rights and liberties, and as-well, uphold and protect the Constitution of the State of San Andreas, and the United States of America, in the most professional way possible.

San Andreas Highway Patrol (4)

While the San Andreas Highway Patrol is specifically statewide, our main patrol facility is at the Beaver Bush Park Ranger Station, which is located on Baytree Canyon Road cross of Marlow Drive, in Vinewood Hills. The purpose of this facility is to be a easy transport for Troopers around the State, and as-well, to overlook the State Parks as a main central hub. The San Andreas Highway Patrol also utilizes the Davis Sheriffs Station as a secondary deployment station with equipment that is useful for the Highway Patrol, however mainly, a holding facility for those that end up in custody of the San Andreas Highway Patrol. Troopers however, will not always be actively present at stations, as Troopers within the San Andreas Highway Patrol, will start duty from their own homes. Each station however, will have a handful of Troopers and Administrative Assistants that will be able to help you with daily needs, or as-well, to report a crime that has occurred.

San Andreas Highway Patrol (5)

First thing’s first, thank you for taking the time to review this application, we know how initial reactions to another LEO faction are, more than likely if it were someone else attempting this we’d joke and criticize alongside everyone else too. However, for us in the hopefully soon to be command team, we truly believe in and hope to accomplish what we’ve set out to do with this faction. We may not be prominent figures in the community with post counts reaching close to 1000 and entirely spotless records, but we are a dedicated group of community members with years of combined roleplay and LEO experience which share common principles and want to create something unique and beneficial to the community which we’ve put our hearts into. A faction that benefits the community first and foremost before ourselves and to showcase an entirely unique but currently absent branch of American law enforcement that many of us have wanted to see, with the dual purpose of fostering growth in areas just waiting to be invested in by like minded members of this community that may be hesitant due to several reasons, police presence being one of them.

As stated within our Faction Introduction, we are looking to present a Law Enforcement Agency that isn’t a carbon copy of it’s real life counterpart nor do we strive for it, but we do strive for an agency that takes redeeming qualities from agencies around the USA and mimics mainly the look of the CHP to keep with the aesthetic of the server. The San Andreas Highway Patrol does not need to nor does it try to compete with other legal factions within the community, emphasis for this being the case we hope can be seen in our repeated message of what the faction’s main objectives will be and what our duties are. With overlap, conflict or the stepping on toes of other agencies being a non-issue.

To provide an example of the differences between our faction and its real life counterpart, the California Highway Patrol separates Officers within "Districts/Division" which are located all throughout the State of California. With the limitations of the map, and the limitations of patrol stations, we have decided to change the way troopers start their patrols, and how we section Troopers out. Troopers for the San Andreas Highway Patrol will split into three areas of operation referred to as “sectors,” each sector will be patrolled by a set number of Troopers, along with a Supervisor. Troopers assigned to sectors shall patrol and operate solely within the confines of their sector unless required to respond to an emergency situation outside of their area. Instead of how the California Highway Patrol operates, with each station being either a sub-station to a specific division, or a divisional headquarters for a specific district, in which all Officers report to before a shift. In times when the SAHP does not have enough active units, we encourage cross-sector operations with Troopers being permitted to patrol and perform their duties outside the confines of their assigned sector until a time where sufficient units are on-duty. With the structure and operational design philosophy of the agency explained it will help with understanding the "Take Home Vehicles". When a Trooper fully graduates from Field Training, they will be issued and assigned a patrol vehicle which they are responsible for as their “take home vehicle,” which functions as their mobile day-to-day office. We have OOC regulations surrounding these vehicles, specifically stating that they should not be used besides from going "Home" to "On-Duty" as well as policies prohibiting the enforcement of violations until they arrive in their assigned sectors. While the circ*mstances vary, depending on specialization or position within the Highway Patrol, you will never see an off-duty Trooper in civilian clothes operating their assigned patrol vehicle for any reason, with failure to abide by this policy resulting in immediate revocation of driving privileges to be determined on a case-by-case basis.

With this being said, the Highway Patrol leadership will enforce the creation of alt characters for those that reach the rank of Lieutenant and above. We feel within the Highway Patrol, that realistically, those out in the field, working the day-to-day shifts, would be Troopers and their supervisors which support and oversee Troopers day-to-day. We feel that those in 'Command' that represent the administrative ranks of the Highway Patrol, should be just that, administrators. Lieutenants for example, are in-charge of patrol sectors overall and operate as the administrative head of said sector, with Sergeants under them serving as field supervisors. A Lieutenant in reality would be extremely busy with in-house paperwork, that supports the Sector. For those that reach the rank of Lieutenant or above, should only come in-game for mass casualty incidents, where the representation of a Command Member is needed, or for specialized events and press releases. Command Members should not be seen on patrol, as regular Troopers are.

We also feel, that the Troopers that patrol for the San Andreas Highway Patrol, should be heavily enforced to stay within their jurisdictions, and do the job of a Highway Patrol Trooper. We are generally looking to provide the quality "Traffic Enforcement" Roleplay that would come with being a Trooper, rather then being an Officer or Deputy, and being within the heart of constant crime, and to have the responsibility to prevent crime and or respond for calls of service. For the Highway Patrol, we are attempting to enforce the standard of what the Highway Patrol does, generally Traffic Enforcement, and respond to calls of service that specifically relate to their jobs, and within their jurisdictions. For simpler times, it would be rare to see a Highway Patrol Trooper patrolling in the City, specifically in any part of the City that is not the direct outskirts, to travel to a Highway. We stand by on what we are trying to be, Highway Patrol, not a City Patrol, or a County Patrol, we are, the Highway Patrol.

For the start of the Highway Patrol, we as leadership, have decided to only accept fifteen (15) members into the Highway Patrol for the start of it, excluding the original leadership shown on this Introduction. These members, will be previous Law Enforcement Officers within the Sheriffs Department or the Police Department. We will require a transfer to be a Police Officer III (some Police Officer II exceptions) and as-well, a Deputy Sheriff II (some bonus I exceptions). The Highway Patrol, with these fifteen members, will begin creating a fundamental and sound Training and Recruitment Division, to prepare for a first official wave of recruitment, that will have a goal to be up and running, within one month of the faction being accepted. When our first official wave of recruitment is open, we will be looking for twenty (20) more members, through the official Academy process. This will bring our in-house cap limit to thirty-five (35), until an end of year evaluation is made, to either continue to raise our cap, or hold off and continue to catch ourselves up with work that could be missing. Leadership has also decided, that we will hold a fifty (50) member count, no matter the circ*mstances, unless their is a present need for an additional recruitment of Troopers, to fulfill requirements that are set upon us.

One of our second goals, and main prioritized goals, will be on an OOC aspect when it comes to policy and regulations, and how they effect Troopers. As a leadership, we are looking to be open and transparent with all Faction Members, and welcome questions that they might have. While we are trying to make the Department a strict, reliable, loyal, professional and stern when it comes to quality of Roleplay, and representing the reality of Law Enforcement, we look to make the experience within the Highway Patrol, an enjoyable one for all that join. Transparency to us will be key in making sure Faction Members are informed with what is going on in the Department. Our leadership will also all have a completely open-door policy, if you need to talk, we are willing to listen and understand, and in an attempt, either work out these situations with a Faction Member, or point them in the correct direction.

In preparation, if the Faction were to be accepted, we have created a "San Andreas Highway Patrol Handbook" - that generally has everything needed for the daily operations of a Trooper, when they are on patrol, and as-well, administratively.Also in preparation, we have also created a Forums for the Highway Patrol. Yet it is still a work in progress, we expect to have it fully functional and ready to use within one week of submission of this application. While the base of the Forums is completed, we are far from complete. We invite you to take a look at both of our website, and manual that have been prepared.

We once again thank you for taking the time out and reviewing this application:

San Andreas Highway Patrol Manual

San Andreas Highway Patrol Forums

Edited by Pillsbury

San Andreas Highway Patrol (2024)


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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.