Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)

r- Swamped with Calls Sold 50 Pullets! It's easy to sell chickens, turkeys, eggs, farm fresh vegetables through want-ads. Just phone ad-taker. Classified, the people's market place, where your offer reaches thousands at a cost of only a few cents. Try one! SOLD CHICKENS 1st Day! SO PULLETS FOR SALE Rhode Island Reds, started laying. Call 96811.

42 THE STATE JOURNAL! Business and Home Servici Business and Horns Servics Financial Employment Employment Employment Employment LANSING. MICHIGAN Wednesday NovemDer 10, 133 Automotive AUTO TRAILERS 12A WHY pay KENT? Buy a trailer with no down payment. Michigan bottle gas avauaoie. cage Mlg. rnone

3 ROOM TRAILER No. E-1S at Michigan college campus, syo. with -Si; down. Contact Gradsky Trailer Sales 214 Jones st. 0.Oh io.

AUTO TRAILERS FOB RENT 12B UNITED 19 FT. Very clean. Available lor deer hunting November 23. 811 s. Chestnut, phone 45714.

COAST-TO-COAST One-way auto trailer rental service. Phone 48317. U-Rent-It snop. jl Michigan. S3 AND UP Trailers for vacation or per manent living.

Sleep 4. Michigan bottle gas avauapie. Mrg. rnone 2 AND 4 WHEEL Utility trailers, "one way" service." coast to coast. 1S33 S.

Washington. Phone 98932. AUTO-TRAILER PRTS. ACCES. 13 AUTO GLASS Installed while you wait.

All make cars. Acme Glass 419- i5 Grand. rhone :30.i6. HOUSETRAILER PARTS Accessories. Stoves, beds, davenports, etc.

Michigan Bottled Gas. Gage Mlg. Co. Phone 20329. ibr llks Exhaust pipes, tail pipes, seat covers, auto parts and accessories.

Lansing's lowest prices. Gladstone's Merchandise Mart, 428 E. Michigan. Phone TRAILER PARTS And accessories. Complete stock.

Wes Youngs Trailer Sales, 5103 S. Cedar. Phone 48514. CALL 51065 For estimates on auto glass installation. Save at Silverman's Auto rarts.

14.1 JS. Saginaw. USED TIRES All sizes, reasonable. 2306 E. Michigan.

Phone 44337. AUTOS, TRUCKS FOR RENT 14 fg NEW CARS AND TRUCKS For rent BUSINESS SERV. OFFERED 18 sewing MACHINES Serviced and re-Estimates furnished in advance. pairea. Phone 44581.

Sewing Machine s. vyasr.mgton. SEWING MACHlii.3 Expert servicing ana repairing, sears prices are lower: we pick up ana deuver. rnone Sears. Roebuck -TOO E.

Michigan, TELEVISION SERVICE All makes. Home calls S4 day. evenings, week-ends. Floyd's iv. Ltui w.

Kalamazoo, rnone aajg. TELEVISION SERVICE Graduate tilevi' sion engineer. -Expert service. Call Cliff David. 42480 or 43748.

UHF converters and antennas installed. lo2. High st. TELEVISION SERVICE Factory author ized Admiral. Also service on ail makes.

Phone 47436. TELEVISION SERVICE Calls S3.50. Lansing. Holt. Dimondale, Miliett, Ala-son.

Call 6HO-47221. John Lucas. TELEVISION SERVICE EXDert. guaran teed work. Graduate tecnmcian.

UHt conversions. Call Paragon TV. o94Si. TREE CARE Removal, trimming, bracing, modern equipment. Insured.

10 years' experience, tree estimate, call ii.D-X-im IREE TRIMMING Spraying, removal. Robert c. caristrom, iree burgeon. Fully insured. Phone ED-2o712.

vacuum CLEANERS For rent or sale. New or rebuilt cleaners. Any make re paired. Free estimates, fc. J.

Gieason. Phone VACUUM CLEANERS All makes. Fast service. Phone ior iree estimate. Hack's Key Shop.

222 S. Grand, VENETIAN BLINDS CLEANED 24-hour service, window snades. Kepair service. Call 25816. Sehram's.

2213-17 W. Main. WALLS WASHED Wallpaper cleaned. All work guaranteed. Reasonable rales.

Glen Hatadis Son. Call 40735. 91464. WASHER SERVICE All makes. Maytag factory trained personnel.

Pnone 21689 bprague Appliance. WATER PUMPS Electric, all makes expertly serviced. Call Van Beek's. 26257, anytime. 819 Cleveland.

BRIGGS-STRATTON Motor service. Complete stock, expert service. Lorenz Kalamazoo at Kiver. WISCONSIN MOTOR SERVICE Complete stock or. motors ana parts, expert repairing by factory-trained mechanics.

Bert Howard. 1419 Turner. Phone 93212. BUILDING, CONTRACTING 19 ADDITIONS Blocks, cement, carpentry, plastering and general repair wor. Phone 25135.

ADDITIONS Cement work, block founda tions, lootings, basem*nt iioors, etc. Phone j-ib3. ADDITIONS Approaches, drives, footings. block laying, chimneys, ics. we ao smaii lobs, ay veteran, can aiaaa.

ADDITIONS Block laying, sidewalks. driveways, cement work or all Kinds. Phone 24388, ATTICS Recreation rooms, sun porches, remodeling of all lands including siding, rooting, combination storm windows and screens and garages. ro money aown. Bilt-Rltc.

Phone 53022. ATTIC REMODELING Recreation rooms. cupboards, breaklast nooks. No money down. 3 years to pay.

Phone 45746 or 74245. BAsem*nT AND GARAGE FLOORS Drives, walks, etc. Guaranteed salislac- tion. Call Ed Bracklns. oablj.

BLOCK LAYING Brick veneer, fireplaces and chimneys, basem*nt floors and ga-rage slabs. Free estimates. Call 45181. BLOCK WORK Residential or commercial, also footings and floors, workmen in sured. Call i24o.i.

CABINETS. CUPBOARDS And all general carpentry. For new low prices, phone 56134 or 26949. CARPENTRY Additions, garages, cup-boards built. Remodeling.

Free estimates. Call Henderson. 439. CARPENTER WORK Additions, remodeling, paneling and cabinet work. Free es- timates.

reasonable. rEKT WORK Driveways, basem*nts, steps, attics finished, rough carpenter v.ork. Also gas connecting service by Quimhy. aree est imates. a 11 411.

to. AND CONCRETE Drives approaches, walks, footings, walls an.i block garages. Phone Dick Connlck, 97392 or 72311. for estimates. CHIMNEYS AND FIRE PLACES Built ana repaired.

Workmea insured. Call -'Uvi. Cupboard and finish wort Also block laying ana cement worK. work guaranteed i'iione aji a. ELECTRICIAN Licensed.

Kew wiring and alterations, xou 11 like our work, can 90961. GARAGES Top quality, low-priced. win build a custom garage or nra-cut and mark the matenals for you 0 build it. Designed like your including insulation sheathing, no rnicey See our mode at 3120 Is. iast st.

Xnrth nn IIS-27. Ooen davs. evenings and Sundays. Phone 53022 or 23821 for free estimates. Bunt-Kite parages.

Bonded builds better garages at lower privet. jutesiiKaie aim ijm- pare. Call 45334 days or 491X58 evenings, or visit our display at 3425 K. US-27. Open until 9 p.

m. GARAGE Let me build your garage. 14 2U. 18-in. ratters.

ha approved, per month, mces xor an otner sizes on request, call air. Mitchell. GARAGES 14x20. complete.

S590. No Tnr.nev down, see models at libUY I. Grand River (west on US-16). Call 20296 or 99720. Wolverine Building Co, HOMK IMPRfWEMKNT No money down.

FHA. Estimates, on your home plans. E. S. -McQueen, builder, pnone '2UUpa.

KITCHEN CUPBOARDS A specialty. New houses finished. General remodeling, call Robert Reason. 4o21b or 28181. PLASTERING.

CEMENT WORK And block work. Driveways, garage Iioors and footings, call mm PLASTERING Contractor, new work, alterations, patching our specialty. Workmanship guaranteed. John J. Lyons, 1929 1 .11...

1 uit-st nc niuuc AIWU loot-. PLASTERING Small, large jobs. In and out of city. Quick service, reasonable price. Guaranteed, can anytime.

pJ4bb. PLASTERING Patching, new ceilings and arches a specialty. Phone bui-jjji. PLASTERING New and repair. Workman- ship guaranteed.

Kill Kyacr. 2ouu i'arK way dr. Phone 4aja. PLASTE RING Contractor and small jobs, In and out of town, estimates iree. Phone 99760.

PLASTERING New and repair work, expert workmanship, prompt service. Call Floyd Hebert. J3448. PLASTERING New and repair, plain and ornamental, patch a specialty. Free estimates.

Guy wooten. phone LD-2J09b. DIG FOOTINGS Install sewers, water, septic tanks complete, trenching, power- qigger. save money, can abiHj. 4ua3b.

GENERAL CONTRACTING And cabinet making. FHA. Keasonabie. Hauman and Swanson. contractors, call 9SUS8.

'28147. DRESSMAKING, SEWING 21 ALTERATIONS Ladies' and mens clothes, holes, tears repaired, tailoring. dressmaking. 322 S. Clippert.

Phone ALTERATIONS. REPAIRS By expert. enced. lady. Hour or job in your home or nusiness.

Keterences. rnone QJAyj. SEWING And alterations wanted. Phone or can at wzi is. fc.ast.

EXTERMINATE, FUMIGAT'G 21A ANTS Bedbugs, roaches, rats, mice. etc. Guaranteeed complete clean-uo. Oldest operators in midwestcrn Michigan. Unit- eq Exterminators, rnone oiY14.

ANTS. BEDBUGS Moths, roaches, rats. mice. etc. complete cleanup guaranteed Serving Lansing since 1938.

Hundreds of satisfied customers. Sinclair Exterminal- iner fc. Micmsran. Phone KEELEY-BRUNETTE CO. Lansing's old- est exterminators, we guarantee to nd a 1 1 insects ana pests.

Call 28o32. ALWAYS CALL The VanCore Pest Con trol Service for complete fumigation or extermination of all vermin. A guaranteed service. Phone 244S9 or evenings HEAT. PLUMBING.

ROOFING 22 BOILER. GAS. OR OIL Finest modern radiation. Everything for complete heating plant. Installation instructions lur- nisneo.

rnpneouavto. DE-ROOTING" SERVICE Sewers Razor Kleened electrically. 2-year service guar antee, call -tsuis. k. o.

Wilcox. DP.AINS. SEWERS CLEANED Electli-cally. Quick, low cost. Guaranteed! 20 years experience.

J. Evans, Master iiumner. supplies, emergency service, too. Phone 41392. SEWERS Cleaned, repaired.

New sewers. septic tanks installed, call L. bearing. 9-1216 anytime. SEWER SERVICE Plugged and sluggish lines electrically cleaned, ro result, ho charge.

Guaranteed. Phone 23486. LAUNDERING 24 BLANKETS Unconditionally guaranteed. Complete laundry service. Curtains, drapes and spreads our specialty.

Thrifty service, rough dry. Sparkling clean shirts that any man is proud to wear. Wet wash. Capital Laundry. 2000 W.

Saginaw. Phone 20768. CURTAINS And ruffles, also ironings neatly done by experienced person. Pick-up and deliver. Phone 46767.

IRONINGS Done in my home. Phone :rj.jtjto. LAUNDRY WANTED Wet. dry or all finished. Picked up and delivered.

Call LAUNDERING AT ITS BEST! It really Sanitary when Sanitarv I.AitnIrv it We know how and have tne equipment do a splendid job! N-xt time call 1400 Grand Kiver. SHIRTS Casn and carry. 5 for S1.10. Quality work. Central Laundry.

406 N. Grand. SHIRTS HAND FINISHED Ar Art, I uiy. ciur woik is sure io sausiy. rickup aim m-uer.

rnone gijtre. WASHINGS AND IRONINGS Done in my uu, oaiiiioiiuii uii ouil-CO. riCK-UP and deliver. Phone 2S029. WOP.K CLOTHES Oil and grease soaked.

painters crop cioms and tarps. Cash and carr- industrial Laundry. Hazel at repnsyiyanta- NDLE WASHING And ironing, any size. Home laundry. Call Mrs.

Byrd, 45029. 1123 W. Maple, off N. Logan. MOV'G.

TRUCK'G, STORAGE 25 BUTTON SON Local, long distance moving. Pianos and appliances a specialty. Owner-operated. Phone 47709. MOV'G, TRUCK'G, STORAGE 25 FURNITURE STORAGE Movine.

local or long distance. Crating, packing, ship ping. Local agents lor Allied van Lines, world's largest long distance movers. Free estimates. Clean, modem, fire proof warehouse.

Reliable service. Lansing Storage Co. "We Know How." 440 N. Washington ave. Phone 9756S.

FIRLPROOF STORAGE CO. Lansing's best movers. Experienced men handle vo lurmture carefully and quicKiy. Keepq you cost down, j'none 444 i a. BREEN'S DELIVERY Service and rates that will please you.

Insured, experienced, reasonable. Call 75428 for estimates. Equipped to service regular con-trarts. STORAGE Dial 4i435. moving, local and long distan.p.

crating, paewng. snip-ninff. Exrlusive ncents for Aero May flower Trans't America's finest mi snv ice. L. A Storage, 112 w.

Larcn. SPEE DEE DELIVERY Local and lone distance moving. Crating, packing, stor age. Agent for United Van Lines. Call fvt446.

ASHES HAULED, PERT. ETC. 25A ASHES AND RUBBISH Hauled. 6 bushels SI. Also rubbish drums for sale.

Phone jtvM4. ASHES AND RUBBISH Manure, fill dirt, black dirt Public hauling. Reasonable prices, call ASHES 'AND RUBBISH HAULED Art Charles. Phone ASHES AND RUBBISH HaulwT Prnmnt. reasonable and clean sen ice.

also light rrucKing. i-none ASHES RUBBISH Clean dependable and reasonable. Phone Kane's Service, ASHES AND Rubbish hauled, reasonable. Prompt service. Khone ASHES.

RUBBISH Moved from homes. lactones, stores. Moving cartons deliv ered. Call 20334, 52170. Rankin Lewis.

ASHES AND RUBBISH Hauled. Veteran Again giving prompt, reasonable and courteous service. Call 564 J4. ASHES AND RUBBISH 15c a bushel. No extra charge on rags, papers, mazarines.

Ask for special monthly rate. Slab wood. roru. an ASHES AND Rubbish hauled, reasonable. all lor papers and magazines free.

l'none iHb. BLACK DIRT Fill olrt. bank run travel. rroni ena loaaer ana motor crane lor nire. O.


BLACK DIpT Driveway gravel, lime- stone chins, washed stone, sand. Haley Gravel Grading Co. Call 47766. BLACK DIRT 52.25 per yd. in 5 yd.

Jots. oi yq. irucK yourseu. can jjti. BLACK DIRT Nursery recommended, rot ted cow manure, fill dirt, fertilizer, driveway gravel, fill sand.

General hauling. Prompt service. East Lansing Tnick-ing 'o. rail ED-25912. BLACK DIRT Fill dirt, bank run gravel.

delivered or loaded at the mt. all day aturnay. cignt grading, ri. cogsweu. in-M t-jrovennurg ra.

none BLACK DIRT Fill dirt, sand, cinders. gravel, processed gravel. Call ED- 79513. BLACK DIRT Fill sand, road gravel, limestone and fill dirt. Phone 72507 or 90502.

FILL SAND Delivered. $1 a yard. F1H niruxoD son ana siavei. rnone HAULING Basem*nt cleaning. Prompt service ana reasonable rates, we sausiy.

Phone 42.181. ROAI) GRAVEL Processed. This is our specialty, promnt and reliable service. i an aeanett. bHU-4121.

ROAD GRAVEL Processed. Washed sand and stone. Cheney Gravel E. Wil- lough byrd. HQlt.

fnone RUBBISH HAULED Special attention to business places. Prompt service. Reason- able. Bud phone 43847, SEEDING And sodding. Top dirt, Grad-ing.

Also sod delivered. Roy Porter. pnone tubh. FARil TOPSOIL Fill dirt, driveway gravel, rotted cow manure. Phone 48739.

Kuebier I rucking aervice. PROCESSED KOAD GRAVEI-Fill dirt. till sand. 2T123. West Lansing Gravel, call PAINT'G.

PAPER'G. DECOR'G 26 DECORATING Painting, paperhanging wall washing, paper removing. Free es timates, call Larson. 273oo. DECORATING Interior, exterior painting ana va i papering, juvem and recrea tion iwrnoursjweialtyCaEDlSo.

DECORATING Painting, paperhanging. Holiday prices. Walls and windows washed. A. J.

Amoth. Phone 20624, DECORATING Painting. Interior, exterior. Pricc3 reasonable. Work guaran-teed.

Call Walter Paulch. 26152. 24370. PAINTING Average room S20. Paper-hanging, paper removed, plaster patching, good work.

Call 49033. PAINTING Spray or brush, all work guaranteed. Call me for estimate, no oniigation. pnone aa4W. WALLPAPER STEAMED OFF Interior painting ana decorating.

Quick, clean and reliable service. Free estimates. Call 26911. A-l PAIKTING And pajier hanging. 26 years experience.

Free estimates. Phone 70757. 49808. E. C.

Schairer. FIRST CLASS Paperhanging. Estimates iree. on tne job myself, pnone 2493U. Fred Burhans.

REPAIRING. REFTNISHTNG 29 FURNITURE REFINISHING Just as an added service to our customers and pub lic in general, we ao retimsning ana repairing of all kinds of furniture. Call us for estimates. Pregulman's Furniture. Inc.

Phone 59469. FURNITURE Repaired, relinished. mod ern, antique. Free estimates, terms. R.

Wear. 4603 N. East St. Call 9T323. 91983.

Employment HELP WANTED FEMALE 32 BEAUTICIANS WANTED Day or eve ning work. Guaranteed highest salary ana commission, call oqjoo. BEAUTY OPERATOR To take over estab lished clientele in Kast Lnnsinz shnn. Highest guarantee and commission. Phone CASHIER WANTED Experienced.

Dart. lime wrK. Anpiy lieeman super Alar- inu a. Washington.

COUNTER Girls and general help. Dry cleaning plant, savant cleaners, liu ave. COI NTER GIRL For cafeteria. Apply oreynouno rost House, a a. m.

to 3 p. m. or can yitji j. DENTAL ASSISTANT And receptionist. or wi nn? Tn earn.

wrma. nent 5-day week. Okemos Medical build- ing. rnone l- l-ahJln. DINING ROOM WAITRESS Experienced.

p.o sunaays. aay work. Lxcellent working conditions and go-id pay. Apply in person- r.agie cale. 214 N.

Washington DISHWASHER Experienced. No nights or aunaays. Appjy in person. Peoples r-tMauidin. oj ancnigan.

ELEVATOR GIRL (COLORED) Attractive salary for an attractive girl. Must have pleasing personality and appearance. Must be dependable. Apply in person. F.

N. Arbaugh Co. FOUNTAIN GIRLS For nights. Meals and uniforms furnished, no experience neces-sai-y. Apply Matthews.

221 Ann East Lansing. HOSPITAL LABORATORY Tech.iolngi-T. Also laboratory assistant. Write to P. O.

Box 1141. HOUSEKEEPER Full management. aie room, gonq pay. I'hnne OFFICE GIRL WANTED To do typing. nun nu assist wnn general outce work.

Permanent, full time position with opportunity for rapid advancement. Good pay. steady advances. Must be neat and dependable. Apply Robinson's Furniture Store.

5111 S. Cedar st. KITCHEN HELPER Day work, good wage. Sunday off. Steady work.

Apply in person. Bill's Restaurant Bar, 718 E. Grand River. LAUNDRY HELP A girl is needed to help linen supply aepartment and learn tn put up orders. Also an experienced shirt operator and a few girls for gen eral laundry work.

Lansing Laundry uii cicanrrs. lm b. Washtenaw. SALESLADIES WANTED IMMEDIATELY FULL TIME through Christmas. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY to earn extra money.


Steady work till Christmas. Should be thoroughly experienced. Salary and commission. King's, 227 S. Washington ave.

SALESLADY With sales experience, some Knowledge or iigures needed. Apply in person. Queen Jewelers. 114 N. Washington.

SALESLADY And cashier to sell hose and bags. Guaranteed salary plus commission. Apply Lober's Shoe Store. 109 N. Washington.

SECRETARY Good salary, pleasant downtown office. 5-day week, permanent position, responsibility, initiative necessary. Shorthand not required. Write State Journal. Box 122.

SECRETARY To the editor of a monthly magazine. Take dictation, file, keep advertising records. Pleasant office, good salary schedule and other benefits. State journal tsox l'. SEWING GIRL Must be efficient with a a needle sewing minor nps.

buttons, etc aavani cleaners, llju fc. iMicnigan. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR Age 18 to Jo, able to type, steady employment. 5 day week, group insurance, pleasant working conditions, hee Mr. ualtc.

Tre. vellyan Oldsmobile 315 S. Capitol ave. TYPIST- OPENING FOR TYPIST QUALIFIED In handling dictaphone transcription. AS WELL AS Other secretarial duties.

CALL 49471, EXTENSION 63 FOR APPOINTMENT WAITRESSES Experienced. Excellent tips and good working Jiours. Apply 2321 WAITRESSES Days, good wages. Only experienced need apply and in person. The rest Thicken on Wheels, 1149 wasningion.

WAITRESS Apply In person. Washington own. iw qaiiiiimini. WAITRESS Experienced. No Sundays.

holidays, no nights. Good wages. Maid-Rile Cafe. 435 N. Washington.

WAITRESS WANTED Experienced and clean, uooa working conditions, call in person aip -n snack. 114 i. Clare st. WAITRESS Experienced. Call in person at i arpoii s.

ij ivaiamazoo. WAITRESS 11 a. m. to 8 p. m.

shift Sundays off. Good wage and tips. Add1 in person. Bill's Restaurant and Bar, 718 Grand Kiver. WAITRESSES For College Inn.

Good nours. no nignts. Apply Air. Carr, College inn, cast iansing. ASSISTANT For children's shoes.

Woman experienced in the sale of children's shoes needed for this position. E.v rellent earnings and opportunities for the qualified person. Permanent position. Apply personnel office, J. W.

Knapp Co. AVON Representatives earn big money supplying Avon cosmetic Christmas gilts. Inquire now. Start early. We train you.

can jubJo. CHOOSE YOUR OWN HOURS Steady work, no lay offs. No limit on pay. rnone oiirj. CHRISTMAS EMPLOYMENT We still have openings for women in sales work, wrapping or cashiering.

Experience not necessary. An excellent opportunity to earn that extra Christmas money by accepting temporary employment. You'll enjoy the Christmas excitement at Knapp's. Place your application today. Apply personnel office J.

W. Knapp Co. DEPENDABLE LADY To care for 3 children while mother is in hospital. Phone 43787. ELDERLY LADY To care for 3 children, ages 3.

7 and 9. Board and room in return. Phone 49378. FULL AND Part-time experienced salesladies. Good pay.

Apply in person. The LaMode Shop. Michigan Arcade, between GENERAL CLERICAL Jobs available. Some of these require typinj. and some do not Write State Journal Box 21.

GIRL OR WOMAN For general housework. no washing or cooking. Private room. stay nights, rnone 9ii94. GIRL.

For part time work evenmss. Good pay. Apply in person to Everybody's Market, mi s. Washington. KARMEL KORN Needs a neat, depend able girl for counter and store work.

106 N. Washington. LADIES Queen's Way offers you won denui opportunity to earn to 57o w-eekiy in your spare lime, demonstrating our beautiful line of moderately-priced lingerie, blouses and children's wear. Wnle Mabel West, Hayes hotel. Jackson.

PART TIME WAITRESSES Jobs available fmm 11 to 4 daily. Excellent hours for the housewife wishing pail time work. No experience necessary. Applic ants must be neat and like to serve people. Apply personnel office, J.

W. Knapp Co. NEED 2 LADIES Neat and ambitious to give vvatkins home party demonstration. No experience needed. Weekly earnings s.ju ana up.

Apply to a. 12:30 to 1:30 p. m. 516 N. Washington.

WOMAN To care for children while par- cms worK. Till WOMAN To do housework and holn care for 2 small children. 5-day week. Live can ijwjl. WOMAN To work in finishing room of furniture factory at Okemos.

No experience necessary. Phone ED-23014. WOMAN For laundry' work. Please apply in person. Esch Laundry, 429 E.

Michi- gan. WOMAN To take care of children In my home, days a week, -yju. can J.n,iu WOMEN IS years or older to wait tables. Pleasant working conditions. Top wages.

Apply Epicure Tea shop, 221 Washington. YOUNG LADY Willi office training or experience. Steady employment. Paid vacation. Write Box 1,1, State Jour nal.

stating qualifications. HELP WANTED MALE 33 APPLIANCE SALESMEN We have openings for 2 aggressive, experienced appliance salesmen. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Call in person at Central Stores. 514 E.

Michigan. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC WANTED Are you the man? Steady, reliable, experienced, interest in top earnings now and with an eye on future security. A man who "knows" automobiles and is capable of doing Ihe job the "right" way. the "Hansen" way? A man who appreciates working in a clean, modemly equipped shop under the most pleasant conditions? Well. Hansen, has a proposition you'll be interested in.

All the work you want, best earnings in the business and many other features we'd like to tell you about. Inquiries treated with strict confidence. Why not change for the better? Stop in, talk it over with Al Hansen. Studebaker. 730 E.

Michigan or phone 21125 for appointment. AUTO MECHANIC Experienced on used car reconditioning, excellent facilities. top earnings for qualified man. Apply in person to Koy Christiansen. Jrord Dealer.

Mason. Phone 6MA-9611. AUTO' MECHANIC Al! make cars, top wages, steady year around employment for experienced man. Must have own hand tools. Excellent opportunity if you qualify.

Apply in person only at Kamin's Auto rarts, ojo n. ircn. BARBER WANTED Good steady busi ness. Guarantee or 83. Inquire at h-M superior.

Aima. ancn. BODY MAN Above average pay for first class man. Steady work with aH current employe benefits. Call 212S5.

ask for Pave Hammond at Harold Chaffin. Inc. Body Shop. 314 S. Hosmer.

BODY MAN WANTED We need a good e.peiienL-ea, an aruuna Doay man ana are willing to pay accordingly. Our shop is modemly and completely equipped and you won't find better working conditions or earnings anywhere. In addition, you get company benefits that are sure to please you. Permanent! All the work vou want. You'll like it here.

Apoly Al Han sen. Studebaker. 730 E. Michigan or phone for an appointment. HERE'S A DIRECTORY Or wants and offers gathered from all over Lansing.

DO IF MONEV TO LOAN 40 CASH LOANS S20 TO S300 CONVENIENT. PROMPT. LOAN service on auto- furniture or signature. Ask for Mr. Lewis.

Use free parking lot at rear entrance GREENVILLE FINANCE CO. 2613 S. CEDAR ST. 2615 PHONE 41382 SUBSTANTIAL LOANS Diamonds, batch es, lypewnlers. guns, cameras, raaios.

musical instruments, binoculars, etc. Kay's Jewelry and Luggage Company. 114 E. Michigan ave. Phone 49018.

4Ui- REAL ESTATE LOANS Restricted subdivision. Merton Insurance Ageno. Ph.ine ED-23370. Instruction CORRESPONDENCE COURSES 43 ADVANCEMENT Security. 400 courses.

International Correspondence Schools. call 20624. P. O. Box 141 Lansing.

U. S. GOVERNMENT JOBS! Start high. as $31b month. Men.

women. 18-oo. Quality now! 30.000 jobs open. Experienca often unnecessary. Gel free 36-page copyrighted book showing jobs, salaries, entrance requirements, sample tests, opportunities.

Write today. Box 134 Stat journal. LOCAL INSTRTION CLASSES 43 JOBS MAY NOT Ahvays be so easy to get. ny not insure a nigh paying luture py taking America's most popular business course. Comptometer School.

27-29 Mich-lgan Theater bldg. Phone 42423; MUSICAL, DANCING, Dramatic 44 HAWAIIAN Spanish, bass, accordion. instruments furnished. Norman Lngusn Studio. 1131 E.

Michigan. Phone 48168. PIANO Teacher will leach children at then- homes. Call alter p. m.

Livestock DOGS. CATS. OTHER PETS 47 AQUARIUM Plants. Tropical fish. Sup- plies for every need.

Buy here. 2601 W. St. Joseph. Open every evening.

BEAGLE Puppies. A. K. C. registered.

1 wecKs 10 j. year oias. uiaer mates ana females. 12 and 20 gauge single shol-guns. Phone BEAGLE HOUND Male, 1 year old, S30.

can BOXER PUPPIES Fawn colored, cham pionship blood line an ideal Christmas gift. Call Williamston 404R. M. J. Dmochowski.

1302 James ave. Williamston. BOXER PUPPIES 8 fawn. 4 weeks old" soO each. Registered female fawn.

5 years old. S35. Call 44230 or 6.MA-2S904 CANARIES Singers, females, parakeets. iincnes. paiTot.

seeds, cages. Also nov-elty dishes. 409 N. Sycamore. co*ckER Female, buff color, 6 months oiu.

s-o. rnone b.viA-3252. COLLIES 10 months. A. K.

C. broken, call fc.D-i72i. afternoons and evenings. E. Saginaw highway -M-IP'.

COON HOUND 3 years old. black and lan. goud lice dog. Lsdur Rocka. R.

3, Portland. Mich. ENGLISH POINTER 2 years old, regiZ- lerea. sell or trade reasonably. Phone r.u--tUa.

GERMAN SHEPHERD A. K. C. regis- icrea. pups, S40 each, see at aoo-C Walnut or call ED-26642.

POINTER PUP Pedigreed, eligible to reg ister, 6 months old. Hunted this year. Call 99588. rROPlCAL FISH Aquariums, standi heaters, fish food. Robert's Pet and Garden Center.

2010 W. Saginaw. Phone 40360. BOARDING-TRAINING Individual runs and pens. Val Valle Kennels, s.

Waver- ivnieurKe. rnone jvi-JHt. BOARDING. ROOMING Heated kennels. ruppies.

studs at service, Parkwood Kennels. Phone 28622. MIXED PUPPIES Females small breed. Black and white. 52 each.

Phone ED-77234. PART FOX TERRIER Puppies, 6 weeks old. S3 each. Phone 45396. PUPPIES Free to kind home, 3 months anoomonins.

rnone T-iill. TINY CHIHUAHUA Puppies, special fr this week only. Also 4 studs at service. Phone 51726. DOG PET FOOD.

SUPPLIES 47A DOG FOOD We have the leading brands ul uus ioou, canncn looa. neds. nar-nesses, leads, clippers, toys and medicines. Come in. look around and ask questions, that's what we are hrre for! DuBois Hughes.

307 N. Washington. HILL'S Canned horse meat for dogs, cats. Recommended by veterinarians. Your grocer or Wolverton's.

1110 Center. PEERLESS DOG FOOD Ration, per 10U S9.10: Sportsman SS.15; Kibbles Sll.70. Available in 5. 10. 23 and 30-1b.

bags. Also cedar shavings. Shell's 1208-10 Turner. Phone 2S847. HORSES.

CATTLE. EQUIP'T 48 COW. GUERNSEY Fresh and calf. 2 lorksmre jioars. Trade for pigs.

Phone isjj wiuarq. 011 Aurelius rd. HOLSTEIN BULI 18 months old, extra gooo graac. yjj. w.

fioimes ra. Phone 51181. PONY MARES Three in foal, one quarter num. iiiMiv. aaquies.

rnone AUCTION SALE BARN Hillsdale fore grounds. Saturday, Nov. 21. 1953. beginning at 11 a.

m. Michigan's oldest and largest auction market. We sell all kinds of livestock, poultry, farm machinery, farm produce and household goods. All calves must be not less than one week old. Feeder pigs must be sold from trucks.

You have your choice of selling other livestock by the head or over the scales. Andy Adams. Manager. LIGHT HEREFORD CALVES-Cood breeding ewes, cattle to let. Stcaly Cattle Stockyards at Marshall.

PHENOTHIAZINE Drench grade. nesi duality. Phenothiazine-arsenate drenches. Get those worms, taiie and round. Pharmacy.

1456 E. Michigan. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 49 GEESE AND DUCKS Alive or dressed. Phone ED-79174 or 37028. GEESE Young.

Toulouse and breeding flocks. Afternoons and evenings call Ep-77273. 2267 E. Saginaw highway WANTED EGGS POULTRY 49A MOULTON'S Always Pay top prices for chickens. Call us first! 711 Clippert.

Phone 4574.1. Merchandise ARTICLES FOR SALE 61 AIR FILTERS Furnace pipe, glass. plumb naroware. jua fe. High st.

Phone 40969. Open eveninss APPLIANCE SALE! Brand new Whirlpool Supply 206 S. Grand. Phone APPLIANCE dryers. 8169.93.

Laundromats, w- 'hS Electric 1204 S. LABI CRIB For child up to 6. Excellent condition. call ED-23163, BATH TUBS 5 S61.50. 21x32 double bow) sinks with spray faucets and basket strainers.

S39.9.. 30-gal. automatic gas water heaters. $59.95. 4 in.

soil pipe. 5 11.. or other good buys see Lapp Hardware. 4000 S.

Logan. Phone 54417 with trim, only 119.9o. S. cedarway Hardware. 3824 S.

BEDSPREAD Beautilul hand crocnet with fringe, white, double bed size Reasonable. 909 W. Barnes. BLOWEP. And controls for Holland fur-e nelv' Very reasonable.

Call BOTTLED GAS-Apphances and service. Gas eg" Dealer0'77849" 501118 BOTTLE GAS Conversion and installa-tion. double S22.30 plus gas. 20 lbs gas S2.06 including tax. Calf Insini Bottle ELECTRIC RANGE G.

E. new Calmit S20 and un. Snrague Ann! iVSiro? Washington. Phone 37366. KLbciKiCr range G.

E. new Calrod units, beautiful condition, like new- Will take a trade. Terms. Dave Kirk Appli-ance. 113 E.

GranrlRiyerPhono ELECTRIC starch mahogany upright, perfect. $75. 2 radios, table and cabinet. S3 and $1 Small sink S3. Walnut smoker S4.

Phone 2897" ELECTRIC, STOVB-Apartment size, Hot. point. Phone ED-79161). ELECTRIC STOVE Westinghouse. 3 bur-" ners and deep-well, good condition.

SSO Dinette set. book cases. Cogswell chair. small table, maple desk. Tricycle sled 2JrJlALCall 54982.

ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATER Mon- Gd condition' FCJOD FREEZER Hotpoint. uprights. 10'i' cubic feet. Barr and Son. 5211 S.

Pennsylvania. Phone 29632. FREEZER-Admiral. 17 ru. 6 months old.

Sacrifice. Call 54979. "lun-ni FREEZER-19 cu. ft Admiral upright 1 ake over payments. Phone 70665 FURNACES Oil or gas.

Factory to you. Gas. air-conditioned, as low as S395 stalled. Phone 47347 Jaotn- FURNACES 5 ussd coal furnaces, 3 cast Iron and 2 steel. (3) 22-inch and 20-nph Trumbull Heating Co 2710 E.

Michigan. Phone 44401. FURNACES Gas. coal and oil furnaces fiZ 51' ior Dlete insUlla-serviced by experts. Phone 97.V1 ext o00 E.

Michigan ave HELP WANTED MALE CAR WASHER WANTED Better than av erage job for a steady, reliable man to wasn and clean cars, permanent, lull time! Exceptionally good pay for a man wno Knows now: Best 01 working condi tions. Apply Al Hansen, btudebaker. iju -uicnigan ave. DELIVERY BOY Wanted, for delivery in city. Apply in person at Lansing Florist Lxcnange.

micnigan. DRIVER-SALESMAN Merchandising Seven-Up. in the Lansing area. Good pay and opportunity. Age 21 to 35.

Please call 5bSo8 fur appointment. DRIVKR-SALESMAN 21 to 40 years. lugja school education and chauffeur's license required. Apply Standard Oil Co between 9 and 11 a. m.

Thursday and Friday. ELECTRICIAN Opening for plant electrician. Apply in person. John Bean Division. 1305 S.


TRANTER 733 E. HAZEL. ESTIMATOR CONSTRUCTION' COST Good opportunity offering permanent position and satisfying connection with medium sized general contractor, in commercial, institutional and Industrial building in western Michigan. 4-j years experience. Current working knowledge of building materials, quality take off, etc.

Salary open. Write Box 41. State Journal, giving age. marital status, education, experience. FURNACE SERVICE MAN Capable of taking complete cnarge ol our icivuc department.

No drinkers, permanent work, better than average pay. See Art Rapp at A. Able Healing. t. Alien- lgan.




MICHIGAN. PHONE 97321. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Can use good full time salesman, new oitice wun good opportunities. See Jack Schlay- oaugn. 51U1 s.

ceaar st. rnone asoi. ROUTE MAN For dry cleaning route. steaay work, state reicrences, age, to State Journal. Box 44 SALES AND SALES MANAGEMENT Career opportunity jwj-i.

ior Lansing college graduates or junior executive type men. ages 27-40. Home office training and guaranteed monthly income. Selection during November. Sales background not essential.

Write, phone apply Canada Life Assurance 200b Olds lower. SALESMAN Above average earnings from iirst week, rsationauy Known company. No experience needed as we give full training. Our product sold direct to home owners. Earnings paid in lull weekly.

Write Box 1-4 State Journal. SALESMAN Haid worker only. A very exclusive trmouct sold airect to me nomc. Work with us 1 week and learn how, to earn 5200 per week, car necessary, tor confidential appointment, ohone 52342. SALESMAN For 3 counties, including Ingham, to can on scnouis.

manufacturers, etc. Salary olus excellent commis sion. A real Write Oakland cnemicai ni s. wooowaro. ronu-ac.

Mich. Give sales and educational background SALES MANAGER To locate permanent ly in this area as district sales manager for large feed company with AAA-1 credit rating. Guaranteed salary plus bonus. Excellent future. No extensive traveling.

Must be capable 01 hiring, training and managing salesmen. Age 30 to 45. Dependable car necessary. Only settled, mature men with proof of executive ability will oe consiaerca. ah inquiries kept confidential.

Address Box 162. State Journal. ai.f.s pp.prrsfn'TATIVE Wanted, ex- penence beipiul out essarv. we can offer an unusually fine association to a neat appearing -nan. with car to represent our nationally advertised products.

Average earnings ovjr S10.000 per year. Call Rex Mitchell ur appoinimeni SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT We need a manager, i sn 1 extra man. rrc- fer experienced, but if you are willing to leam see Mr. i-owier at a. wasn- tngton.

Phone SHORT ORIIKR COOK Exocrienccd. Apply in person, senate unii. -uu Washington. fELEVIsiON SERVICE MAN Expert- enced preferred. Phone 227oa.

TELEVISION SERVICE MEN With bench and home service experience, lop wages with unemployment compensation and Blue Cross Insurance available. Wolverine TV. 4000 s. Cedar. Phone 91200.

rv 'SERVICE MAN Must be experienced. very good proposition Ior the right man. Appiy at Airway iv. int iwcniKan U'flOI. PRFSQITT? F.vneriencerf.

dCDCnd able, good wages. Kent Dry Cleaners, euo ivaiamazoo. A-l CHEVROLET MECHANIC Needed at once. New, modern snop. insurance oene-fits.

paid vacation. Phone for interview appointment 242J Williamston. Vaught Chevrolet saies ASSOCIATES LOAN CO. Has opening for men oetween age car wiui expenses furnished, several other employe benefits. Contact Mr.

Long. 107 S. Grand ave BOYS 38 years or over for night work. uood salary. Apply at rood air.

COLLEGE BOY For week-ends. Hours Friday and Saturday 6 p. m. to a. Sunday from 4 p.

m. to 12 p. m. Start ing pay 90 cents per hour. No phone cans.

Apply days only, ivewpce aimu- wicn shop, li.i Shiawassee. COLLEGE-MEN Salesmen wanted to sell Watkins nationally advertised products, full or part time, car needed, no experi ence necessary, we train you. Apply 8 to 9:30 a. m. and 12:30 to 1:30 p.

m. 51b in. Washington. COMBINATION Window salesman's nationally advertised program. Local advertising guaranteed drawing account.

Direct factory prices. Apply in person at snr3 s. cedar st YOU HAVE EXECUTIVE ABILITY? isational finance company will accept several men 21-35 into its management training program. Training is personal ly supervised and requires aggressive in- school graduate, some college preferred. Must have car.

Good salary, regular increases based on merit, and outstanding employe benefits. Phone Mr. Quick at 97545 1 to 5 p. m. YOU ARE An energetic, dependable worKer and interested in earning 5.00 per hour or more, call ED-22956 morn-ings for interview.

THERE'S PROFIT In classified reading. S3: HELP WANTED MALE 33 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY LEADS Selling the Book of Knowledge. You must nave a successful plan to make money. Our men sell the world famous Book of Knowledge, from a continuous supply of leads. They work only by pre- arrangea appointments ana earn irom S12j to -V200 per week in commission.




steady, dependable work. Apply employment office. Hosmer st. gate Monday through Friday, interviews only from 1 p. m.

to 3 p. m. Tranter Manufacturing, Inc. 733 E. Hazel st.

LOS ANGELES. CAL. FOREMAN AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE DAY SHIFT FOREMAN 17 late machines. Close tolerance work. Complete facilities with excellent working conditions.

Concern established 13 years. Applicant must be of high character witb a proven background. Excellent salary and opportunity. Write Box 65. State Journal, giving Qualifications and date available.

MAN. AGE 21 TO 35 With car. direct selling experience preferred. Good year around earnings. Call Caruss 96210.

9:30 tn a. m. MARRIED MAN On farm, for year around work. Good wages. Wnte State Journal Kox 53.

MARRIED MAN 25 to 40. experienced with dairy and modern larm machinery. References required. Modern 6-room house. Norman Linn, 3 mile south.

1 west of Williamston, Phone 612F23. MEN Who will graduate from college within the next months, or wno nave recently graduated and who are inter ested in permanent non-selling insurance jobs, write State Journal Box 13 giving complete history. This leading midwest casualty and fire company is looking for men in the saiety, underwriting, ana claim investigating fields. MEN 2 With carpentry experience, to learn siding application. Ligni track or car necessary, inis is iuu worK.

Capitol Roofing Insulating 501 L. Michigan. MONEY MAKING Opportunity, sell the most scientific investment ever devised by man. life insurance and retirement annuities, full or part time, large com pany, low net cost. Golden Rule Contract, liberal commission, vested renewals, un restricted territory, free sales course, chance to build own agency, rite Agen cy Organizer.

P. O. Box 1236, Lansing, mien. NIGHT JANITOR Ages 25 to 50. Must be dependable and willing to work.

Excellent wages for qualified person. Apply F. N. 'Arbaugh personnel office. 5th floor.

PART TIME WORK Earn S20 and up wards a week, part time, write Box bl state Journal. Ior interview. TERRITORIAL REPRESENTATIVE Wanted. For an old established music concern. Knowledge of music not nee- essary.

A territory already set up. All leads furnished. Prefer one who has had selling experience, call after p. Phone 93150. TWO MEN With previous selling experi ence of any kind will be hired to work in our sales and service department.

We win pay tne ngnt man sso a week salary. We also have an interesting proposi Hon for a crew manager. You -will be working for the local dealer of the world's largest manufacturers of warm air heat ing, the Lennox Furnace Co. Apply Trum- puii Mcaung. liiju fc.

see tiob sicAeiiy. io pnone cans. WANTED Man with car. Would you like to increase your weekly income S35 to or more in your spare lime supply ing Rawieigh products to consumers in the city of Lansing? Also full -time open ings, wnte Kawieign s. Dept.

-MCiv-biU- L'-ii. l-reeport. ill. YOUNG MAN 18 or over to work after school andSaturdays. Apply Mike's Mar- Kei.

iv. Washington ave. YOUNG MAN To work at Monroe Service Co. Must be 16 years old. Call in person flionroe service iju a.

Grand. YOUNG MAN For airline work. Write full particulars to Box 42. State Journal. HELP, MALE AND FEMALE 34 BILLING CLERK Wanted, for part time evening work.

Experience not necessary, but typing ability essential. 5 nights per week, and 5 to 6 hours per night, starting not later than 4:30 p. m. We want a steady dependable person, who will be here every night. For interview phone Associated ruck Lines.

20818. CHEF WANTED Must be experienced. good hours, good wages, no Sundays or holidays. Jumbo Lunch, 320 L. Mich lgan.

SHOE SALES PEOPLE Full and part time openings. Excellent opportunity. Ex perience desirable but not necessary. Ap ply in person only. Personnel office, 5th floor.

F. N. Arbaugh Co. SITU'IONS WANTED: FEMALE 36 BABY SITTING By mother, evenings. Phone 21702.

BABY SITTING Evenings only by reliable middle aged grandmother. Have own transportation. Phone 46j69. HOUSE CLEANING By the hour, also baby sitting evenings. Best of refer- enccs.

rnone IRONINGS Done in my home. Shirts i specialty, west side. Please call J36.33. OFFICE CLEANING Wanted by reliable young woman, rnone o2o34. PEN ADDRESSFR- -Desires work In home.

Phone BPO-2876. EXCELLENT CARE Given your child in ncensea nome. s. Migan ana jolly id. vicinity.

Phone 29801. WILL CARE For 2-year-old child in my nome. cays ana nignis. call 91266. WILL CARE For young child in licensed, rural area home.

Part or full time. 7646 W. Saginaw. Phone 7067-RX Grand Ledge. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 37 JANITOR WORK Moping, waxing, ver.e-tian blinds washed by dependable, young man.

Part time. Phone 58069 before 5. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT 16 years old. desires work after school hours and week ends. Call 46751 after 4.

EXPERT REPAIRMEN Movers. etc advertise regularly in these columns. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 3" YOUNG MAN High school age. wishes steady employment. Energetic, willing to ream, call saolft.

a to noon. YOUNG MARRIED MAN Dest res part time job after 6 p. m. Have chauffeur's license. Call 433ol.

Financial BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 38 GAS STATION Near East Lansing. pumping arouna is.uuu gallons. For only S3.S00. Call Musselman Realtor. ED-23583.

Mr. Cline. ED-23151. MOTEI. 9 units, brick house.

4-car ga rage. Priced for quick sale. $36,000. down. Call 59801.

RESTAURANT On a main highway in Lansing doing a good yearly volume. Equipment in excellent condition. Call Royce Howd. evenings 24993. Midway Realty Co.

RESTAURANT Fully equipped, for lease. Call 25459 after 7 p. m. SELF SERVE FOOD MARKET Good opportunity for' meat man. Nice fixtures, automatic heat, plenty of parking space, priced for quick sale.

Call Guernsey. 29861. LaNoble Realty, 1516 E. Michigan. Phone 21637.

TAVERN Close to Lansing. Good equip ment, low overhead, and snowing a nice net, can Everett aianett. Broker, --'bjs VARIETY STORE In neighboring town for sale or trade. Doing excellent volume business and net return. Ideal location.

Frame building houses business with separate 4-room 2-bedroom) apartment with 3-pc. bath for owner. New copper heat. Will sell stock and equipment and lease building or sell all. Christmas rush coming so hurry.

Call Mr. Courtland at Realty Center. 110 S. Hosmer. phone 48448 or evenings DcWitt 3803.

FOR A LIVE BUSINESS! SEE LaNOBLE! DRIVE-IN Root beer, ice cream, sandwiches, volume increasing each year. Call Kuhnert. 92484. TAVERN NEAR Lansing. living quarters, good volume, no food, terms.

One you should see! Call Guernsey. 29861. BOWLING ALLEY Near Lansing. 6 good alleys, modern equipmer.L Call Burleson. S6040.

LaNOBLE REALTY COMPANY "INDEPENDENT BROKERS" 1516 E. MICHIGAN PHONE 21637 INTERNATIONAL Harvester franchise including active parts and supply business besides unlimited opportunity to sell new equipment. This rich farming center in town of 3.000 population central Michigan offers opportunity, capital and sales experience. Call Harvey Cochrane. 57234 or 22243.

Waller Neller Realtors. UPTOWN PROPERTY BRICK BUILDING On a comer lot. Slore with packaged liquor and wine license. 12 apartments, also 6 room apartment for owner. Sell oa terms.

STORE BUILDING Stork and fixtures. 4 acres of land. 6 room house, 8 cabins. Ill health forces sale. 6 FAMILY Brick apartment close-in.

Nicely furnished. Bringing nice income Will sell on terms. STORE. STOCK And fixtures. 8 room house.

Close in on main street. Also sell on terms. CALL Mrl Vanllorn or Mr. Griffith. REAL ESTATE MART PHONE 43481, EVENINGS 570S7 OR 93221 WANTED-BUS.

OPPOTTIKS S8B WE HAVE THE BUSINESS BUYERS-TAVERN IN OR Near Lansing, must gross 835.000 or more per year. Cash. Call Burleson. 56040. PROSPECT LOOKING FOR Good motels in Lansing area, must show good profit.

Call Guernsey, 29861. HAVE PROSPECTS For grocery with take-out license. Call Kuhnert, 92484. LaNOBLE REALTY COMPANY "INDEPENDENT BROKERS" 1316 E. MICHIGAN PHONE 2163 MONEY TO LOAN 40 PACIFIC FINANCE LOANS 2 offices.

Phone 41401, MORTGAGE LOANS WANTED On Im proved real estate, convenient lenra. Central Trust 127 E. Washtenaw. Phone 2169L LOANS $10 TO $300 TERMS TO FIT YOUR INCOME." PEOPLES FINANCE SERVICE. KiC 320 OLDS TOWER BLDG.

PHONE 41458 LOANS IN A HURRY- EXTRA FAST SERVICE Money usually same day. You may borrow S20 to 8300 for vacations, curi-dating bills or any worthwhile purpose. Repay inontaiy installments. Loans made on signature, car or furniture. Phone or coma in today.

HOUSEHOLD FIN NCE CORPORATION 3li S. WASHINGTON AVE. SECOND FLOOR PHONE 43321 LOANS FOR EXPENSES $20 TO S50-1 HOME And car repair. On your signature, furniture or car. Loans made in nearby towns.


FURNITURE. CARAT PERSONAL It's "yes'' promptly to employed men or women ONE-VISIT LOAN Phone first YOU SELECT Best payment dote. BETWEEN PAYDAY LOANS-PHONE Write or come In today! PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 4TH FLOOR. BANK OF LANSING BLDG.

1J3 N. WASHINGTON AVE. PHONE 45413 MORTGAGE LOANS For construction. purchase, repair, refinancing, land contracts or mortgages: convenient terms. Prompt service.

Union Building and Loan Association, 131 W. Allegan. Phone 21509. Hertz Drive-Ur-seir Service. Central Us-races.

120 E. Ottawa. Phone 41445, RENT A NEW CAR Aladdin system. So day. plus 8c mile.

U-Rent-It Shop, 2213 E. Michigan. Call 99788. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES 15 BICYCLES Koadmaster ana Scrr.vinn.

new and used, at reasonable prices. Tricycles, wagons and tractors. Gene's Cycle Shop. 702 W. Barnes.

Phone 40362. BICYCLES By Schwinn. We service all makes. Christmas layaway on bicycles, tricycles. Van's Bike Shop, 503 E.

Shiawassee. Phone 519o3. IF YOU HATE WALKING Glide out of our place on a lightweight bike. S39.95 and up. College Bike Shop, 134 N.

Harrison. East Lansing. Phone ED-24117. Open evenings. WHIZZER BIKE Newly overhauled.

Good condition. 873. Phone ED-7736 1 REPA1RING-SERV. STATIONS 16 AUTO GLASS Windshield and body glass installed while you wait! Kramer Auto Parts. "Wholesale and Retail." at Hosmer.

Phone 41333. AUTO PAINTING Bumping, trimming, collision work, frame straightening, metal finishing. Factory methods save you S-SS! Pay as you ridel Insurance work a specialty. Lower estimates. Quicker service: Harold- Chaffin.

324 S. Hos mer. rnone jisj. BATTERY DEAD? We can fix it. Road service, too.

Call 5338o. George Conn service. Miusqaie at tmtler. BRAKES Wheel and headlight alignment sei-vice. the finest.

Safety Service Clinic, 2339 W. Main. Phone 50512. Bumping and painting ah makes oe cars. Iree estimates.

Bailey-Smith txiqy snop. joui aeai. rnone 93o37 DRIVE-IN SERVICE Starter, voltage regulator, generator, aistnoutor service. Rebuilt, repaired, exchanged, installed. Voltage regulator set and adjusted.

Save more at iuorns Auto parts, Sl2-2b Kalamazoo. Phone 45442. GASOLI Speedway 9' also motor tune-ups. ijil t. lirana Kiver, East Lansing, rnonc ilu-juqo.

IlADlATOIVS REPAIRED Cleaned, new cores, welding. George Gleason, Lansing's oiaest raaiaior repair snop. pontiac 219 E. Washtenaw. Phone 48517.

MOTOR TUNE-UP Auto electric repair. Best for less. Piatt Service, 1035 E. Sa-inaw. Call 98165.

TRAILER REPAIR Call us for free esU-mate. Work done tn our modern repair shop by experienced men. All jobs guaranteed. Wes Youngs Tr-Uler Sales, 5103 Cedar. Phone 48514.

TRANSMISSION i REBUILT) Good buys for all makes and models. Bud's Auto Parts. U3-127. 2 miles south of Holt. lail hHU-441Jl.

AUTOMOTIVE Machine shop service. 24 years' experience! Avery's Auto Parts. 110 E. Grand River. Call 94292.

COMPLETE Body and bump work from minor dents to smashed bodies and fenders. Made to look like new! Lyman Body d3 in. iTranq. i-i-i i LINCOLN-MERCURY And V-S owners, for service that satisfies and that saves you money, drive in! Convenient downtown location. Expert mechanics.

Gcnu-. Ine factory parts, wholesale, retail. Pay as you ride. Free estimates. Harold Chaf-fm.

Lincoln-Mercury. 604 E. Mich-iean. Phone 21285. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE 17 HBSOLUTELY MORE.

CASH For wrecked cars, trucks, tractors. Kamlns auto Kans. njb uarcn. inone 44riH ALL CASH WAITING For clean late model cars. Top prices paid at Al Se-Iing's.

1S01 S. Cedar, phone 22220. AL NORRIS Will pay you top dollar for your car. Al Morris, 1621 N. Larch.

Across from Motor Wheel. Phnne 92516 AUTOS WANTED Junkers, wrecked, humed, etc. Call 21303 for top prices. Lansing Iron and Metal Co. BOB LEPPO USED CARS Pays top dol lar for late model cars.

Try us! Phone 97302. 1001 E. Michigan. BUYING- 6 days a week, paying top dol lar ior clean cars. Kcagan s.

831 vv. bag-inaw. Call 24968. CHANDLER MOTOR SALES 2217 S. Ce dar, pays more for your car.

1949 to 1933 models. Phone 49712.. HAMMOND'S AUTO SALES Will pay top aonar ior jhou through la.xi s. open eve nings for your convenience. Hammond's Auto Sales.

2607 N. Grand River. Phone TOP DOLLAR PAID For all late model good used cars. Dean and Harris. Grand Kiver at ceaar.

fnone 4oay3. WE NEED 50 sharo used automobiles. We will pay top dollar for ton mer chandise, Motor Sales, 1919 Michigan. Phone 28816. SPOT CASH Highest prices for old wrecked, burned cars.

Heights Auto rarts. w. cast at. Knone zjuib. WE HAVE THE CASH! If you have an exceptionally clean late model car.

brine your title and car to Gabel Evans Auto rsaies. jvii w. saginaw. fnone 4U.t1. Business and Home Service BUSINESS SERV.

OFFERED 18 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Washers and wringers repaired. 2-day service G. VV. Washer Service. Phone 47597.

BUILDING TRENCHES Drain fields, ana septic tank holes, dug with powered dig- ger. For a good job at a right price. can Zimmerman. DHU-44fall. BUILDING TRENCHES Drain fields septic tank holes a specialty, dug with trie most modern powered equipment.

Call 44200 for free estimate. BULL DOZING AH kinds, by experienced operator. Call 47766. CARPETING Furniture, rugs cleaned and mothproofed in your home or our shop. like new! Capital Duracleaners, 291B Turner.

Phone 927S7. EAVESTROUGHING Furnace repairing, sheet metal work. Call 55501. W. E.

Spenccr.1630 Alpha st. EAVESTROUGHING r'ree estimates within 25 miles of Lansing. 29 years experience. East Side Sheet Metal Works. 128 N.

Magnollal Phone 24576 ELECTiilC APPLIANCE SERVICE De-pendaole. prompt, efficient affd fairly priced. We service all makes of t-eJrig-erators. washers, ranees, ironers, small appliances. J.

VV. KnapD Co. Phone 36551. ext. 70.

FLOOR SANDING Ann finishing. New and old. Reasonable. M. Pasche A Son.

FLOOR SANDING And finishing. New and old. free estimates. ABC Floor can c-wjjs or qjaif. FLOOR SANDING Finishing, quality work, modern methods.

Reasonable. Call rmnK 10.1 cnaries. FURNACE CLEANING S6 up. Also reset Unz and repairing. Atlee Heating Co.

iy crana Kiver. rnone 481bo. FURNACES vacuum cleaned, repaired. Stokers serviced and repaired. Phone -t-tv.

warns Repair. FURNITURE REFINTSHTXG Just as an added service to our customers and public in general, we do refinishing and repairing of all kinds of furniture. Call us ior estimaies. rreguiman 1 Furniture, Inc. Phone 59469.

GARDEN PLOWING And riisrinff. hnt-tf filling and grading. u. fiugger. o.ior.e oS3o4.

KEY OR LOCK TROUBLE? Need a man 10 make a key. iix a iocic. open a door' Call Hack's Key Shop. 222 S. Grand.

Phone 59488. We go anywhere. iJIRP.ORa New, old mirrors rcsilvered, remodeled. Lansing Glass and Glazing, R.VDIO-TV SERVICE Auto or home ra-dios. Reason Sheldon.

208 E. Shiawassee. Call 45216. RADIO. TV SERVICE Auto radios In- tailed.

R. Densmore at Harold Chaffin. Inc. Phone 212So. nights 94101.

Bu; to REFRIGERATORS SERVICED Only SI to inspect your domestic refrigerator. McCarty Sales Service. REFRIGERATOR SERVtClTInsrction'. SI. We don't-make everyone happy, hut we try.

Call Wilcutt, 46642, and save. a -v.

Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.