The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut (2024)

THE BRIDGEPORT POST, MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1968. THIRTY-NINE 4 Nmalt Hefp Wonted SALES-GIRL, lu chain looTes' me, lor (cut to ytor shop. ayttlt ALESGIR lor Ftmqte Htlp 17 TELETYPE operator. Musi be eceur- ile typbi me Local firm. Near rt bus line.

For phone 378-7233. TELEPHONE solicitors, aood pay, set own hours, Mr. Brya lars, ODD nl, 366-4 IH. TYPISTS SECRETARY FAMOUS ARTISTS SCHOOLS ef Weslport woman lo perform Inleresllng secrelarlol dullej. a 35 nour week In pleasant lurroundlngi wllh friendly people.

54 Willon Weslporl. FAMOUS ARTISTS SCHOOLS In Westport needs women to lesion reviews by for students located In many parts of the world. These are EntereslTngg working with friendly peopfe In modern offices. We work 35 hours a week and have a complete benefit program. II you con a minimum of 55 WPM, and nave a good knowledge of grammar and spellFno, visit our Personnel Deparl- ment ot 3 WlHon Rood.

MONROE mother, take core of your illdren while you In my home. all 7M-D383. MOTHER wonts Ironing or babysitting da In her own home. Call 335-05M. SECRETARY TYPIST accuracy, illo FEE TO MEET GREET A fascinating opening for gal who enfoyi leu of public ccnfocf.

BSS Main Slreel Phone 336-11M wllh mature ludgm fcr pal lent contact In Medtccl Reccrds Deparlment. Full PAID timt opporlunlly. Bridgeport SECRETARY-- With shorthand speed at fnlnlmum of 80 words per minute, lyplng tpeed of 5S wordi per mlnule. One year's experience of a responsible nature. Salary --MS to WO per week.

Conloct ABCD, Mill Belly Roberson of Controller's telephony J33-553 for an appl. SECRETARIAL position, shorthand, typ- fno required. Full lime, no Saturdays. For fntervlew, cgK 335-3131. STATE WIDE Insurance adjusting firm requires clerk typist wllh some previous claims office experience.

Liberal Call J. Neale, MacDonald 1700 Post SECRETARY (or taw nnd jftk-e shorlhand, train rlghl col wim a mtnrmum of previous oi(fce exper- lefice. Coll 33X-S141. SECRETARY ml1y. For details contacl: Personnel Oflice St, Vincent's Hospllal 2320 Main Slreel Bridgeport, Conn, TYPIST lo'r growing financial publica- tlon firm, looking for a brlglil gfrl vrith good fy curate, you meet tnese quo Mil cations, call 335-51H for appointment.

FAMOUS ARTISTS SCHOOLS has a number of Interesting positions available for women enjoy typing and working with office equipment Prior experience on Ihlj equipment Is not necessary. You will work a 35 hour week In Pleawnt surroundlnggs with friendly people and our full range benefr plans. To Top Exec. Nice p-rs-nolily ond ooodl" can lype a minimum of 4Q WPM Salary SIM. FEE PAID rf Ui -SHELLING SNELL1NG.

-SECRETARY 1'tQO FEE PAID AUracllve oittaolna aal for active a Good typing iteno a HARPER ASSOCIATES 8S5 Main 335-7367 ConscreViMois qal with a tlalr lor figures, Accurole typing. HARPER ASSOCIATES ISS Moln CLERK TYPIST rUEXOWRITER TYPIST Several openings lor quail- iied Individuals wilh 1-3 years aecv busfness experience or formal training, Aufgnmwili In 1he followlna de- portmenti ore now available: Markellng, ana" Customer Service. For further lr(ormallcn ond special Interview arronoements, cotl 7i2-i167 or opoly ot our Instrument Group Employment Office. Moln Avenue, Norwolk, Daily 9-11 and M. An equal opportunity employer.

ELMER and are a High School Graduate visit Mr. Clark In our Personne Department al 54 Wilton Road, West part, ond learn more about Ihli other challenging positions. TYPIST Purchasing Dept. Process orders an phone. Many benefits, Salary Fe SHELLING 8.

SNELLIHG, 333'6U6 TYPIST with experience on i'ustowrile will train. Full or part lime. Exce lent opportunMy for steady Intereslln work w.fii (asl drawing news paper. Top pay. Pleasanl congenial office No nlghls or weekends.

Weslport Me 1 227-4161. VICTOR TEMPORARIES you lop hourly rotes in Folrfleld, ond Stratford Bp Always In ore: demand on. a temporary bos Conhplomeler Operalors Boakxeepers-Hand Mochini -Keypunch OptrolorJ Secretaries Typisls Take this opportunity to earn Chrlslma SPECIAL BONUS PAID Immediate visit to our olfice at 711 lo1e Bridgeport, Rm. 202 will In- placement. Wanted Female DAY'S WORK warded.

Call EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT--Secretarial nd supervisory diversified Box 5409, FORMER legal secretary detlres misc. yplngj at home. manuscripts, c. Low rates. MI-0351.

LOVING given your child In my erne while you wofk. Conntrs Lone oli Ave. area. Slrottord. NORTH End womon desires home of- ce work, typing envelopes, lobels.

moll oeceptctf. CoL OFFICE ASSISTANT Uedlco.1 field prrferred. hlgh- ropid learner. 'L yeori olltge, experience. Can type, Nlll slort full time ot or an chedule.

P.O. Box SauHiporl. Conn PRACTICAL NURSE available 1 venlnns per week. Call after i PRIVATE duty procllcat nurse ble. shift.

12.25 per hour. PROFESSIONAL ehlfit care In my avely home, Hal lunch, 5 days a week SECRETARY would office war do at home. Payroll, tellers, addressing tc. Will pick up end deliver. 333-6207.

WILL TAKE CARE of Infant In my home R-5 cr Coll 374-45B9 anytime WOULD like to mfnd Infant In nv homt days while mother works. Pleas WOMAN will care for convaleicenl Ir patient's home, Mon-lncit-Frl. Has ow tfansportotlon. Box 5434, Posl-Telegram YOUNG woman desfrei typing or olne work dene ot home. Ho IronJng.

Ca YOUNG mother wishes to take care Infonl-, days, 10 Schools Instructions A BEST CHOICE Individual lutorint All subjects. Remedial and speed reoi Psych, tesls. Far" 1 ll, 893 Clinton Ave, and Counseling Center. BETTER BUY. LAOIC5 SHOES CorKeLrOtloru FAMOUS BRANDS Priced ot a Fraction el ORIGINAL COST SHOES ond BOOTS None OPEN Dally--T p.m.

td Friday--1 p.m, lo p.m. Saturday--9 a.m. lo 6 p.m CFoted Monday 451 ViLLA AVE, FAIRFIELO Near Topps Arlan's 15 SCTVlCM CATERING In your home or hall Dining Room lor 100 available CALL MARINO'S CATERING, Cakes for all occasions Italian Wedding Trays attics cltened. Small mov- CELLARS, ing. lobs accepted.

Call Waldo, onytime. GENERAL-mason work, repairing and eiKWhg of STEPS, SIDEWALKS, CURB- NO, ttc, Also repairing and renewing of sewers. estimate. US453I, 3330U2. CELLARS, attic cteaned Mr old Furnlrur.

removed 'or wnal tavt you? DRIVE A-0 river. Theater, 227-1900. YOUR CAR SERVICE. Rent Anywhere: Airports, Piers, South. Anytime.

Wwtport, FREE TRANSPORTATION lo Florida. Over 21. Bondable. Driver's license. arcldenls.

Weslport BENCHY, anytime. ELECTRICAL wiring remodeling? BuLId- Ing a vi rer oil -Free estl- males. Gneronleed work. Call ELECTRICAL wiring, alr-cyMilloner, additions, Daroges, small lobi. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, LICENSED, ALL TYPES, NEW OR OLD.

RESL DENT1AL, COMMERCIAL OR INDUS TRIAL. WORK GUARANTEED. 346-4411 ELECTRICAL Need lo rewire your home, call Fom. Electric for-salUloctlon, estimates. 333-7761.

GOLDEN ROOSTER Catering Service. Having a party? Call us for a delkTous not or cold bullet. 375-3470, ELECTRICAL WIRING. RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL. REWIRING OLDER HOMES, 220 SERVICES.

FREE ESTIMATES. A1P ELECTRICAL CON- RACTORS, 2M-MOI. 20 Tracking 15 A Corpontry Kooftotj IT. JOE RECINE walk end kind of Masonry, KOVALSK.Y Bros. Roofing nc.

Specializing hi wind-sealed rooting. Sutlers, leaders repairs. Fully Insured, eillmotes. 3II-1W). MASONRY work wanted brick, block, concrete slalrways and sidewalks.


Every piece' jnsured. Free estr- mates. Mickey Moving and Storage -331-2640. ENGELHARD AIKo, cellars and yards cleaned; also light moving. 28 MhctKwMew For 37M71: R' LOCAL and 1 long distance furnl- lure -end piano' moving call P.

Murphy Maying and Storage 333-101 1. LIGHT TRUCKING No loo small. Cellars, attics cleaned. Will deliver. Fair price.

Anytime. 334-3327. 2 MEN TRUCK for hire. Allies, eel- lars, yards I. moving.

Call 2U-3WI. A-l AS ALWAYS tcreened loam-from Lr fertilized and limed for years. A rotted manure, hay and shru a yard, J. S. TRUCKING SERVICEt-Part time moving and odd lobs free eslh motes.

Coll 336-0823. patches. No mailer how small, expertly done at reasonable 'prices. Henry, 21 HAND crocneted dolUes. All shapes, sites, shell, baskets, pol 'holders, dolls, oilier IHms.

Reasonable. 333-4363. HALL for hire. Roma Rehearsal Hall, 129 Madison Call 375-5732, I a.m.- 6 p.m. Catering to stags, parlies and banquets, elc.

HORSE FR'EE i win oive you on family horse, excellent with children Phone 74B-010J. FORMICA TOPS Kitchen and base nsla I rations. Free estimates, call Bob S.mrna, 263-AlOo. JOEY'S Restaurant, 781 Main $1rttt now catering to slagi ond best In drlnVs. Call 3B-944J.

HAY RIDES H.OO per coupl hours tong. Afso bnlires. 268-0105. FRANK'S snow maintenance, cellars, r'ardi'cleaned, tree culMng, free estimate end references. KITCHEN CHAIRS expertly "reeovertd, booff I tie ouaroDteed workmanship.

Reasonable. We stock largest se- leclton, of vinyls. Free pick-up and delivery. The Kitchen 1315 East- Main W7-423. or clean, wllh bar.

Receptions, weddings, meetings, reasonable, 13ftj Slralford Ave. floor. Coll SJQ.7.9B, 367-S4B5. lily counsellni Bpl's Tutoring MAGICIAN Birthday parties Include live rabbit), balloon -animals and free presents. Call 374-3349 anytime.

ASTROLOGY Charls compiled. Your ability desires made clear to you. Phone 2ABJ171. EXPERIENCED pianist Teacher will give lessons In your home or mine. Can 259-1745 evenings, GUITAR and accordion sludents now being enrolled al Tomburrlno School of Music Orchestra training avollable.

Four locations- Coll M-3565. PRIVATE Tutorlna in all sublects. Instructions by certified teachers. Phone County School. 374-6187.

LEARN to plav the ACCORDION Ihe GUITAR--FREE loon ol Instrument to use ot home. Mollnaro School Music. 33-0254. GIRLS WOMEN TRAIN FOR Switchboard (PBX) Operator -Phone COUNTY SCHOOLS, 37X-A187 PIANO LESSONS by Ralph A. Scolo, Chicago Conservalory of MISS VALARIE advisor, odvlse- given canuU this gifted -woman now.

Are you worried about personal problems. Then see Miss Valarte. This ad Is worth one dollar on readings. 4150 Main North End Bpt. Hour 9-10 p.nn.

dolly. PLUMBING and heating, repairs and Installations. Drains, electrically cleaned. Waler main, and sewer service and l.v staltotlon, 24- hours service. MICHAEL ANGELO SERVICES.

335-5822. HOUSE Windows cleaned. Banded ured. Low prices, prompt Calf At, Cleaning -Service- al time. Vacuuming, polishing furniture, washing, window washi loor and-waxlng.

Also offi shing, ice. Call stripping FLOOR tile Installed, Eitlmales given. FUEL save lc a gallon If 'or within 15 days af delivery, net price 17C. One of the finest oils at any price. hour burner service.

Jolv 1 any prlc in'J. Lin FURNITURE MOVING, attic, cellar yard clean ups. Trips to dump reasonable. Call Wall, 335-4901, 24 OpppftHnlttti LUMBIfJG and heating. Remodeling tindi repairs.

Cos and electric water hwt- irs 372-9494 or PLUMBING and Heating. No jab too small. Specializing In repairs and remodeling. Call anytime. Stratford Plumb- Ing A Heating, 378-9000.

BARBERSHOP, exclusive, modern, out Itled 3 men. Now 2 men. Excellent bust- ness, 10 minutes from Westport. Out lo llness. Call 7.

11 p.m. BEAUTY SALONS WANTED buy beauty salons. All Inquiries strict confidential. Beauty Salons, 1202 Main ROOFERS Roofing, gutters, leaders, siding. All types repaid.

Fully insured. 334-5037. ROOFING, gutters S. leaders. 25 years experience.

Fret estimates. Fully Insured. Lengel Rooilng, 374-9090. ROOF repairs, new roots, stilntjle-s, Elote, Hot tar roofs, gulters, lead leaks 'o speeloity. 372-55A.

SMALL lobs, any masonry, water- small walls, clothes line poles, noting, smal fencing. Reliable. 3 34 -5 SOB, 151 Oil Btifners--Ranges-- GENERAL home cleaning. Office, Floor woodwork washed. Rugs shdrnpooed, sanding.

Call GENE'S TREE: SERVICE. Expert cutting removal. No refused, Free estimates. Fully Insured. Coil 335-R573.

HAVE TRUCK will move, clean allies and cellori, odd Call MOVING, must matching dresser chest of drawers, roll-awa cose, combination comp Coll away be OIL PAINTINGS, reproductions of your own pholoi, portraits, scenes e1c. Salis- facllon guaranteed or no charge. SI00 up. 93B-3M9, Redding, PSORIASIS and Eczema lufferert, discouraged? Send $2,50 for Ovelmo Crean Helping thousands. Wllmar Box 466, Bpt.

PICTURES PAINTED, to" order, portraits, Martha Rogers, Allen Studio, 963 State 333-0419. PUBLICATION PHOTOS for neyvs- jpers, etoy servke. Popular prices. Allen. Studio, Stale.

nights. Over 2, Pina Land Res1auront Village SECRETARIAL position. Our administrative headquarters located in Stratford requires the skills of a eomoflent secretary plus Gofnt ond shorthand llaure CMnimum required. For appointment, toll 378-7233, 9-5. Evening Interviews ar- SEWING machine on fc suede eoafs.

Section work or whole coah. Excellent pay, plen- 1v of work. Leather Fashions, 25 opposite Wonder Breed Co. SHARP GAL FRIDAY WANTED. MUST POSSESS TOP SECRETARIAL SKILLS.

DIVERSIFIED DUTIES IN SMALL BUSY OFFICE FULL TIME. A A NEC. ff.G. WARNER SKIPPING-- Usual workTorlver's license neederl for errands. Frlnoe benelds.

Arcade Tool Die 3R Union Bpt. WAITRESS 1H or over. Full or par! lime. Apply En person, Town Counlry Jjntr, 4241 Main St. WAITRESSES, experienced, part or full Pike Diner, 2200 Black Rock; oirfle(d.

Apply in person or coll WAITRESS wanted, good money, The Falrjleld. "WAITRESSES, 7 to 3 shift. 301 shW. Cashier for Holiday SILK SCREEN and hot stamp opera- 'for decorotlnp cosmetic packages. If you are experienced operator we cnn start you Immediately ot a prime hourlw role If you ore Inevoerlenced will train you.

Good startlna pay, ropH ad, voncement for those who qualify, Hours 3:30 to 10 p.m. Somt 7 n.m, to p.m. In onrf Inlk with us Westwlll 349 Connecticut South Narwatlc. STENOGRAPHER Sun. nt 111, Mon- iquare Shopping Cenler, Rt, 2614147, Uniforms provided, will train.

Sot. 7 lo 3, will tra 1 House of Weslbound, 259-9227. WAITRESS, over 21. Experience desired, Houri, 4:30 to 10 p.m. Full or part time, Tory Brook Inn hveen 5 p.rr Milford, 874-B733, be 193 BOSTON BPT.

WAITRESS 6 days a week. Hours 7 to 2:30. Experienced preferred but no person. Midway necessary. Apply In Lunch, 1992 Bpl.

WANT 1300 and hlan tnccmel Fresh silks. Have direct and parly plar sales openings, To ihow quality clolhe porl lime. Colt 878-5562. WANTED woman for part time genera oil ice work. Including typing, filing collection.

Coll eSolleoglna opportunity for well earv'red person wffh aood steaographic clerical Good pov, access lo unique fringe benefit program. Apply: A J15 Lafovettft Bol. J3S-I151, Exf. 412 An Equal Oopoffunily Employer WANTED LPN for 3 to 11 shift In rest home. per hour.

Apt. available Write PO Box 159, Crjunwe 11 "WOAflAN wanted (live-in) to core young children UgM housekeeping bont 372-9351, aHer 5. "WANTED--Women for Ion work. Work must be done from of Ice. Temporary work.

No experlenc' ecessary. Call 377-4710. STATISTICAL CLERK 590 FEE PAID A clertc typbt with a Hnir for lin- ures 8. of Ihe calculator, needed lo fill Ih.s spot. HARPER ASSOCIATES .155 Mafn 335-736? Post slock CK Dm records, coders, expedite shorfapej.

Intereitlno In a small comtxinv. Harrel, 14 Fitch E. Norwolk. "SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Experienced only for busv telephone an- swerino service. Hours 3-10 r.m,, tlav Sat.

Top rates. All benefits. If vou re not tin not amly. Immediate Coll 374-6316 onytime. "SWITCHBOARO receptionist.

Hours, 8-5 CoH 367-Wll. 'WtTCHBOARD operators, T-leohone Answering Service. 333-J193. TRAINED -SUBSTITUTE Tnterested In addlna lo vour Income? f-5 per wr hour. Tnformatlftn national Inlervlew, see MI n.m, PROMPTLY, Ocl 14, MUford Holiday Inn- WE HAVE openings for accounts elvablfr and general clerical positions rlust be able to lype.

Apply in persnn 'he National Transportation 35' itate St. Fall-field, Conn. An equa tpportunlty employer. 200 NEED 4 GENERAL ORFICE WORKERS (NO TYPING REQUIRED) one and two week assignments MANPOWER, INC. .4 WOMEN Weeded Immediately for light packin ond assembly MANPOWER, 1NC.

200 Folrfleld Ave. 3A7-84S WOMEN needed for following position 1. Assemble small precision parts. 2. Soldering wiring, 3.

Operate small macfilnes. Good working conflltTons. Call Pradlc Automation, Shelton. Conn. WOMAN wanted (or counter I to grill work.

In small luncheonette, mor Ings. Part or full. time. CalE 369-9457, 347-1972 SifuafTons Wanted 7A TAKE THE RITA EXPRESS To A New Rewarding RITA GIRL PERSONNEL 855 Mnln S1. ACCOUNTING, auditing of related wor Retiree; long successful experience co lele financial administration, taxes, pa oil, Jniurance, credils, cUecficiis.

Te or part-lime acceploble, Phe hm many altro'ctlve opportunities awbltina you. Open eve. '111 7:00 p.m. for your odded convenience. Off War.

acctg. background Relocate 1o 9 Acctg. cost or accls. Pay. supervisor.

Nwk Mir. Exp. Wnlerbury SI- Hkkor F-Ctnru Trial ant. tvpe Credit A Collection frr't. No pref.

Indust. Credit Exp to SI StenA exoeditcr, type w.p.m., lite steno, pref. simiior exo. purchasing expediter. Good type.

lo typist Stmfd Girl 45 w.p, steno "i bkkpo Accta. lype w.p.m, apt Sli-servfc- fynlsf, w.n.m. Reteotlcnlsl, w.p.m., Atctff. cltrVr'cosi dep. pref.

ACCOUNTANT, C.P.A., N.Y., 15 ixperfence, cloys available. W11M So. Conn. Box 5407, Po telegram. ADMINISTRATIVE MAN Thoroughly experienced In order editin entry, processing, Invoicing, customer vice, office procedures--20 years supe vlsory.

Wrlle Box 8019, Post-Telegram. Bridgeport Studio, 336-9504. TRACTOR, TRAILER TRAINING IT'S A FACT! England Tractor Trailer School men for the giant trucking Industry, re trucks, more drivers, more money, the best. the right way.

New England way. Full or part time proved for VA. CoU 333-7600. fRUfiABULL TUTORING Cenler. AM eels at your home.

Qualified teachers. II 261-3070. "VICTOR COMPTOMETER SCHOOL" 211 State Streel, Rm. 202 Bridgeport, Conn. 334-4163 WEEKS Keypunch coursi on 074 056 WEEKS Comptometer Course Adding Machines WEEKS Inlroduclory Typing Courst 24 hour Typing Brush Up OW BUDGET TERMS i.

Evening Classes eglsler now for classes starting tely. Call us for further and Catalogue. HENRY BRAZIEL. Floor waxing and sanding. old tile.

Removing and reflnlsh- ing. JOBS DONE, reasonable. work, lepHc lank service. Foundations dug. Mason work end odd done.

Light hauling. Afffcs, cellars, yardi cleaned. any 1 Window BODY SHOP, centrally located, wllh or without business, 3,200 iq. It. ample parV- ng, financing arranged, asking $40,000 $12.000 down, "phone olUr 5.

374-2933. BRIDGEPORT--Full permit restauran on Main arlery, I rinls, top grois. Make on only. Pojt Telegram Box 5233. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY- Seeking person or company lo work wllh, manu facturlng and maryelino ROTARY; ELEC TAP SWITCI 'ITCHES (patented); al SECOND MORTGAGES.

Fart loons property. ALTO US. 333-3171, paymtnis. PLAZA A-l ACCREDITED farm loom, 111, sand, oravet, MCQ voting, leptkr A-l ABSOLUTELY FJNE screened loam Uo gravel live red, C.O.D. AND WHY NOT777 Rent a beard or a toupee I (Salerno 02 Llndlev 333-5041 or 347-7M8.

A peclal nott to all beau I tclans. We are going WHOLESALE. If you da not aet tur PRICE LIST soon, call above numbers. Our prices will-surely please you and allow you lo compete wllh ANY wig SALERNO. ROH.LAYVAY Vkfralo, mfrrws, lamps, chairs, mahogany ttr vJM, tools, crib, pint chtit, Sfd (13x10x1 wotk-m 9 months old.

saw, Model 33. abort mtat Cubt sttak mochlne. 14' frcexer, silf-Mrvlce dairy case. cose. Meat blocks.

OWs ond Cell 775-4370 between I antf 4 p.m. On Sun. call STORE fixtures, bargain tabtet, btoutt- ril wooden shelving, 1032 ModlMft 10 a.m. USED oil A DOS furnaces boHtfi, So up. Wilt it II dfrtct or Installed.

Call 364-1M4. USED AND NEW STEEL BEAMS, channels, orating, -pipe, cut to size and delivered. Also bars end wire mtst for concrete. staragt. Vinnlck steel ASupply, Smith a Ave.

ABUNDANCE WOODEN comftlnotlon storm space heater, electric hot plate, misc. 333.4761. own. for screening. Cheap, A BUY.

Housepalnt, 13 colors, porch loor enarrvt, gal. Liberty, Army tt.OO, 4 to 6', J3.00. Dli Ihe time for fall ptal Formi Tnjmbtm. CoU 2O-531J A-1 AGEO cow manure for lawns and gardens. Also early horse hay straw mulching hay, 1 1 replace wood: C.O.D.

delivery. Show 1 Farm, Sport Hill Road, (arm loom, septic systems, gravel, I rue king, excavallna, bock- hoe work. Mike Nocftam, 263-4K44, anyTHING or everyTHING, bought, sold, traded, THINGS unlimited, 146 Pembroke ot Waterfront. 334-3230. ACTION al auction.

Call, Mlkt Cube PLUMBING HEATENG-- Sheet mttol work. Worm air furnaces, installed and repaired, cold-air returns, new rum, humidHters. Special summer iriCM. Phone 335-7334. KITCHEN RANGE (oil cleaned, Oil pumps serviced.

Spaner Fuel evenings TJJC londscopinq, Gardening versions--Commercial, Aerospace, Thumb wheel, MIn'Calure, PC, Bd, LSfC Bd Hybrid thin and thlcV Him mlcrocircull. Also, otner switches, controls, rolary magnetic digital readout Indicators. rite Box 7716 Post-Telegram. A-1 CLOTHESLINE paies, anlennas, flagpoles. Morgai) Fronds stral- lord.

371-2664; 24-houf Phone service. ALL SIZES of barrels. Also steel drums or CoM ot 9i Istandtarook Ave. FREEZER company for sale wllh properly located In Bpt. 36S73S.

Rowers HOMEOWNER'S SPECIAL. Brick, block ond cement work. Tile work, pla.lerlng and snow plowkig. Coll us for free mqte. 37J-93Q1 after p.m.

HOWIE'5 TREE Service. Expert tree cutting removal. No size refused. Free estimates. Fully Insured.

CoU 335-t573. HOWIE'S ODD Job Service. Reasonable rates. Cleaning cellars, attics, garages and yards, trei cutting. Interior painting.

moving. Free estimates, ind yc irtijll LIGHT trucking, cleaning yards, Ing. Call 333-3479. LINOLEUM, tile, ceramic tile Installations. Floor tIFe special 10'xlO', $48, Labor and material.

Perron Tjle. 878-3295. ROACHES, rodenls, termites. Indoor outdoor pest control brush control unmarked cors. SHELL COIN'S.

Need Jotin Tyler, 5100. James Madison $1,000 Harding Martin Van Buren 5500, James Buchanan S50. split. 372-0941. LOWEST PRICES In town on MUSIC BECROFT LANDSCAPE SERVICE Complete lawn service, new lawns, top dressing, seeding, fertlliiing, mowing and full town maintenance.


TERRITORY OPEN WITH FABU LOUS MARKETING PLAN SKY IS THE LIMIT WITH BONUSES FEATURING CLOTHES, CAR, EXCITING TRIPS AND HOME. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT, 25ED4VJ. COMPLETE lawn Installation, lawn repairs, bull dozing, grading. HIII-N-dale Contractors, 372-7887 9M-01J4. Serving Falrfleld Counly.

EXPERT removal service. Pruning, land clearing and llorm damage repair. Insured, estimate. Call 375-0371, 929-03. cut.

TaH crass mowed. Weed control, pruning. Turf slicing, power raking. H. fc S.

Lawn Ice, 333-034, 9 a.m. or alter 5 p.m. GROCERY MEAT MARKET BUSI NESS, High potential corner location Price Includes busines, stock, building and all equipment. $25,000. Call INVESTORS MORTGAGE CO, $1,000 INVESTMENT SETS YOU 'UP IN LAUNDROMAT BUSINESS IN APARTMENT COMPLEX.

EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. DETAILS STELL'A, BROKER. 378-5765. ATTENTION clubs, restaurants. Stain- ess PerllCK draft lyslem, taps plus storage (or bollUd beer.

Iced for Immediate safe. 241 -23'03. yews box wood. SPRUCE Christmas Irees 2 to 4' Dig your own. ptolnllna, 751 Do A 4' SHEE Wanted Melol break and Tiectrlc forX lifts and steel shelvtfio-wofited.

Colt LOAM or. topsoll wanted. Whotwak, vicinity Trumbull, Loaded or will lood own trucks, 248-5700. WANTED Used safe En oood condl- evenlngi, 30 Household Goods APARTMENT sin refrigerator, good condition, $35. Call M6-4D2I, BABY CARRIAGE, lumping- chair baby swing, Immacufofe.

Coil BEAUTIFUL, like new slate pool regulation' iixe, about V'i price, evenings. 196? BPT. DlreclSry, $13.00. 2050 Ffld. AVe BARGAINS Pine-Hardwoods-Plywood, cents up.

Pretinlstied Plywood-vartgaled colors, X4H up. New Inilde-ouislck doors, 43JO up. Walnut finish book-desk shelves. Kindlings, Shavings, Sawdust, 75 cents bog. Aluminum windows, gutters, leaders, sliding olqss doors.

Complete line hardware miscellaneous tools. Cabinet-drapery fix- lures. Electrical, plumbing accessories. B.H.S. paint-wood finishes.

r4ew England's mast unique lumber yard. Come lee cash-carry, Falrileld Lumber Thorpe Post Rood. Exit 21 Thruwoy. boy'i. BANNER BARGAIN.

Electric Stovt oos lov refrigerator J14.95: gas-gas stove 445; mallress two piece Hying room 525; chest bedroom set US; kitchen dining, room 429.9J; TV $15; bed Slo; deik J15; Imperial Furniture, 445 StraUord 2 blocks from East Main St. Open till 5:30 p.m., Thursday III! 9 m. A BARGAIN i electric sewing machine with attachements for making hems, quiWn.o, plcallng, etc. excellent condition. Complete wllh cabinet for only JSl, A BARGAIN AT BERNARD'S The finest select ton of re co Honed anleed used appliances and televl New and quar- machine 'S-rnO STATE ST.

TO INTRODUCE our new aaenf In this area, ABC will clean, oil ond adjust your sewing machine for only X3.50. TROUBLED? For free, confideitfal Christian counseling, phone 334-4907. Laymen's Christian Counseling, -iberly Building, MOLNAR'S NURSERY--Evergreens 8. flowering shrubs, shade and ornamental trees, organic ferlilljer. Leisure lawn ITALIAN Restauran! 1n client Opportunity for rlgM people.

After 12 noon, coll UNWANTED INCHES disappear. Hand massages, cabinets, Flgurama, Anny Massage Salon, U03 Boston Ave. 334-0714, 374-4749. WEDDING invllat.cns, anniversaries, Oeoufffut raised printing. Custom made Accessories, 378-02il.

A RUMMAGE SALE Tuesday, Oct. 15fh, 6 to 9 p.m. and Wed. 9 to 11 o.m, Sf. Joseph's PNC Church, corner Barnurn Ave.

ond Harriet St. Sponsored by Ihe Ladles Altar Society. Auto Driving A Belter Service At COUNTY DRIVING SCHOOL Male and femole Instructors, 374-6187 AIRWAY DRIVING SCHOOL Conn. Lorgeit and Most Mode Mole and femole Instructors. 37-66S ATTENTIONI Nervous about driving? aln confidence, thru 24 years teaching xperlence.

Chose Driving School. 334-5A9A. Learn quickly lo drlvt safely at MADISON DRIVING SCHOOL Mole and female instructors. 336-5121 Lost Found I3A Rummage Sales NSTRUMEWTS, RENTALS, CAPITOL 43 Middle Street, Bridgeport, WB-)5-l9. NEED AN EXTRA bedroom or a playroom, we can build one In your base- nent ot off season prices.

Sands Genera Const. Bpt. 333-9413. RAY BARTER'S, general canlradors, specializing lawn maintenance-tree work. stone walls built.

Free estimales. ROBERT'S S1eam Cleaning Services. Hi-pressure steam cleaning of nouses, fac- lorles, garages, machinery, concrete floors Bt walls. Call for free estimates. 347-9W7.

PLASTERING at Its best. No. lob toa biq, no lob too small. Wilt answer alt Free estimates anytime. Call Charie MorzillO, '259-2194.

TYPfNG, manuscript, business, IBM cellent results. Dictation, Norelco. 375-8245 378-0721, 2S9-240. YARDS CLEANED, trees shrub Iritnmed. Gutte-rs leaders cleaned.

Re lone In all colors for polios and rock ardens. estlmotes to shrub your ame. Off Soundvlew Ave. In Kuntlngton, H-0633. LANDSCAPING, Old and new, Lawns rut ailed.

Tree removal. Insured. Free estimate. D. Blasls Brothers, 375-5034.

LARGE DENSIFORMS, Heyes, Vj price. Good selection of thode trees still available. 20 per cent off Spreading Yews. Wide variety of dwarf unusual Evergreens. Monroe Turnpike Nursery, 2SB lAonroe Turnpike 111, Monroe, 268-0174.

SPECIALIZING shrubbing, new 8. old homes. Top stock. Profesiional workmanship. Prompt, personal.

Reliable, Immediate AH areas Fairfield County. Call Day or Evening tor sery, Trumbull, 244-4705. 150 Carpet Cleaning APPROVED Professional Carpel Clean- Ing, Nationwide specialists. Free SLUE- WHITE spruce Ireej, Hem- Locks. 4' to 5' tall, S3 each, 3' lo 4', $2.50.

Dig Ihim yourself. Boys bicycle, tractor sXId chains, $30. 1 gas powered c6n JJ5, (fg saw Dunlap lawn mower, reel type, $30. 4 Brlggs Straiten A BIG BARGAIN In carpeting, well- wall Installed rugs wllh- tuoberired paa- dlng at special low of 15.95 yd Complete choice'of colors (nony r. nants' available, Connie's Rug Shop, 525 Broodbridge Bridgeport.

Store hours 10 a.m.-* a.m. Owner reHrino. Good oppor- Phone 334-0714, 374-4 749. LADIES MASSAGE Salon for sale. Eslabllshed 27 years.

Doing excellent tunltv Liquor Stare--Downlown'orea. $150,000 volume $39,000 key, excellent financing. Liquor Store--near Stfd. line, S210.000 volume 135,000 key, financing negotiable. Body shop with 3,200 iq.

tt. masonry $42,000 wllh or without business JIS.CHW cash required. C. P. AGENCY, 368-T991 CANADIAN CHRISTMAS a Balsam, Spruce.

Scotch Pines, Wholesale, Cutter-Snipper; Main office, 'Ip-Top market, 74 Kimberly New Haven, 777-9737, 6W-S084. aHer 6. LUNCHEONETTE--Long establish ment, Excellent location-In Slamford. Good In come. Box 5403, Post-TelegrajTi.

LUNCHEONETTE for sale, very active attractively priced. Tor quick sale. Phone 347-U91. alter 7:00 p.m. ASSORTED rummage, 77 London Terrace, Falrlield olf Churchill Sole, Frltfoy, Octobe, 18, to 1 p.m.

al FFrst Baptist Church, Washington ond West Avenues, Bridgeport, Connecticut Sponsored by the i lia ry oMhe Church, RUMMAGE SALE Olivet tlonal Church, Main ond North Ave. Thursday, Oct. 17, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. church, corner of isulh Oct.

Uth, 7 p.m.-? p.m. TAG SALE at Woodfleld Children's VII- U99 Strotfletd Falrfleld. Bric- a-brac, antiques, household items, etc. Saturday, Oct. o.m.-l p.m.

liable. Coll or929-M06. ISA estimates. Mr. Lobe at Service Master, 334-1795.

Roofing Plumbing A BANNER ADDITION GARAGE, DORMER OR PLAYROOM Qua lily materials, expert and and remod'ehng servie means salisfied customers. Free estimates, financing. Barnaby Construction Phone 3J5-GQ10, AAA ABLE AVAILABLE experienced 1 pointers, Exterior Interior, excellent A BETTER ceiling walls of sheel ocV dne over old plaster. Taping com- ercfal, resltf-nffaf remodelfng. Insured.

375-5M3; local call. AA1 CARPENTER, smalt additions, fences, garage, porcn, storls, roofs, built, remodeled, repaired, also paneling playroom, col 1 FOUND My family. "Timmy" re- urn ed lo Eastan. nefp lost cals Ike me return home. LOST On Route 58, Eas.ton, Redding.

at Reflnlshed end beard to antique 1a. le. Reward. LOST--Black minlalure female Poodle ear Hunilngfon Stratford. Answers "Blacky." Call 375-7190.

Reword. A BETTER complete tree service. Experienced, reliable, estimates. anytime. LOST--Prescription sun glasses, viclnll East Moln St.

Reword. Call 374-905B. LOST Chamois pocketed hog of ewelry. Reward offered. Call 374-5611, xtenslan 347, LOST Pass Book No.

32-1W5-3. return to The Stole Bank of Connecllcut. Mon's diamond ring, Saturday light, vicinity Slratfield Hold or fAaln jnd Congress 5f. Senflmentol vafue. Re- yard, Pleoie coll 335-8W7.

"LOST--Gentleman's block wallet. Initialed NV.A.M. Viclnlly Norlh Park Ave. Please call 366-1157. Reward.

ALCOA alum, clapboard Jahn- Manvllle roofing, and siding, vinyl siding. Gutters and leaders. Nichols Roofing Homco approved dealer. IS Business Services AA-t ALL ASPHALT PAVING Parking Areas, Driveways, Walk! FAIRFIELD PAVING CO. 33X-OB81 A CARPENTER, loyroom, Formica hes, attics, additions, Araday, 249-4181, A-l CARPENTRY, repairs, remodel, torches, altacs, additions, kitchen, cob- nets, formlcas, paneling.

Call evenings, 259-M94, AA-1 ATTICS, cellars, yards cleaned. Trees cut and removed. Also light mv- Ing. 367-1472 or 333-5264. A-l ALL JOBS.

-Trees cut, removed, clean yards, garages, etc. Trips to dump, Anyllme. 335-0020. AAA-1 ATTICS, cellars, garages, yards cleaned. Residential, Industrial commercial.

Dump Iruck for rubblih removal. ALTERATIONS- remodel, repair. Kilctv basem*nts, bathroomi, porches, roof- ng, gutters, etc. Call for free esllmalei 10 a.m. tit I p.m.

30M521. Beagle pup, ans. io name Pepper, 5 monthe oltf, black white. Vicinity Ave. area.

LOST Pair lodies glasses in or near Oldlleld School, FalrHeld. Badly needed. 359-V47Q- LOST Black, miniature, female nocdle. $50 Reword. AAlssing since Sept.

27lii. Coll 375-1573. LOST Ladies diamond ring, vicli H. Green, Barnum Hotel area, Greal senjlnnenlol volue. "LOST--Anyone nndino crey, while 4, black 'Iger cot, call 378-1 EM.

Reward. ALUMINUM or galvanized sutlers one leaders, reasonable price. For prompt service, call 335-1709 or ALUMINUM triple tract comblnotiiTn storm windows and screens, 19.95, this only. 33S-17P9 or 37-9J23. ALL and rfr modeled.

Antiques restored. Cnaln canina, 'actory methods. Phone 347-837S. "LOST-- Brown ond white Beagle hound, male dog, one year old. Red collar with 2375, Tag No.

314510. Name license Nc Peonuti." Reward. 372-1230. LOST--German Shepherd puppy, 4 mos. old.

Hos very large front paws, red collar (lea collar. Black wnlfe. Vicinity Bradley Lone 8. Rt. 34, NewSown.

Please return, children sick. Reward. Coll -426-9179. AAA-1 ASPHALT paving driveways walks, masonry 8, concrete work. Al work guaranteed.

Watt Construction Serv Ices. 372-5900. ASPHALT custom driveways, recapping repairing. Qualify guaranteed. Free hones J.

Paving estimates. John Zatiar, 378-2404. AAA-1 Attics, cellars cleaned, free fo salvage. Also factories and stores. Col 374-4739.

bathrooms. John ALL TYPES of masonry. Fireplaces, ilcck foundations. brick and stone veneer, retaining walls, stucco. Call 3A-513 afler 5 p.m.

or AA MASONRY block foundatto'ni stane brick veneer, slone block rt- ainlng walls, repair Fireplaces a Specialty. 334-3314 17 Painting Decorating AAA-HILO interior exterior painting High quality, low price. Free estimates Fully jrisured. Sllveslro. 333-1275.

rkmanship. Insured. Estim ibly priced. 368-4194. tes, reasort- BANNER PAINTING.

Iniltle-outside. All kinds wallpapering. Free estimates. 30 yrs. experience.

Guaranteed. 34S-B60. ALL KINDS of pointing and repairs. Ho matter If big or small. Emery and Joe Brothers.

Call after 3 p.m., 2J9-407Q. ACE PAINTERS speciotiie in axlerloj and Interior painting, roof repairs, gut small carpentry 3S-1459. BEAUTIFUL JOS Painting and fiecorotlng. Meet and efficiently done. 30 experience.

and decbraling, Interior and exterior, residential and commercial. All reasonably priced and pro- fesstanatly done. Also specializing In wallpapering. Far free estimate call 367-6574 or 368-03B8- A-l CUSTOM PAINTING Interior and exterior painting and orating- professionally done. Fully Insured.

Free estimates, -26B-9104, ABSOLUTELY beautiful Colonial double bed, chest on'chest, beside 'table, 3 yeori old. Paid $1,000. Best offer accepted. -939-4937, eve ntags. A CALORIC .30" gas slave SMO.

Kene gqs dryer with vent and noie.JiO. A New Borgoln Cenler 5ove Jo JO per.ceot ond more. CAR Racing set, H.O. scale, many ex- MATTRESSES, DINETTES, SOFAS, ras. Beit offer over $35.


34S4244 SAWS--New-ond usid. J50 and up. 333-01D3. CHINA tor sale; us id but in good condition. Comptele service for approximately 100 persons; from Country Club.

Very reasonable. 1-838-7507. ONCE IN A LIFETIME Here's the opportunity to name your fu lure Income. A full permit -Grill priced ow enough that It con't help being a THE HOLDEN AGENCY 334-9290, 33-V7350 CHAIN sow, HP light wtlghl, heavy 1 Asking 190, OUTSTANDING beauty parlor In ropTd- Iy growina area. Excellent Inancinq, jVfncIpols only.

jost-Telegrom Box 5337. RESTAURANT beer permit. Gross ing per year. Excellent opportunity to retire 10 Sale rncludes fully equipped 1 reslaurant, 4 room a part- men! beaulllul 1 year ofd Ranch. Located" hfgh vofume area of Sfrof- tord, i 15,000 down.

Owner will take back 40 per of morlgage at bank rales. Here Is Die chance been looking for. Call for appointment. 34-54S5, O'CONNOR RE AL ESTATE LOBBIES RESTAUflAHT in Strotford for. sale.

Across from Avco. Dolna good business. Open from 6 a.m.-4 p.m. Rssson- oble. Call 939-3W2.

DC REGULATED SOLA POWER SUP PLIES. 100v-l3flv. AC Irvput. Output, 5 volts at 6 amps IOO-13Dv. Input-output 3SV at 5 omps 100v-l30V AC input, 125V oufpuf of 3 amps.

All fufly guaranteed. Perfect condition. Normal coit 5200. Spec, S25 fo W5 ea. Full Inventory.

5ur- Electronic Component Paris, State Electronic Dlstrlb. 51 lioac Nor- Phone B38-7744. Open Thr 9 o.m. A p.m. 9 a.m.

Sol. 5 p.m DRESSMAKING material for sale. Imported fabrics and cottons. Call 374-1495. A BETTER JOB guaranteed, manufacturers' oullet.

We do our own linanc- ing. $1,000 S14.25 monthly. Phone 334-0559, -41-3881. BOHLIN Exterior-interior painting. Poperhanging.

Dutch Boy paints. Fully 'nsurect. Free reasonable eslfmates. Phone 261-34W. BEST references ir.

the area. Rtoson able, quality work. Fully Insured. Cal DwIgM, 259 4990 after p.m. ma commercial.

Fully (nsured. Adley Conitrucllon 2J 8-6927. CALL does It all. Complete car- sentry and masonry services. Playrooms, Oaths, kitchens, add it Tans, store fronts.

uHv insured. Paul's Construction, BRIGHTEN Up Chrlslmas holl rfays wlfh a new paTnt or papering (06; also enllre Interior of new and old homes. Call AA Painters for free estimales A BAD JIOOF, All types of roofs repaired and replaced. Hot flat roofs, shin- Qfei, state, leaders and gutters. Fully Insured.

P. and Sons, 374-4044, A COMPLETE remoaellng service, alterations, additions, family rooms, kitchens and bathrooms, walls and ceilings CHUCK'S PAINTING 8, DECORATING Neat and clean, positively guaranteed. Interior ond exterior. Payment upon completion and satisfaction. The very besl in quality workmanship.

Fully Insured. Phone anytime, 375-4428. CHARLES BUCKNER, Interior ond terlor painting and paperhanqing. fJo loo small. Estimates.

335-8527. ALL TYPES of masonry expertly done. Foundations, polios, porches, retaining walls, sidewalks. Work guaranteed 1 33S-450-J, palnlino. Work guaranteed, arge or too imoll.

335-7490. A-l FLOOR SANDING Hew floors made perfect, old made lEki new. Clean, smoolh sanitary, beautiful. r-r estimales. Phone 268-3007.

334-0427 A. BARNABY SONS. Johns-Manvllle certified home Improvement contractors. Roofing, siding, gutters and leaders. Reconditioning old osbeslos, shingles.

aluminum, clapboard siding. Fully Insured. years lo pay. 57? Boston "ridgeport, AUTO GENERAL, Soles, Used car mon- oger. Available Immediately.

Lost 12 yrs. experience with Ford. Will consider on- other Held. For further information, 3M-2362 cr 241-0184. lOST- Vicinity ol KiMlan Trunv bull, Sealpoint Siamese male cat (neutered).

Reword, Call 2iB-29M. ALL FLOOR ave beautiful Why pay moret Estimales furnished, 3 EXPERIENCED painter wishes Will work evenings 4, weekends. Wall- wperirvg olso. RtosonoWe roles. 374-6566, inylime.

INDUSTRIAL engineer, experiences 1n all phases of I.E. function, desires a challenging position with progressive manufacturing concern. NEAT, ACCURATE, experienced rtro man desire i part timt work evenings. Call 374-2793. TWO EXPERIENCED CUTTERS AVAILABLE TO DO PART TIME CUTTING, PLEASE CALL 1-467-i291 AFTER 4 P.M ASK FOR PAT CORSO.

IMe lite 7B 'Camotometer ooerotor, txp rJerk-typIsts. clerk, type 45 w.p.m. Hie iterio t( Cdst clerk, some exo. tvpe Personnel clerk-typlsl, 40 wpm. 1 GerMypist.

Car nee Expert clerk, some Spanish, w.p.m. Clftrk-tyoljt, 'M w.p.m Personnel' receptionist, lite type. train biclophflne. Cur posWons Always FEE "AID 7 70 Female ADDRESSING envelopes ond similar ype work done by hand. Wanted lo do my home.

367-M15. A PART flme or 3 days week position wanted by mature lady. Vicinity SI ra tford Box 5431. Post-Tc re prom, ATTENTION working molhcrs, enced, responsible, core for your young child, Folrfleld. 13.50 dolly 259-2256, rnolher desires position baby sitter.

WIN care for child In he own home Iwo years or older. Refer ences exchanged. Post Telegram Bo 5433. BABIES, Toddlers, Pre-schoolers core for In my home. Playroom, lunches, rei erences.

259-6417. DRESSMAKING alteration on ladle coals, skirls fr dresses, draperies, gowns 7JJJAL children's cjothes. Reasonable. DESIRE typing at homt. Call 17 Personals R'ln youMkl'tcTien made to like new.

S. Free pickup. 347-1035 A BAD chairs red Finest selection of moferiol avail- ble. Free pickup and delivery Bonri hrome, 2942 Falrfletd Avc.we, 333-4S81, 34-6S97, ANDY'S NEWS, 1423 Falrlield Avenue, Denver Avenue. Open 5 a.m,-l a.m, days.

Evening papers, p.m. Al CERAMIC TILE-- Specializing in repair work. All work guaranteed. Coll Sanding Refinfshina. Have beautiful floors.

Work guaranleed. ASPHALT PAVING and concrete work. Sidewalks, driveways and parking areas. Done by asphalt machine. Bank financing.

Burns Constr cl Ic ASPHALT PAVING DRIVEWAYS, PARKING AREAS PROMPT, COURTEOUS ESTIMATES PER550N CONST. 3 1 S-OS91, 375-9612 ALL TYPE of land clearing tri removal. All types of excavating. Cellars aug; stumps removed any type of bock filling. AAA-1 ATTICS, cellars cleaned free or salvage Also factories and stores.

Call onytime. 374-4739. AN EXCELLENT seamstress will take her home dresses, children's, evening clolhes for 367-2EW. a He rat I Reasonable. "ATTENTION LADIES; Open weekdays till 4:30, and Solurdoys till 1 p.m.

Bargains galore ol Hie factory store, All weolher coals ond car silks, tweeds, poplins, corauroy; also remnants for sole. Good for coats, skirls; and olio ool rua strips. Quallly Coat Factory, 49 Cowles oM Stratford Ave, ASK VINNVS prices, free estimates on lasonry, garages, block foundations, Miles, porches, brick ond 'one work, 261-2747 anytime. A BAD LEAK? Shingle, flal roofs, repairs. Leaders, gotten, new Installations.

ree estimates. 20 years experience. ur Cassy and Sons, Roofing. ALL EXPERT Carpentry: Kitchens cabinets, formica counters, etc. Remodeling, custom reasonable, Joe Cec- carftlllr 343-2024.

ASPHALT driveways and parking areas Besl material and workmanship. Free estimates. Federal Paving 336-3815. A-l CLOTHESLINE POLES Installed -Steel, red cedar, fireplace wood. Cedar posts.

Trees removed, 372-0015, 263- a09 AUTOS TOWED away for junk, free Mull be complete. Highest prices tor 1961's op. 368-4587. SOB ENGELHARD Attics, nd yards cleaned, also HgM moving 372-1714. OK glass window (L serein i paired, wooden or aluminum, reasonabl rates.

Call anytime, 366-2S6-C. BANQUETS, Parlies for occasloi Clubs or groups. Private room available (or Christmas partlts from 35 to 125 people. Coll Foirtleld 3S9-1B9J. your home for the holidays wMh slip coven drape t.

For further information, coll Angel, J75-H47. BUY SILVER dimes, quarters, half dollars. Sterling. Any condition, Write Coins, P.O. Box 30, Conn.

BACKHOE, dump truck services avail bfe. Also complete remodellna services Del Bene Construction Services, Inc 333-7343. DRAPERIES Custom mode in my home. Professional quality. Reasonable ratti.

Call (or on estimate. U160M. BULLDOZING, cellar excavating, fill, loam, remove excess fMI, stones, ilumpi. CalE 748-710' BUSINESS CARDS, raised lettering 14 up, 100 wedding invitations SS up. Bus ness printing.

-74-1717. CLEAN SWEEP Is back In business clean cello attics, yards. Free ell mates given. Experienced mason, true and, car mechanic. Call inytlme, 344-5919 ADDITIONS Alterations, remodeling nd repairs.

Inspection, advice, plans, nanclng. Complete job done. Guaranteed ling, new ceilings, walls, porches, addl- ons, 335-8014. EDDIE BROTHERS, Interior, exterior juaronteed. No too SUNOCO SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE ExcellenT.Qutiness Opportunity CALL Oft WRITE TODAY SUN OIL COMPANY P.O.

Box 403S Rrftfgeporf. Conn. 366-4351 Evenlnoi Weekends Mr. Slorr, Mr. Mofioney.

878-9871 DRY CLEANERS LAUNDRY SUP- "LtES. Machine parts, shlrt-packaglno, soaps, chemicals, hangers. Perk-solvent. d(spray-signs, coln-op-flUers, Hyflo jailers, pressing-machine, canveyarj, dryers, metal-hojes, brushes. Irani.

UNITED, 435 FAtRFIELD BRIDGEPORT JJ33J521, Poking delivery. FOR SALE baby Hems, collapsible carriage, convertible cor bed jeot, metal "table chairs, "FUEL O'IL," urd 2c per gal- on. For more Informalion, Sabre') Fuel, STRATFORD Neighborhood grocery beer, convenient Hems, volum excellent Income. Owner must sell, co fllctlng Interests. Call aller 5.

375-0750. TH BUSINESS SPECIALIST "BUYING OR SELLING" EOW. A. CURR1E CO. Painting OEMCO decorating, TOOLROOM consisting of 18 machines capable tor 12 employees, low cost, leas new building, excellent for 2 la tool ond die mokers, starting In business Box 5431.

Post-Telegram. Wanted BUSINESSES WANTED. We speclollr huiinsss b'-okerais hnve In ortlidencc. LEHU AGENCY, 374j9693. ixtenor-tnterlor.

Repair gutters shingles or clapboard, poperhonoTno, sheet rocX and lope. Fully insured, 367-9023 FREE estimates. Interior Exterior 25 yean experience. Fully insured. CAR CESERO Pointing and Decorating, 333-1424.

INTERIOR EXTERIOR pointing Leaders, gutters, porches repaired. Fully Insured. Guaranteed satisfaction. Palnllng. 87ft'8454.

ALTERATIONS, CARPENTRY, remodel to, general construction, repairs, ma- chry, sidewalks, dry wells. Free 333-5223, 372-5762, 373-5435. NATIONWIDE PAINTERS. Before you paint, call us about home point plan. and exlerior.

Call 346-6317 aHer 5 p.m. SORRY--Small paint Jobs only. Interior or exterior. Reasonable. 367-U96 anytlm- SIM PAI NT residential mercial, inferior exferlar polnflna, spray, brus staining expert wall pap- er'n a.

Free estimates. Call Seno, or Wm. Moore- CLEAN FILL and subsoil. 261-2657. FREEDMAM WAREHOUSE OUTLET STORE VU E.

Main St. (Across from Freedmon, Furnilure) Ju.t Off Exit 2i Conn. Tpke. Open 1 to 9 p.m.--Sot. 9 to i FREE PARKING REAR OF STORE HOOVER upright vacuum Olalo- majlc.

Excellent condition. Attachments, MO." 3A7-21QB. Electrolux com- gjtte oltochmtnts, S30. LOVSLY bedroom Reasonable Also blocX Persian tomb H-IA. ARE YOU LOOKING tor good furnltun at honest prices? We havt used, repossessed and new furniture of alt kinds end our prices are riant.

Liberal credit, too. WJIfiam Discount 374 Grand Street, Bridgeport. ATTENTION-Only 1295, All new furniture, 3 complete. Bedroom, JfvJng room and kifchen sets, tables, lamps and illJows. Yes, all this lovely new fumiluri can 6e yours on easy weekly payments.

Katz Qua I My Furnllure, 14il Main SI. Call Ron. 335-4432. AUTHENTIC Japanese screen silk shanlung. Gen I wedding icene, $95.


COMflJ NATION oas olid gas ItovT FIVE cost-Iron radiators, $1 a section. last Iron coi lerclat fins, used for cellar playroom, toilet tanks, one bowel, dish Dasher under counter, needs pointing, but 371-4567. GRAVEL, BANK RUN, for muddy driveways A Prompt Ivery. C.O.D.' 378-9425. 27S GAL.

oil 1onk, heavy Per- lect condition, SU, kitchen set, HO. Catl 336-5471. for sale, like new. Coil HAMCO generator: X.OCK5 watts, Volts, used 500 haun. JJOO or be.t offer.

J78-4251. I ROMRiTE mangier ond cKalr, 1 hp Enterprke meal chopper like new, mlr- OM, 5 metal oMEce Hies, 2 new Stanley 'all tools lo be sold reasonably. 333-4313, 374.0756. gas '85. COLONIAL print on grey background sofa wllh wood trim In good condition, $100.

374-9534. CUSTOM made Che ledroom set. Cal cherry pecan 4 HI 4 p.m. 30" COPPERTONE Moglc Chef 001 burner and griddle, like new. until p.m.

COPPERTONE gas ronge, year old, roll tier 6 368-3806. Reasonable offers considered. DECORATING your argest selecltan In town of wall plaques, oil paintings, wall accessories and Spanish. design furniture at Morales Furniture, 416 E. Moln Bridgeport, Conn.

ttectrlc slovt, ex- llent condfiron. Atklng $100 or beif DELUXE Pear! Gray formica break- fasl set and chairs with handles, perfect condition. Cost J179.95. Asking Call 268-2737. Vortqoqes Loons A BETTER 2ND i 8-HOUR SERVICE A Deal With Gorbach Is a Fair Deal Coll Anytime, Day or Niaht GQRjACH.


Miscellaneous Items for sale. Perfect for collage or couple starting out. Excep- tlonal value gt llltlecost. Call 255-2D73 DINETTE SET. Pecan oval table, for- mica top; 4 green hl-back chairs.

new, SI30. 333-0421. DINING room set, blond oak. 6 chairs, -op-leaf table and buffet. 795-4585.

Sat. ond Sun. Cqll 5 lo 10 Mon. range, tiO. Coll 874-8210.

ELECTRIC stove for sale or will trade Coll FOR 5ALE, three cushion sofa in extent SSO. Dlnlrvg room wf, tc- 4 chairs, S50. Extra choirs, blei. Con ieen Greens Farms Greens Farrm, Ccnn. Coll evenings, 239-2815.

JOHN WAKEMAN Jr. Services Specializing, screened loam, decorative white stone. jivgshed 268-0835. "ALWAYS BETTER Home lj1 loans, More on choice prop- 333-3179, anytrme. ASK YOUR 2ND MORTGAGES ONLY 333-3171 MILFORD, 878-3501 CO.

1 LOAM SCREENED, I for top dress- GAS STOVE--Exceltinl condition, 378-1929. Call ofler 5 p.m. except and Sun. Prompt delivery. C.O.D.

LOANS 1W 51 rot ford 33S-0139. ANDRASKO PLUMBING 1s prompt. All pa Irs and Installations to the smallest. ralni cleaned eleclrlcally. Call 335-726" or superior service.

PAINTING and decorating Interior and exterior. Full Insurance and guaran- ee. Coll Angela tmytlme. 331-9198. BEST ESTIMATES on alleraUons, roof' and siding.

Call onytime, 01 CARPENTER will do small repair cr emodeling work. Free estimates prompt- given. Pleoie call 248-3186. "CARPENTRY of an descriptions, in eluding clowls built or promp free estlmatei. Pnane CERAMIC TILE--Walls, floors, all car- penlry work, new homei, remodeling -ree eillmales.

Sallsfacllon guaranteed 375-Sm Agencies PEERLESS Detective Agency. Domestic elation; specialist. By appointment only. Established 1934, 336-3031. VANGUARD SECURITY.

Confidential investigation, divorce, domestic specialist. Connecticut, New York censed, bo.lded. 374-4434. coverage, L1- 20 Trucking Storogt A. ADAMS llghl trucking, fiest prices In town.

No too small. Nobody bcals our prices. 368-2677. 878-OW. FirtANCING arranged 1100,000 lo Cornptlidve rates and long terms availabfe for aparlment houses, shopping centers, olf ice buildings, Industrial pta its, accounts receivable, faeiorim equipment financing and leaslna, mergers and buy outs.

Reply to Amond Broken, Financial Consultants 17 Linda Lane MK1 1N SU MORTG S. No i onuses, Low roles. Quick approvals Strictly confidential. I day. GorTtan Really, 2i1 3331.

334-0539. personal ser vice on firs I and sec end mortgages Cnarles Lee Associates, Z59-OOM. MORTGAGE LOAMS. Anv amount Fast, courteous, -confidenllal service. Re finance your home.

Combine vour bill Into one MSV payment for 5 vws. Co onvllme, Ronald Sthulman. 373-0374. BUILT Chimney repair fd J15, Chimney cleaned and roof repaired. Chimney flreproofed.

Gutters painted Insured. 372-560. CEILINGS BY Up) suspended qrld systems, sheet rock, tile. Complete Prompt service. 874-4765.

SEWER COMPANY. Dry wells septic tanks, waler lines, excavating Earl W. flnnemare, Milford. trim new hornet FRAMING and 374-3794. A BETTER trucking service, movlnc and odd jobs.

Reasonable. Clean yards cellars. 13.00 hourly, 33S-06AJ. A BETTER bargain for moving lota Icng distance. Attics, cellars, yard I houses cleaned.

Coll SPEEDY 24 hour service, give -ec and mortgages on your property. Amtr con Agency, 333-9212. A BF.TTER trucking, fast, careful mov Ing and cleaning. Good prices, service. 333-5384 anyllme.

SECOHO mortgages, immediate loan residential and any amount. Prompt confidential service 'menu. Coll anytime, M. Vetr A BETTER fob, general (rucking, turnT- moving, cellars, allies, odd lawns. Coll anytime, 372-7245.

obs, A BETTER DEAL. Do moving, clean cellars and rubbish. No lob loo large. 367-129J anytime. easy pay, 374-3061.

YES, HOUSEWIVES may gil conllde tlol toons on Ihiir own A loo of tloQ costs $17 when promptly repaid 1 consecutive monthly installments $9.75 each. Larger with sma payments available. Prepayments lo sav you money welcomed. Cell Mr. Sweene at FrUndty LOCKE MOWER 70" recenlly mrpened ready for spring duly mowing.

Telegram Bo. LOCKE la'rvn mower, excellent con. Coll onytime- 2AI-4923. "LARGE SELECTION of attractive fire- ace fixtures and accessaries. La' rnlture, wrou-ghf fron Items, etc.

Dliploy i premliss. ASHOR IRONCRAFT, 825 ornum Ave. Cutoff, StraHord, 378-4116. cross from area. MUMS beautiful, hordy planls, 75 cents urko Farm Nu-series, 387 West Ave.

uMllord. 874-3OT. NEED Paint Discount 521 Howe Snellon has dis- ounli, overstock bankrupt points, 11.99 3 9 5 Intlele, ouliide, oil. lalex paints. 5 minutes Bridgeport, 334-3731.

FURNITURE Unpointed, very reasonable, Monroe Lumber call 268-8671. 12X12 GOLD NYLON rug. Excellent condition. Coll 334-S2M before 4. GOOD CONDITION S7S.

10x10 oollon aquarium set, stand, pump heaters. WU, Slrch kitchen cabinet, GOOD USED washer, tomblnotlon stove, electric range and television set for sole. Ph HOOVER Rollotxsut woiher. Piij ony- iftere. Needs ns culo.

hook-up. Almost ew. Coil 878.8903. LARG leather davenport, sleeps two, Coll 3J8-2690. OCT.

14TH-19TH ONLY. Used ilructyral teel, angles, plates, rods, cents per A cutllnq machines, Electric Velders as Is S35, trolley chain hoisl, steel decking, 40' Iruises (low rlsel, smalt bar mlicetlnntous items, uildlng molerlals icasri curry). Cor sol Id a ted Building Wrecking 1. Gordtn Street, 146-4371. PLUMBING, heating, instollollon.

All kino's, new, materials, water heat- eri. furnaces, terms. J. Hubler, 364-0635. LARGE SELECTION of Hre- ae fixture) and accessories.

Lawn urnlture, wraugM iron Items, etc. Display premises. ASHOR IRONCRAFT, 815 arnum Ave. Cutoff, Stratford, across jiTji ion Snapping area. 37I-4U-J.

AAPLE dlneffe je). icftoal moi- ers desk, 2 maple step tables, foam love eal, occasional choir wilh Ottoman, large oam 2 piece lectlorval, lovely old combination booXcase-deik, antlq.ued. In green, avely Rochtster lamp, braided rugs, G.E- lisserle broker, 3J)-iQ41. POOL TABLES--Used, trving Kaye solid tlale, 57x92, $375. Plnboil machines ISO ond Amusem*nt 336-9569.

POOL TABLES, 8rvMw'lck, Slate Honeycomb, coin-opera led. supplies, rscovirlng. Coppy's, 307 Word Ave SURPLUS STORE, Bargain lalore, P.J.'s Radio fvack, 131 R. Wate S. Norwalk.

Jutt North of Rix Mar tn Salurdoys only. 9 unused. Original valu $320. Call Milford, 178-OuM, Mon. Wtd befori noon; all day Suo.

MAHOGANY bedroom, leather tap abtes, Frlaidalre electric stove, doubli oven, 241-2300. 10 p.m.- MAYTAG WASHER and gas range for sale. Excellent condition. Reasonable. Call -8 p.m.

2 MODERN fealtier chairs, 1 green, 1 gotd, 510, hone picture $10, baby ear bed 2. car seat 110. Call 344--U71. NEED NO BAD CAED1T7P We ihlp immediately, ilv. waiTier.

TV, itleree. No banks or loan companies. Wt carry our own Convinlint termi orranflri Call.

The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut (2024)


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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.