The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


of tho Whole on tho private calendar. llnnas Roaolutlons aa the I.lcrtUn Rill. THE WHISKY WAR. The moat nun ki-l feature of the feea- Mr. iioiman, or intliana, In the chair.

Numerous bills, to whit-h no ol.jiH tinfia worn niA'li. tliiu Iwlni oliiiictinn iluv sion in the aisnago of these resolut ion Nrw Yea. to in a. lvt ml.t llln rtSi. SiliMlina lair l4K.ii.

fair lNSr. six onOoa 1 1 1 -1 rnl.illin I irlmtn. i iiil.l.ll inn Mii'l-lllnv ii.laiil t'. lt. low nil.

I illmif ui.laml II', nii.lilllnit iii.Ihii.I IIViH. Slalemrnt of (im. Hrailr In Anawrr to tho entire Conservative vote of the the Southern and Atlantic Telegraph Tbnaoof tho Intllrted Part lea. nlrl. i.riliiiHrr iii.Ihii.I II V.

0.1.1 i.r.ltiiarir House, resolutions which have only to wore read and onlerod laid asido to le rejMirtcd to tho Hoiisn. Tho enminitUio hen rose ami a numl-or of 1 i 1 tr rert-oi hy tho cunmitt'tfi, were pMod. read to have heir la-vuliar force and A lUn? in Jit-w Orleans. meaning and perfect aiprotriatcnes (Irantlng iansloiin When tlm Mil iiiilnml iirillnnrr iiI'IhwI lliron ilaya wnS; Iiivu im in s.itiiui.r.'inl ll 4H'l 1 iiliiriv iil. mi.l llrm.

Halna fur htttim tlnllwry I i ii.ii 1 Miin'h l.t-ia" HI Al.rllnu Wf'lAl Mmr IJ S'M II (vNtnany. Vflltv; fhrwr 17 carter mvt fAtrntidWef tlrrrlt, JOHN It. LAFITTE. President E. Lkuovr, Manatcir.

KClAli DISPATCH. ir iut-bit the 1 won taki: a itmii. irltrn(Urj llwwi Mutlo F.x sad Swrifd" in Maklnr Fanr. Rr-pnhllraaa A Witt Tlirm-rlnrn-Pirn Mill Onl in the iJJ Art nU ta Hate a tote taken. rorly appns iatcl, wo that they were offered and seconded by tho two Mors ImlM'tmraU anil Marlllng llt-yrl- II" 1 Id IIM l.l'.i'.

Jul 11 41-W 14 1 (toM gr. nitlng a jH-ni'Mi to i uni on was riMii'licd. Mr. Tucker, of ViiKinia. objoi4Ml, and ifviulnil if Punean had hot arvol In tho tonfedorato army, and wantod to know If they proood to loimiin all the Con federates.

gentlemen who were the most loading opntent ta Fwllow. Iiemtfcvrnt who aiipmrted tho Wheeler compromise Hon. K. Kldd and tho Hon. John Younir.

The Mr. llatuoy, of South Carolina, said Hoolal Agent P.rady, commenting reanlut ion were a follow: hey had rejortol tho bill from lm ioin-mittiio. Iitmean was a Cnion limn, liv- I l. Whereas, the Jfotto rif Retiroaenta- ujann tho statement made by several of the pontons Indicted for frauds upon ho revenue, to our rejiorter, says that ho tlve of th" Stale of IioiiiHiana, atimtjl 'iii ii i i' and was a guide and escort of Union a sincere tlesire to have all future lections in this State conducted la-aee- an xwitively state that a ring, and a ru a FavwrafcU R.irt. ablyand with thoutui.

fairness to all artii-a, have tiasin at the pn-sent sea- men from lennoawo to Kentucky. A brother of hi was also In tlio aamo bnsi-ncaa, and was captured by the Confi-di-rntcw and Imprisoned In Knoxville, Tenn. In order to aoi-uro tho release of la brother, Wm. II. Itincan agreed ti aion an eleetloit bill.

whl in it main and essential feature can tat obinetnl very big one, was formed In this city for tho piroo of defrauding th" Government; that there Is not a word of tru'h in the stiil ciiiont that his crusade against tho whisky ring was set on fitot for tho purjtoae of furthering tho schemes of any Republican candidates for tho Fresi- to ly notitio desiring ho inaliiUnanco Maliinion wti. WnaniKOTom. Fob. 4. Tho 1H1 rojiort-ol from th Military (iimniiuoo rttliio-Inn tlio pay of thu army, tnakoa a UUi avlnu of i Tmt.iMM.

Tin nv ovon of the 'Jinilain Imn Ikh-ii ro'lutHtl frm ft-'Mm to iimm wr atimnn. HMatoi isiianm, of NovaAi, lian wril-1 tn Imt tlut ho will ln in In a liiit tiiiio to tako liNwiit. Mr. Sliiroii would lmt for tlm fiwl that tho Uovornor of Sovala ina Ii'tiio-rrat. and would of oourtw npimintu Honalor of hat art y.

NMTi-tnry iU-lknitp liaa nlven tlio Honw fxx-lal (iniiuilt on tho Toxa 1 llontor rotiMoa. an aKnuranoo that ho' will iwnd addlttonul trxHto Toxaa to protoi-t tho ritixonn who live on tho 1U OrHiido. Tho Naval Snl (lominittiHi of tho IToimo, MoMra. Vhittlrii and loft l-ro lat nlKht fr tlio Norfolk loin tho Confederate foroa. lieilidmi, if the purity of tho ballot bov.

or hav and deserted aa S'hui as lio release of ing the M-a-e of the State at, heart and. i'. 4. The Judiciary remitter- ha decided r-rt r.n..ia- L'Uirm'lxJntllM'Ht of Rilling. Lf resolution admitting Pinchliiiek -fWit-'T tVIiated to-day by Mor-m "It to I1 diss.od mt any further Ily it wa U'lhe State of Iulpiinft, his brot her was effected, and going to whereas, the Senate of tho State ho hcntiicky lie rntcroi tho I'oleral army THE STORW OX THE RIVER.

of the (tarry Owrn. NO LIVF.S LOST. ALnit o'. Friday morning thn steamer Carry Irwi-n r- ii- idly front bayou a (Haiwa. with amtrao mltlii of ills latAea of coth.n.

37 awka of e4ton al. 10 aack aer-t ili.n. 44 l.l.l. molaaaea. and a eat.ia bill of pas.

She first ti e. to land under tlm atera of the (toy. Allan, tint owinaltthn wind which at that time waa Mowing perf-t nln, aha w.ia mil Ui do so. iw-kin nut ah" effiviett a landirur al lh h-a. of (Iravli alr. of th" M'lry ll. ll. hut L-fora her heail line 'viuld 1st nuwle fust her atern linn partl and ea-tie entanvlivl In tha niiia of tlm there-hy r.nderlnw It uanleaa. pll. l.lew thu whistle aat.lntanie.

and thn I'nnal nltitit ferry Lint l.ittle Jerry immediately lo h-r. I.ut. from liv of power, waa nnalilo land her. A m.whi.1 alunal waa then airen. and Urn harln.r I'rotn-tor ft.

In trrliur to mmn was t.ythnforea of thn wind earrlnd forward, head on. and at ruck th Onrry ftwen tho ararLstrd aldo juat forward of th r-ylindera, ettlting h'-r to the water's lie. Hi. enr.sine.1 and th rnw a) most, all li'-r d'- loa.1. and.

It la thouxht. L.ller for IIioukIi ah sank lo liurri'-ane he or ratlter did hi'i nl.a Ihla ri-ort. It may that thn fv.tlon atsst In her hold li. Id h-r up nnlil tlio Tyler. and I hnrley W.m en her out ott i rwise ah will prove total l.

Her wr- Ilea the river Just, al.nro th wl of Olro.t sIt. The flarry ')w'0 was owned ly 4 a.Uia(.il-ham arid others of this "ily. and waa only par lially in.uri-d. Fortunately them wr" no Uvea l.t though It wna that two d' han. la were drownt.1.

The Mlowinir is a eor.y her manlf.t: e.s.,n to Ytw'T'I A Ui' hurd. so lu-raii Ilt'l Nalle A I ll ISiiah 4 lv rt. lo liwlina A Miirnie, li VI Huowd-n A Violett, ii to J. W.

i.liftt A I ntoO. I to It. A Wirf Adams 7 Ithikeniore llr.nt.. itoJohn J.

Adams A (i liar-. 4 to t''v-r. iw. man. 4 to r'laah.

lywii A I to I'avne. K'-nne-dy A jli. 4 haftn A 1 to A A I to tl. W. Kentell A I .1.

I I to J. F. Winston. I to hntton. M.aira A I Ilolliipp llroa.

A Oi tl loj. ti. In-lils. is molims. John J.

A. hint. A 1 Mrf A. V. Hi. aack I ana dis and I L.x auielri'-a Ui llritton A. Knf.l.'r passed a aiiladitute for that bill, containing most odimi feature of a most. ency, or for any iilillcal pure what ami aervotl them until tho oxplrni'n of liia term of enliHtmont, In IwUi. He was ever, lie says that his Inatructiona (hIIouh Returning Roard, and provisions antl republican in their character, and at one time on tho pension roll, but waa hich tend to destroy the rti.ronn.-d will from tlm Government, and thoao or every official engaged with him In this hii'b 'leptlved dr'jied when it waa ascertained that ho had aorvitl In the Coiifinerato army.

if tho tawitdo at, the ballot. Isix; riro- ih'it-. nm ii as matter, from the highest to tho lowest. Mr. Morrison, IIIiiii1h.

Iniiulnl If Visionswhich am Insulting to th. eom- himself; the it wa a fiwt that I unean entered the tnon sense and decency of every intelli are to attack all alike, without fear or tfaf lit. Finchlmol on 1'rivil. ro, I wok utiil I'LwtHnnu '-onfedoroto army under a tlego which I1JI II I. II a.

miiM and firm, Halna for fnliiroil. liv. rr Ji'liniarf 13. M'iri-h in ij A i. Mfr ai-4i.

nri'i' Jnlr iei4 im Anirunt 14 Art. VNiwtJ.rn 77. t.ri 17. 1 ir. i.

in ml.l.lliiiK 14 ml.i.Ulnii lalrllS lair in in. Hn tilr: nildillinu I ii li nn. iiii.l.llliiu Aliilaima I piiil Ulna It low. ulrM low I.I.I I inn I Ii liw low nil'liililiB ui.lan.U 17 atriot i.r.liliarr II ll Ii'- uonl 1. 1.

hum II I oollnarr K'-Tiainf iiiM; ilitva' 4'. i lii.k..r aii il.v 4mi. iawa ii.nitii"r'll. an Fiitui-i-a llrm; 14 l-ti. Utr- li ll Afrll ir.

ij. Mar 11 II I. Juna i' la -1 July It I IIW.I4 AilMHl 14 ll 1 III. Kllia to M'. Bllloa lilMt fvi-nltiif 4i.i, nal' for fiRfiort ma.

aali for f.n vim. aaliia lor II, I ilium dolt tit I4.i Ii'. Futtima r.i nM; ala F-I'iiiartr 1 11 J. Apiil I i War It i i. Jim- i.ilw-u rm, July in wni is.

AiMomt Iwl44-l. at lum. al all Hilnla lo ln.wwl; ni.ii In llriluiii HUM, to 4 onl iii. nl 4tM. lrtli-1 tu porta Kritain M.ui to Miv.

loOmliiii'iit to han-hi-l 10. ma; ina.i.. ai.i. Si lu-KT. i.

m. Mom'ir rlnanil oar al in-lit. l. ild iliirlnti tli imI lioiirol l.iHlma r.iv" Iroin Mo 1 fn'r "-til from Hi" Iow.hI an. I al a mr-Hl run.

Hon. Ni'W Cnlral III Kit" lV I talis Hrttirv a. ttonli moin t. fa-hwt i Ili-k IhIhihI om. Fort Wavan imV Ml.

1'nul 41V iiri-S rr-d 1S. K. I. ('. nS.

i ti S. an.l J. llan ii 11 ml and HI. 'Jn. t.r"( wi.

(Hilo and Miwiiitil ill. l'nn Ham Iln I Woattra loiion A. and P. I'anifW. Mull IMS.

Will, h-ailyor 13), 1.1. Mul Inni'la al Uio ai-fi' dull mid "iik; O.M.rKia ml'. wvi'im nnw tiM Mnrrlnii.1 im. iroid Linda North I nrollna "lo old. J.

and J. ni. A and 17 liHiln.wl J. and J. M.

audO. 4. off'-rna J. and J. A.

ami Fuii'Utitf A'-l li Hotuli f'arolliiaaltna J. and J. and i. A-S 17. biiii.t mi.

J. and J. a. A. an.l noa fiimliiMii L.nila 4S.

Flour Dim Willi a atronunr f.i'lina- In low itradi lirnuular hw iiiiiliiim and aliwlr for Hoiillii-rn i.m.-. Imal i. fniilT and IiIkIht. Ina-tlv" and til tun.

I int. L-tlr and In Or il'tiiaiil. llT" In-ai'tivi and 4 t.rn alronif. I'ork Ii Ijit'I firm and iiliflmr. iinlnt and Lm.

rn.r. iiHIvm. 4 nt m.ata ptromir and In fair duniainl. Uttmni a. and lilii'ir Hi" Hilvrtiii-d irl.w kit Imid-niM.

li.ara llrm. VVlilMkv at tl 14. tirailea dull and nominal; irli nn. la iiii. with a fair d'-inaiid: 1'orUi Id'n la al gent citizen of Iiniiisiana, and which in any free and IndeiH-ndont.

State of this liu autiHiitiiiiil 1 vinLLljul anil whLliiir favor, and to investigate most rigidly the caeca wherein Government employees apiear to le implicated. nion would not lie federated for one ho tnYfTdo1 tw dnoort aoon tils brother was released. moment, and which. If adopted hero. Mr.

Ilalney ho entered tho Con would inevitably pr-alucn civil strife. Referring to th Indictments already und for tho failure on tho part of par- federate army only to soeura his bro lisrupt ws-lct amfdeatroy tho remnant ther ndiwise. of our pross-rlty ami tie Indicted to produce heir tKik. and Mr. Morrison said then ho was a tieren, ho IState r.f liiii-tlona has Utm pillowed In shaine anl lisgra'o by the scandalous and outrageou ininduct which many of these parti'' have styled frivolous, ho st-atos that the acoundrcl.

and should not bo on tho pension rolla. Mr. haaaon ik'iirwwi tne rcmarKs of tho presi-nt turning whose dense charged Is a direct viola nui' it by Mr. Morrison. Ho th MUght.

tho Jiwvy ani, to oxainiua witmM ia rt Rani to tho rliaitroa iiiiulo ly (Toncwa-inan (IoimIo nuainnt nt (loiurroaainan I'lalt and to ai'irtnin to what oxUnt tho ynnl haa lioon uaivi fur Militi'al iur-Pim. if It all. 1 1 ni'ioui hut tho ('on-Kronaional printor, lion. Mr. Clapp, la amoni; thw to I Tho lliMiinMioinmlUi-niin I'rtntlng liaa ant lottra to vMh of tho ii-jnniiiionta, akluit information to tho ontiro coat of priiiUnn ini't liimlinix fr oiu done at tho (VwifrvftMonal rrintinK Oflh-o.

Th Jlouw Jiidli'iary tVunniittoo haa undr ootihidoritlioti that rt l) of tho mail toatiiuonv liutliAl ln Jno. O. Si'humat'kor ami Vin. M. king, both niomln'ra of th prowiit tVuik'roiw, with liavini! rwdvod inonoy to inlluonoo tho 1-aMWlKO of tho raoillo mail roiUnii I Tho oomniitto will inako a roport at an tion of a imsitlve statute com- powers are not so great, as those with which this Senate subst it uto Invest Its proiaiae iu-tuniing Hoard; and Whereas, This House Is unalterably oiling them to keep their ljoks fad thai luuoan I.

ml entered the (on-feilorate army, under hocirciuiistances. should not ojtcrate a rainst him simply. tot iM.idcrod the wheUiet J7: duty and 1'Tiitly rdecied 5ji! rw la-fore nno thing he h.iiiiM was settled. Mini that waa that. jt rimlitw nt admitted, the -nsni Ifiri'-IJt jiio of would ttr ris'it to elect Senator.

11" to explain the circ*mstances Finch' a wa sen inn I for two years, review-(dtiif military and political record, and uJilwt the failure to seat 1 1 i in in tlic the only Ihlng left undone nlctlio rwiriiitiou of KollfKr ni fcit ptwntHont ftt't cMnli'U, nnl frjwiMi'J lht ho no lo a.liniltol.' of Motlou'n nixx'h for-feiaa Ui.wal!imn n1 two IVhhmtmIIo jnitw fount! titwont, and it wim twtt't'tr rtn. litw to tak a vot. awloti wt to lns'ction whenever called by Mr. Morrison said that Mr. haaaon and upon principle iiiinised to the adop- tho projsT authorities to show them.

anl proscribing a ix-nalty for their fail never know the time when Mr. Mommm voted against the granting of la-uainn iion oi hiiy law iroviiirig lor a i-i'irn-Inir Hoard of any deacriotion whatever ure to comply with this provision of th to I'nlon aol'tiora. As to this case, If even though this House, under its pro law. The tietinlty fn rv at tho statement cf Mr. lUilney was correct, the man hardly worthy a ien- visions, stiolil'l Isa entitled to select all of Its niemls-r ami to tvimi, and lmprlsinmcnt for not loss siun.

whereas under the compact, estalt- than three month nor more than thre Mr. Town send saw It had Ihh'ii sug- oarly da v. Many of tho tuoinUrs think bshed by the Wheeb-r adiustment, tho F.xi-ciitivn of the State and the members year. The bonk referre! to la what the i "in- re 'i iiiii that 1 hoiT la no iniwor to ko bark to viat Girvornmoiit calU the whisky look, div geatod. Jocosely he ailpiMtaeil.

that the retjuest for amnesty would run so far, that amnesty would hare to given to of tho General Assembly committed trnnaartiona ami oxivI a niomu rona aerllaxl In form No. 1 of the regulations rooord made up when not a monilx'r of all who had served In thol'nion army. If of the Inb-rnal Revenue Collector and Omcreaa. themselves to a govi-ruiherital silicy to Is? nwiik' il by reform and reformatory measure, of which this Senate stibstl- tllte Is not. nun; therefore.

you refiiHo a i-emuou to this man, bo- and Nrw Mrlnaiia at k.wfc. f.r tu vr Tlii aiikar la with a modi-rain lii.iuit In I a-'iol n-Hninc 4M.t: Inajwetor. The etntrvi of the Government In tlds country attache to Iln. John Now, Tronmirer of tho fnitotl Htatoa, waa h-nrd hythnlou Commlttoo oh Appropria'liona thla eat i hq he deserted the Oinfcdiiiato army and entered the I'nlon lie and while Havana VvkliiV-. ftVaob-cif, 1 hat it Is with exceeding re iuitim.ihk.

run. ira-mta awM the alcohol from the monient rf It extraction from the corn until It goes Northt nrolina a. old, 14, do. do. apm-lal l.

I. id. Hiiuar Huh al Flour iiiidH. tnornlnc. Iloatntod that while tho of hl oftla tniuht not lntorfonl with bv a inall nxluotloii of tho clerical force, ho di'i not think it wImo wonomy roared that tho time would come when gentlemen on this fl or who served In tho nion army, would have to sup)nHs tiiat fact when they published their his tt les.

After further discussion Hie bill I.wly and anil and li-avr Into the hand of the retail dealer, or, lo nioinfeM-a hi r. tt rtiiii. 4 laixiat eirftfu I tallow. I hi'l" lo Flash. Ix wi.

A I iu-k ii.rn to J. I L.x mer. to Atk inaon A Hiaat-ka tof lapp A 4 I luindln iji hides lilrrhideto wv a'ks to New Orl-an.

His-l As In wlilitiisn to the ala.vti, he lui'l on In.ard talea eoiton, hi" r-r-tirtei laal laat. TH Altout the aaina hour at whi- 'i thn aLivn aei'idnut thia which for months past haa L-eii am-horsd In tht stream directly In the way of Lrfh outward and Inward Lmnd parte nn I went Hilln down the river, hut fortunately ill.) not eoiiye with anything; othrwha we mla-t't hava hivl a aerloua hata iif property to rexiorf. HomeLiW or other. report waa iti riernriy elreiiloted thai the Harry rwn rsn Into the Ca-noniena and hrok her lona. iif eourse, th-rt la 0 one allly rnonith to armllt a report.

il. ili iiomltial. r. iiii-vlMiina riil ft 4a. Mary- litn.l laMi 4A.

d. anilair 1 hml M. do. lilln other word, until It And If way ti tho II 4irn itiii-it and wialiir: Houlln-rn gret that this House, has know Igo of tho passage by the Senate of thissul-sfituto bill, and this house sincerely trust that. It may reconsider I ta deter-ml nation to send said bill to the House for its concurrence; aud that It Is tho sense of this House, thai a iwrsistance on the juirt of any department or branch nf thl government, to adopt thl substitute bill, or any bill providing for a Re llpa of the consumer.

For this reason, to reduce thoaalarioa of tho omployea ton iier ront aa nteini'latl. passed. wliiti. Hi.iillii'rn Miatra miml vit tVJi. imJ -t lil.

I tor Fi-hruarr. and the moment the alcohol I distilled It I Tbc of Fairfax was con- Tim bill nnHrtol fmni commlttfo fftnitig itir i of tlio ntniy rtiakpn of tTtv.t.Kt. lluor. S-pd Pl-imtrh. T.iiHTStiTt'X.

b. 4. 1J :12 p- lu Then is ni tmth in tho vUtomont of tar curnionJont that thn s.xruucf the House to notify that th rwHititjKof lliu'h-b titl 1 hi-a vt.1a'.i.n of th Whft l.r on motipn or jut. liucaner, or lbn. John AUiaon.

of the foi al ilnl1 Irtit Houili- put Into packagm, and stamp are Issued Treasury. wa heard In tchalf of tli i-rn nominal. H-nti-rii mm v4h. Jlva dull at souri, tho bill in relation to the district lionds, as amcudetl by tho Senate 7i. liny dull mid ill" I'nivlalotia rmtdovoa of tho lletiwtcr oflieo.

Ho or the numler of gallons made. The firm. I'ork iinli-t al Jl 11 Hulk m-al. opiniMtvl cither a reduction of forcour was taken from tho SH.iker"s table and reforreil to the Committee on District numtTS, stamps, tnvknges and tho nteaily; o.r ril aidna liwnl turning Roard, will Ire violative of the anlnrtoa i.a.'kiiil "I I. Iliumn'ra i-loar eaiacity of each ackage, should I' rili al.l.ti 1 11.

II urn. lird dull Iml of Columbia. Ilnui r.H t.i nil. Tho Nnato (Tonimlitee on rottoffleia spirit ami true intent of the "A adjustment, and litis House will ennse-'piently to alisnlved from all obligations iTii-ln ii. I t), ltutlur dull nibd In tho "whisky honk" of tho dl and 1'onM Iils yestcrtlay hoard arKU (a, journed until Monday at 11 tu.

and Imavf for wlm-h ar aen mi. I llrm V' iwlorn ulra Ma jn. do. Ilrata JI'M tiller. When ho dispose of them to the incnta in Iwhalf aoveral New lork manufavturera of onveloiow.

mraiiiHt th thereunder, and In the future should conduct Its pPK-oedingn accordingly. rectifier, the entries on the latter' whls iiiii llrm aud nn. Iianii' I. dull and nonilnnl liio i-nru a lol.lilns al present avatom furnishing enveloHf ky Imok should eorreapnnd with those J. 1 hat it is the sincere hh ardent wish of the member of this House to see the

VS liliky dull al 11. i im imi. r. lt. dull and uni-haiiicvd ami isini cani1 to uio pniiiie ny tin on tho Itook of the former.

Jovrrninent. Alley that. llrm. No. I rinu wi.

ia-. ii'utrmiit, and Kxakor Kerr Jon'OH that ho has Uvti K'UvtHl to fwiit that nx'lution to tlw OajHiin T. T. Iioathors arrivotl hro tlij-fvpning, m9m lWioc. Summary.

next and all future elections In this Seme lUaxra Aa latiniatlua that Pukcr The same system of checks should be firm. No 1 niixiil M.ip-Ii. 4iMa No. rvasn of the free trauxiiortluK of ttamioi rnvolona tn tho malltt to ac.nmi State conducted fairly, peaceably and followtHl until the whisky rinds It way nnoil i4 i-n-h and ri lrt-nary. liyo dull and nominal.

iin. ul 7 I'ork uni- aim rieci consiiierai ion (or trio rigfit and opinion or all men; ami at all Scbonck will Skaiily be Recalled -The Undia Jary Mill Out. Cincinnati. Fob. 4.

The lUalfo pnix-r Into tho hands of the retail denier. jo Mnp li. laid dull. Ai-liruarr Wlii al im. roHtotnoos thtxiujjliout tlio country, thr contractors who supply them to the do Mtiint IIMlllIM 1ft.

I 1-M tl ll times are willing to sincerely guarantee orx.rr.At, muadt St. Iicia. 4. Flour nn. Wlilakr their assistance to carry out this desire, assure our reporter that ho Is just Io Jll llll' 111 l'J IPl.HIIKIf..

n. nirainut which ot her manufacturers llnti iiuii-t. tl im. I'ork hltflier. til kl.

lard 14 in ills at l'ort Union wore burned this morning. The loss is said to lo nut mat ttiey can never yieiit their as us. ginning to get warmed up to his work. 'lsciwMTt. 4.

r-irk f.ilr at 7I" Some siciiillcaniHi is attached bv miinv It lmpoiolc to compelo. Th National Kepubllcnn Concrea wh! 1. in. I. iiili nt Ion jjr-ra Mm'u 'iun Nli.

Al 1iih I txililio tiH-l roiifor-m. with iw-k-xl nil villi th sent to an election law which would again invite arbitrator from other Slate 71 a. jrd ali-ady U. i lly ki-tlh- Ilmra Tho lall has only ota-m-d as yet.

but here to the statement In the afHilavit I I 1 .1 I f.ilr ili'liuifid and ailvi. t7 417 Sh. It pots into full blast there will Is ex-l'ostmiist4ir tlreen, cf Hayton. who in eioliai onimuoc int i himi, infill mm orvraniiod for tho eampafin. tn motion kMii'Mt, Ai-li.

4. a riMBiipla 77 laiii-a: which would again praluce tho ridiMj-Ions lisjas't of a settlement of a Louisi on trial liere is-ioro Ju1go Swing for t-r lli'l-mn t'K hi m- some highly entertaining squirming and rt' Full. C-Wia-k'a mil latlea of (Senator IiOjran.Hcuator (imieron wim iiilsaiiroiriat4on of 4 Invent incut niouev. rithlng when his mine Is aiming le unanimously elected chairman. N'li ahiiittienta 14W; anl'-a Ht.i.

74i. Marki iluil ini'ldliiiu 11. low tiiidillina It. koI ordi- ana election In the city of New York, and whi'-h again would cheat, the will of the people a expressed at tho ballot that the Hon. lloliertC.

Schem-k will le i tti- ri invii tiointm mm iniiiumi. U-ttti'i. Th-r'll "iw-'iaMlmiil. ator West, in Senator fameron's le iiiiry in. neat them.

Ho say that Ismwiso he is working riulidly and cautiously ami here In April next, and will testify in his (lrien's ease. It is understood to mean lKtl-tltH, 4. JCw; Hhliuiii-nta half. acoopN-d the jioslttou rrtlio latter in a few remarks. Jiidjrc F-Imunls was Ihix, and would inevitably lead to civil commotion, st rife and even bloodshed.

t'! i- t4iHi i mu in hi" ltrmtt. Iin tiil'rttn. tlinl ll ho tit-r'il that Green has wsltive information i not too eager to show his hand until unanitnouslv re-elected The arl. liii; Mi.n-k Mi an-any iiiid'lliiiit 11. "Am-k a rnimiiita li.srjH ahi- III.

III. I.I.HH7 1 Mll'H 11 and crush out the last remaining hone Mr. Sclienek will be rwalled by that the proper time comes, the guilty imr riii.l.i vi. tin- O.I.T..I Mai u-nwi-rl-'r. tune.

MoMiMiMttiy. Fnli. in. for th wk for a coming proserif to our most unfortunate and imisiverlsh*tl State.

eommitteo then pnicttwltvl to ballot for an executive commit too with tho following result nators (lameron, C'raln, ties need Dot jump to the conclusion 14. a. al-k in.fja; market atiwly ISiiiraiToK. N. Feb.

4. The Iindi that thl move is merely a temient In a iiii.l.lliiui Ii. low aiiddlitiK 11 tfonrl cirdl narr la Our Country Exchanges. LOt 1SUXA. Tho Clinton give the following severe notice to the New Orleans Ri imhliran tor its premeditated slanders ujmn East Feliciana: The jiooplo of our parish should hold that filthy sheet, the New Orleans Jifimhliinii, ressrmibln for Its Intentional endeavors to saddle u-n East Feliciana the disorder which hava occurred in Went Feliciana.

Time and again has this partisan ami unscrupulous, sheet shouldered upon our lav.pio, in (laming headline, incident which have transpired in our sister pare-ill. That, -this is not done through. Ignorance of the geography of the country, but through malice, we arc mri than Trie, sam pa-r gives In plain language the real reasons of Kellogg foe not acceding to the request of the citizens' committee from Raton Rouge. Ik say That was a larne excuse the iisiirsr Kellogg gave the committee from Raton Rouge for not making the apis-jintmenu they desired for their itarlsh In order to secure jtetice and prosi-rity.

He ji)if them, and was willing to fiet, but could not just, then make any ap-tsdntments, a J. Henri Rur-h, a negro ficnatnr, would and defeat thorn. The fact of the business is LeRlano, Davis and Rcauregard are tools of the. man who has done so much to oppress our jieople.

The Homer Iliad contains a little sermon and lecture to the good people of New Orleans, from the pen of Its proprietor. Senator Blackburn. This Inn new role for our irrepressible Senator to jury came in this morning for further instrui'ti from the court, after rtoev. i t' iist-TU-''! Ml 1 mutt th Uilttnlintio -lT- I- tM.W.-l in th ltltiuc in. K't 1 fcgorl'il Ilia' 'riinl Munnine IH omf in onW thi Nv'r1 hi'h hM t.t-n MiKiti'ttil l.t tea-pot.

West, Ijopan and Iorsey, lu pn twiita-tivea rlatt. Kusk. Llnnickson ami Huh- AI F'-ll. (or the wn MH Iwh. r.rt.

kiiI. it. 411H; mar He desired to publicly deny the chargt ing which they retired. Two Imllot.H have Iss-n taken: tho first of which lcll. -The iuotinK then adjourned with k-t dull, inn hum Hi.

low uud llintt""! or iliiuirv HI. tho understanding that the cxts-utivo eommtttot will meet on Monday night of a portion of tho press that ho intends or wishes to protect Government of vm a. Fi-li. iota thi win jt7 tl kill ll If' flUWH fmuv Kji lit" mii.ii -ri-n tin- til fi ntHti 4 showed eight for aciiilttal and four against, and the other nino for acquittal ami three against it. Up to 1 o'clock or at the call of the Chairman, (Senator ficials, and ignore their complicity with Lilna.

kIiI.ui.'iIh '4i. mil. r. I. atoi'k Jol murki-llrni.

mid lluitf Ui. low llilddlllitt 111. urdi narv II. ttn'i'h Tli" 1 i. iiiin'inuvnriit i.t-ia'.

i'ld ti'" Ni-r V.I I. mtt it t.itml Imiianola. Fi-ti. 4. Wn-k' roneltita tailoa ills evening nothing further Had Ix-cn heard from them.

violators of the law. He has already had np before him one Government OimoroH. Proceedings wngms. WASHixnTOR, Feb. 4, i7C.

Wii.MiM.nos. rir-li i4. Market ftttn IHItl-tJil rma miinry dull and nominal; mlddlius low middliUK oflliial, and was struck with wonder and 11 iriaal i-rltnary l. lU." NoiiKoi.K. Fel.

1. Ni4 pei'ltilH 1I7. rxnorta admiration at the dogreo of childlike eiaialwiae imu. aaiea 444. at.a-k S4.74U.

lLtrk.H FndlnKhuysen pnsenu a iH titlon of citiznsof Kansas asking i-cimI of resumption act. innocence and Ignorance of all evil dis iiiiiet nii'l'lliTiu A rig-Sticking Priccr Ots Hnrt-Tliry played by him. Saw Yoiik. beli. 4.

Net S7S. arrnaa twia. eMrt Ui 4iref Itntain iW. ex porta naatwlw Mar. Will Fight It He said ho did not svmiHithize with tho rravor of tho petitioners, which ho The readers of the Democrat may rest 7i.7.

auh-a U7.i. at.nk lvj.44.. Murket dull: mid Salt Lake. THE SNOW KW. ON THE CNION AND CENTRAL PACiriC RAILWAYS.

Salt Laxe, Jan. 31. -A telegram from Wells, Nevada, says tho West-toiinil train, duo In San Francisco Tuesday evening, attemptel to force the lock-afle Urslay with twelve engine and a snow plow, but stuck In the tlrat cut, west of Toano. The train was hauled I xick to and will lie there until the weather moderates. Tho wind is blowing a gale, and snow is drifting imdly on Peon, nop llange, where the railroad crosses.

The fea that arrived by the last Pacific steamer Is lying here, awaiting favorable weather. A Green rivet (Wyoming) telegram says that a iiassenger train and a iay cur left that place going west this morning, and Isdh stuck in the snow near Rudgr station. The train hound east has len altandoned for to-day. Sast Lake, Feb. 1.

Advice this evening from Green river are that the Union Pad tic blockade lias been raised. 14 1-lfl. low middliuK 1'i lti. it'iod ordinary assured that tho developments thus far askwl lie referred to the Finance Com mitJoo. 11 mode am trilling In eimiariMon with F--li.

4 -t iweipta ad. irroan W7 inntl ar KtHnnciiit: intl1.4l,,"j,'J" wit a-iMiv i.r.-ml f.ill.Mi. A Mr moron rresentcd a tx-tition extxirtn eoawtwiH" -J7n. HiiloarjA. Mar what is to follow.

kel iiii.S: iiii'l'liina- 14 low aiiddliutt li' from Philadelphia in favor of the Texas tv.Hfle suttsidv. llcforred. iriMN nr.llnarv mwitie hwvn liilli.H anil lura" in lrtn ,4 sn s.taliHn. Nu.iivii.i.r.. Fi-li.

4. Wuek'a 74 halea Mr. Hamilton. iy nnuest. iutrtxluc.i the Colored ('ntrrvatlve fdiiiiii-ni IM4.

Knl'-a 14'. lilark'-t lir-itnu, in in ia ir m.t thrMtonlii. ri-ul cti.Tal ami Attltaile of Mont Iters. dull: U.

low nilddlltiK 11. K-md nrdi wn. al Krni1 narv I11V a bill amending live of tho do tU lencv appropriation act of January 1 flfi.rred. Mioutists arilinal Ante Belli Very HI. Aura, Feb.

4. Prince Louis, of lial-lenlsTg, was yesterday severely though not injur-M by a fall from his horse while pig-sticking. London. Feb. The Dnilij Trl'-rfrnjih this morning says the rejiori of the engagement of the lrincess ltoatrice with Prints Louis, of liallenberg, is unfounded.

ViKiiiA, Feb. 4. The Aie Frr 'rcss of this city says advices from Herzegovina states that tlu) measures taken by the Imperial istwera to induw insurgents to cease hostilities will most likely I 111114 iTTff. FeU 4. Week "a rMei4a 1714 lkW Hliii.ineiilH lVtfi.

anl. -a ishii. Hxi nmrki-4 A ftOXTEMrLATED BUKiliI SHIRT OONVEN nhwly: niid.iliiur low middlim? 11 T10S OI'POSED BY THEM -HOW MOItTOS l'i it.mmI nniinarv none. liAI.VKMTos. Fi-Ii.

4. p-iita I.H1T tajaa in s.nwit. 1 ii" pn.imt.Riu, Kxh' ar no lolUPT A i iiMrM lias left ralx rt4in- t.

t. hi- k. ll to- fTtJlll. lu'fT. 'iii a.

ll. t.nmixT' '1i'n t-uttn'r" I.t anivniKMnc r.nitlitiil in ewi Ui-TarLWh r- ttvi utmi tlit- lUNUfv utr trmu Auriaii Wis. Mr Houtwell presented a ictltlon of the Massachusetts TemiH-raiuv Alliance that no anropriatlou be nuide for the Centennial Ex ion unless spirituous Ji'iU'Ts are exeludetl from exIiorlH eotiHtVilw- 117. sl. l'J4.

al.K-k Vri BAH BEEN HOAXED. Special fMsiait. to th N. Y. Herald.) dull iniddlinu low niiddiina 11 t.m.I The colored memlters In the present Feh.

4. Net iwitita S7 latlea, and that three engines with snow plows had arrived at that place. It is. reported that there is another block ls.tweon nouse have shown sound judgment in the grounus. mrninir hour enuring, the unfln Mil iin4 muldllua 14 low mid- UlniK nnlinary 11.

several instances since the meeting of Congress. They were and are ready, for Ritter creek and lied desert isluvl business leing the resolution of r. IUIiomVk aso. lie unsuccessful. hosTom.

Jeli. 4. -V la lea. trroaa i-t dull; mid'liiu 13', low A telegram from Wills, Nevada, say FumicscE. Feb.

4. The Mar-mis of appear In, but we are nevertheless of hi? opinion. New Orleans people will hav; to go where he says if his Radical friends are allowed to remain at tho helm of our jsor tempest tosted ship of State. And the best way to avert great a calamity, friend Jasj-r, is to improve the little time our "numerouH holi'lays" leave to the Senate and to go to work and pass reform measures, a thing you of the majority don't seemetl disjsised to do, friend Josir. Now that we have given you a little lecture you did not bargain for, we will, in turn and as in duty tamnd, submit to our readers mi.l.lliiiir it.hmI ordinary Caj one, the Italian author, is dead.

Al'lil'HT. Fell. 4. lteei-ilita tor the week S4M him. in.

lits rrn: aat.w S4.ll IV.444 market ah-aily: mi. Idling li low middluiK, rcu. i. ine iniierial Afank has reduced its rato of discount to four (or nt. Cardinal Ijedm howskl Is here and Is iimhI nnltnurv Hol hTON, 4 for the Week ASM the west bound Central Pacific train that left Ogden Sunday evening hail not yet arrived at that place.

There Is a snow plow and two engines off the track fourteen miles east of ttiere, at Inde-a-ndcnce Springs. The east bound trains are at Elko. The railroad officials are doing everything pssible to clear the mad. and exfet to get trains through to-night and everything in run l.i nh iinienlH atnk 14 4. SHKCVKIUKT.

Fell. 4. Unehinta for tlm week 47IS lialea: fhii.ini nUt e.W: sales SI74: alo- Mr Morton, tnai r. u. p.

i im uoiu a ia-adriiittcd asaSen.itor from Louisiana. Mr Morton said that he did not intend to trouble the Senate with any remarks on this subject. It had lccn dcbattnl and was fully understood. It ought to le disjxisedof without any further delay It was due not only to the State of Louisiara, which had been so long de-prived of heir reireseutation, but it was due also to Mr. Pinehback himself.

After further debut antl without action on the resolution, the Senate went into executive session. After a timosnent in executive session the 3r Tflnnh t-i tin Trilun.l ViHiNtnoN. Jan. 2.. It is ill un-wa wht tlio trial of tnn.

ltaltoook wiii Uojrin in St. Louis, lut it can hardlr for a Tortniul't. Ex Attornoy wwtaS Williams, his ownscl in this T.alv on Jiis aso. and exprostos fwiiwt in his ability to fcf.4iju.-Ji ti'n. lkiibtxx'bV iniioooni of mmj4ioity in the whisky conppira-.

Toe most intimate friends of lien, ooek do not share this the trial with thecmitt Jt-tj. uw latest repiirt, whien cximes C'li 4 miiw nut t. li is I IOKI.UTIIS. Fell. 4.

Si-t reeelldM 17n4 Inxlea sjil li: stoek iiuiet: niiddluuc Instance, to vote tor universal amnesty, nut excluding Jeff Davis. They have on several occasions shown themselves conservative in tendency, and this afternoon it has Isscome known that they have unitedly opjtosed, and by their resistance will paoltably defeat, a plan to hold another "bloody shirt" convention like that of ls74 In Chattantsiga at which "Poker" Jack, the Chief Justice of Arkansas, presided. A numls-r of Southern Republican extremists, chiefly Mississippians, who have leen stuffing Senator Morton with horrors, have been engaged in trying to get up such a convention to lie held here, which was formally and in the name of the Republican nartv of the Southern States to low middluiK l4 onlinarjr 1 Vi Savannah, 4. et na'-twa 1.13 iwlm fiximrls to liri-nt llritnin 1u; eiimrta eouluient lftai; exH.rta i- im; mum su.i iiun-l: nii.ldliiiaT low mid ning order again. The weather is clear and cold.

Omaha, Feb. 1. A telegram from Green river early this morning says tho passenger train and pay car bound west, which left here yesterday morning, are still stuck at Rridg'-r. The dliuil 11 tf nw I or.liruiry in'e. I'nnvtltCNcK.

Feb. 4. N4 reeeilitB fnr tho wit 7tt li- stoek 12 for their benefit anil edification tho following extract from your sermon It seems to me that Louisiana has more holidays than any i-lace I ever saw. I have l-n here in New Orb-ana on the present trip, now over half a month, and the time seems to have been very well sprinkled with holidays. First came Christ mas, then New Years, ami then the memorable "Eighth," tsidi-a Mohii.k.

4. N-t reeeiple iSKltinlea. rroaa the guest of Prince lUdzwill. He is completely unrestricted except in matter of interdiction from returning to his diocese. Lisbon, Feb.

4. Baron Do Lantarma, ttc Portuguese Minister at Washington. Lis been nominated Centennial Commissioner, Loki-on, Feb. 4. Capt.

Mildmay has not yet heard from Sir Henry Hal ford about the rumored break In arrangements for the international ritle contest. The Captain says he has received no order To call the council of the National IJifle Association, as the answer from New York to the association, adopted on the 22d of January, is still awaited. Capt, Mildmay thinks, and haa heard Sir Henry Halford pay, that if New York decides to admit sejHirnte teams t.vtt itmNiwiw h.f. i. vr4.in4.

Jinr ketatendv: middlinic 1JJ' 14i. low liuddlinK Hi imssengor train bound east yesterday stuck in the snow at Wat watch, and IfinnS ordinary tS'l. IORLHaS VARkETS. doors were reopened. Mr.

Sherman withdrew his motion to reconsider the amendment of Mr. Eaton to the District 3-05 bond bilL The bill was then again put in the shajte la which it stood last night, and. will now be sent lek to the House for the action of that lody. The Senate then adjourned till seyeral Sundays, of which to-day is one. also a snow plow with four engines.

I ivmrodL. Fell. 4 12:30 n. m. Oitton mark.

approve of Mr. Morton t-eeeh and of his views on the South. Rumor says it was also to nominate him for the Presidency. To make this scheme succeed it was, of course, necessary to secure the co- oix-ratlon of the colored members, for it i Snow is blowing so that men cannot Rut all these noiidays are botaersonly mii. and nii uplands as If i.

l.ll i 1117 flrhiana a soil. to-daT -Ufeffwt that thm. liittKwk will in-C3 that SeiTftarv llristow be sum-tJ lite trial as a witness, to prove fc ina. halnxK-k never atteinpu-d to w-re in revenue matters, and never tAl to infliK'noe apiointments or re-Jjiis. ani he never approached on any matters ixjnnixed cases or revenue aCuire Mture.

It is dinicult to how ul hcij ticn. llabcovk'ti in XeoKriic, it has already been or can le rated Invond t.Oa, that he did Interfere with Mr. ht-n Commissioner nternal erecue, aiid Wfore Gen. Brietow aas of lii.ii tmli-s are for rxin.rt and stiei-ula-ti. Iwli Aineriean.

Sales for tlio week id.uittl. o( which ti for aper-ulation and s.n for i-xnort: forwarded from sliiwide dire-t ioMJW-Oa motion of Mr. Dougl iss. of the urivilege of the rl.xtr was was 1Q aeiense 01 me injur uowuirou-den negro" that this apical was to made to the country. Unfortunately, the colored Congressmen, like the nHdv knife-grinder, have no "story," to apinners Ih.ihhi;, AnnTHn awi.flna: lVi.i.U tor tin- Ameriean 73.m; work.

in the way of ofiicuil business; they are A telegram from Ogden at noon says I all full of fun ami frolic and none lesA the west-bound iassenger train of the so than Sunday. And it is my deliberate 31st was delayed at Carter all night. A opinion -and prayer-that a great rmr-snow plow has gone east from Evanston. tion of New Orleans will "go to heir The iiassenger traia east bound on the whatever that may be or ntetan for tho 31st lias been abandoned. The same I mean and studied desecration of the.

train on Feb. 1 leaves on time, followed Holy Sabbath. by a train which laid here for twenty The Carroll iraft7ia gives the Dem- T'l 8tDfT v7o following hanlsome notice, started west from Evanston early thu 1 morning. I whica we return our heartfelt iv-tunl exi.rt" au.nuu: atm an. iai Aineri- in sai tu Am-rieaa tor uie we: from Aingiand, Scotland ana treiana, the National Association will not send a team.

The Standard' llome special says: Despite the numerous denials Cardinal Antonelli is seriously ill. and they are getting privately cursed as spiritless wretches. Nor is this the only misfortune which has hapined to the convention plan. It was a imrt of the plan to get some eminent, or, at i A I ,.1 1' li extended to tne delegation oi jvh-oral Assembly of Virginia, now in Washington, in etnnectioo with the subject of immigration into that State. The House then, in the morning hour, prooeediHi ta the reotnsideration of bills of a private nature, reported under a call of eommittt.

tr. Tucker, of Virginia, froia the 4 o. m. Tofton quii; middlina; uplands niidillina: Orleans w-l: sale to-day Iiali-a. of Jmiu are for t-xinirt and Tiie.

January and Fe) ruary shiiimeut troru C'liarleatna or Savannah. nii.t.lliiiir lltilarids. 1-1H 1 MaO'll A train load of snow shovel-Ta went thanks; 1 kHy Ring Nratences. Feb.

1. In the United ti th f. west to-tiay to heir gt the Central Pa- least, tnorotiumji to preside, and so the managers The New Orleans Daily Democeat made a weary round oniyio meei wu-u ciilc jiassengcr train through, which ia bl-Kked west of Toano. Union pacific onlcials state that a hard storm prevailed on the western division. Trains were laid up, not stuck, as a matter of t.4 fnie tr whiskv op? Ways and Means Committee reixrtd a er tcnten as follows bv bill to refund to Lawson and Drury, of l-rr'xUiam: i Alexandria, tii.

proceeds of a sale of reaches us promptly in exchange every mail. It is a splendid paper. Its editor, Robert Tvler, is, we learn, the son of the late ex-President Tyler. The editorials, of the Democrat are digrutied an.t yrianK- aid while they HllSC the and April delivery from Kavaunah ir 4 low niiddliiurilplanda Vl. May and June Uo.

June and July do. -Hi. ANi HESTEB, 4. Yarns and fabnoa dull, trndina down. Haii-k.

F-U 4. Holders are rri ng sales; r. i.r.lluaie:. oa tin; spot, 77c: low nitddiins, afl. wtt.

HOTEL ARRIVALS. Xarinf ews. Bocthwest r(s. 4. X'lon.

Wiml north northwest. Hr.n(. Arrivil: N.rwiian lurk lworu. TrVsi n. niactiT.

in Javs frviu Aulrlan lrlc Amo, lti-rniHii. mn-ti-r. days fnun Hord-aui: t4.iiUh Imrt CUt-sn, master. ilars llavaHa. Stemnhip Hill, mastt-r.

with oattU-. fmiri Inilianrila. Inland to Havana, ut In at last nujht hartnir. Th" sl-ip Aus'raiiH. lin-rti'islT reported outside for has Mited t'T lialws'on.

Sumniships universal refusal, even wnen iney m-Bisted that Grant had agretsi to utteud. "If Gen. Grant sare attenl," was the reply of a Senator, "supimse you let him preside. He'll make a good sure-head." But the President did not even prom lVTwiuc. Geo.

T. Simon- certain lands sold lor u.reciiascs. t-P C. 't, U.t ha (Vimmittee of th hole. judgment.

No. 4 laid over at Ogden, and No. 3 at Carter's, lat night. The I banner of 'pure Democracy, they have ctrm In.a a I i I ao.l truing tL-tll I iwr. lr i l.i I lintrsirate or slan.

i 2 wf Harder. Alfred Ic private calendar a large numbrtrf ianford. 4iiiilV each two private Uil were and referred iu a rejuiiiiis; a tv 11. s-tsi to-slav r- iilaa netiiten- to the OmmttMqt the note. ta motion ul Mr.

uewin, vi soctitwkst rR. Feh. t. tv. "-UUI'-l fne of iV.

Hill, three wars jiii- York a bill to autuorue U. Al. licap, Wind, north eaihr Consul at Tunis, to accept a eGmHlion and rooL Arrived: ateainship, CITY HOTEIr-Wash Hamilton. Ia: Semes. A John A M.

a-t iti Wpi', iss ill a 1 ev 1 1. hi C.rdv. Hi Lotiis; Mol.ile: q.o Rerii-haw. eitv: arnien eity; IVtty. lotiljl Hprins-s.

Joul. rt and lady. IS Swann. rity A Hsmi)- ise to attend. The twv.

authorities relate that two or three of the managers visited the White House, and their spokesman, havina explained to Gen. Oratit the object of tho convention, siv licited a promise that he would attend, on the ground that it was intended to The editor wields a masterly pen. We voluntarily solicit! for tho Democrat in this community. Every Conservative should take it, without fail, as it is the simon pure Democratic-Conservative paper of New Orleans. Lt-t your readers know, friend Ti'aUU-inan.

that "tftf Juice cume Itere to Three engines with snow plows arrived at Green IUvor at a o'clwk this evening. Eerjfta say tiiat the road is clear west. It is ttul bl-kaded eaat, between Bitter Cret.k and RawUni The weather the past two days haa been very cold, wp.h a gale blowing con-. i-i 1 1 4 'K ria i Mr.rlulkie?. of WeSt Vinrinto.

from k. I a iin. Hjimi uin anil enii'i. tuiiv.a "Xi lth slromBiitte on Anairs, re- Con- i Mci-ers. i 1' trrani.

rarnaii.oi A 1 1 n. Lrtuls: I tula: A Wilson. Lexirirtoa: Jas payre secure the presence of all the Republi- 1A.T1 Prsirlntial cjimiidates. The Pres Crisp. Dwnnis Fuly.

fid: mmship C. W. L.inL The f-'wuntrs 1'rautfuiU Guillnrnio. Bilivar aud Gussie arc at an-hir insiln t.und out. Rivtr ws.

Vu isBCBn, F--K. Passed op: fttento. Passti down: Chits. M.ireitn la night: Jan. Howard to-niitlii.

1- E. 1 and AUe. WeatUt-r Culd and clear, tlw rklac. w-vted lti Senate bill to autnonze Geo. H.

JIrh to presents from JaT Tulle. T'-xas: A Nulty. rrrnei. i siauiij. mo inermfimcier irus uioi a- tv, i and mean to stay as ieiaocto'A.

i' mc-hs in Gibson county Jail ident prudently replied, it is said, that ing stood twelve degrees ir. .1... Nn-hols. Mrs Mi hoia. cniKl ana servant, u.

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The Times-Democrat from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.